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Posts posted by (XBOX)Pedman711

  1. 4 minutes ago, ZeroX4 said:

    scenario 1
    well look at it this way
    u have 1 mod  ONLY 1 umbra vitality mod
    now u need it on 3 different frames
    but to fit it on 1 of them u need it to be rank 6 on 2 other frames it can be either rank 8-10
    so u go on all frames with rank 6?

    scenario 2
    u have it on that all 3 frames with rank 6 but u are now on ur frame where it could be rank 10 and game just un-equip it from frames where it extends mod capacity
    u would need to revert it back to rank 6 and then would u like to check then on which frames it was un-equipped?

    only solution i see would be to make system where we could make duplicates of mods which would clearly state on a mod its DUPLICATE which would not be tradable and we would need individually rank up each copy on its own with separate credits and endo

    and here scenario 3 comes in
    what would happen if u sell original copy of that mod?

    trust me i would love ability to manipulate mod ranks but i dont see any simple solution to it

    Interesting, hadn't thought of the 'make a dupe' option, but yeah, seems that would cause other issues, basically, when you go to select it or actually put it on a mod, have a submenu/command/etc that lets you adjust the rank of it either after, as you are putting it on it's position and the rank stays exclusive to that frame in which you have selected specific rank, but alas, doing it that way i'm sure that would play hell on their servers cause however many people play, it would be that much more save info server side, and i don't know how advanced their servers are and again, as i said before, from a coding standpoint, don't know if it's even possible, would be a nice option to kinda open up a bit more versatility, even if only for the non-tradeable mods(looking at you Umbral Vitality)(but also, primed vigor, other umbrals, sacrificials, amalgams from fractures) stuff you can't just buy more of in any way and have no other option to obtain another one.  So, as you said, no simple solution, maybe...if even possible at all.  Thanks for the reply.

  2. Hey everyone, had an idea and was just curious what anyone thought about it, if it was even possible, benefits, downsides, general whatevs.  Hear me out, adjustable mod ranks, cause i'm sure i'm not the only one that has multiple tiers of mods for that 1 frame(or weapon) that is just short 1 capacity to use, so seeing as how you have a fully maxed(lets say) serration, for example...but you're 1 capacity short on another gun you like using, but not enough to completely forma it all over again for that 1 capacity, now you have to spend all the endo/credits(i know, not hard to get) to make a non-maxed one, or adjust other mods to make it fit, and that's on mods you can actually get more of, not to mention umbrals/amalgam's you get from fracture event, but if you've spent all the time/credits/endo to max a mod, should you be able to select a lowered tier to adjust as necessary, and again, would that even be possible from a coding standpoint(i honestly don't know).  Gimme all the feedback fellas, and sorry for Wall'O'Text.  

  3. So many times me and squadmates have went to Cetus before trying to go out the Plains of Eidolon and the player locator(or whatever it might be that registers whether everyone's waiting in hallway) is bugged as hell, telling each of us 'waiting for other players' when in fact we're all actually there, has caused a many eidolons missed and just general frustration, sometimes even going so far as to change it to friends only, one of us going to PoE solo and inviting afterwards.  Thoughts?  Ideas? Other fixes?  Even doing a full 'everyone get out of hallway and enter again, to no avail.  Help?

  4. Well, it wouldn't be so bad if they were to roll it back to the way it used to be.  Now the enemy can basically spot you clear across the map, essentially failing the test.  It used to be ok as their sight line wasn't near as far as it is now.  I had a hard time getting through mine, i 'cheesed' mine to get it done cause i was about to throw controller through TV cause i was so frustrated, a stealth mission that you can't use your actual stealth abilities on, wtf?!  Unfortunately, there's another way later on that is pretty much the same way, but with a bit added into it*coughmr19cough*.  Best of luck, and may favor be always on your side, Tenno.

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  5. Multiple times I've been locked into undesirable locations, and has taken multiple /unstuck uses to get out of them(ie, lich slammed me inbetween elevator and wall and only way out was for squad to force extraction.  My question, why is there even a CD on unstuck?  It sometimes takes multiple uses to fix and very bothersome to have a 2 min CD on it.

  6. Question, more than anything...viewing avionics you have an excess of, only way to view them is going to dojo?  or am i missing something somewhere else, cause it's very unfriendly for people that want to hang in their dojo constantly having to go to orbiter to mess with foundry, relic refinement station, Syndicate status/purchases.  so much load time constantly jumping back and forth, makes it kinda difficult to sell stuff you have access to/excess of constantly having to double check what you have, or have access to.  (yes, i know i could write down my excess/access, but that's a lot of unnecessary, constantly changing either writing down or notepad edits).  Maybe there's a better way?  ideas?  (sorry if not totally clear)

  7. Because to some newer players(myself included), don't have a crapton saved up from alerts that were removed and only have a limited supply and to be able to get potatoes, even in small amounts, you have to completely forego that to buy nitain at 15 nw creds for 5.   And considering vauban prime alone takes 20 total to make, it's either lose effectiveness with being able to properly mod frames/weapons, or brickwall building stuff that takes nitain cause of such a horrendous drop chance.

  8. I have to go with we either get more prestige ranks or make nitain more obtainable, the drop rate is just utterly terrible.   Yes, I used some nightwave creds to buy some, but also, with the rarity of reactor/catalyst blueprints and me being a newer player(about 130 days with starting late 2019) have done a lot of grinding and lots of frames that need potatoes and weapons as well....and with Vauban Prime needing 20 nitain alone and having run out of prestige tiers...I don't see how I'm gonna be able to make it.  I've grinded out void sabotage missions so much only to get a single nitain in about 50 runs or so(along with not getting the mod I was after)...and that's not couning the other 30-40 or so I need to make some other things that I need made(yes, I figured up about 60 total I need very soon). Come on, there has got to be a better way.  

  9. Hello, odd thing, happened to me a couple times now...Ran a mission with a group, afterwards, I left squad, returned to my orbiter, then noticed i was still getting chat notifications on my squad tab.  I opened it up and the side tab that shows who all is part of it, was me and the 2 people i just left squad from.  No option to leave out, turn off, or otherwise stop it from happening.  Did profile swap to log out/log back in, notification popped up saying my last mission was interrupted and would i like to return to squad(after mission finished and i already left squad).  something i did?  current bug?  Thanks.

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