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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Temporary

  1. Hi guys,


    Just wanted to let you know about the glitches i've seen so far since the latest patch.

    Rhino with his head in the wrong place.

    Had a corpse getting all funkey and stretching all over the place.

    The mission description being off the screen.

    Also when the mission description is up the top right the planets name sit over the description instead of it being in the bsck ground without any transparancy.

    I didnt get a screen cap of it but there were the infested worm thingies which instead of being on the ground were floating upside down in the air - someone has already posted a pic of this here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=139025970%C2%A0

  2. Try doing infected defence without a trinity in the party and you'll understand why (past wave 15 if you have a crappy group) - in the normal maps not so much unless you're getting cained by a huge rush or everyone is using low end frames.

  3. You've also got Focus which is an increase to Power Strength - Since you're a Grand Master you should have also noticed that in the design council we had Expanding Our Mods post for new mods and hopefully some of them with the V characteristic will get put in.

    Unfortunately there is 6 D & Bar mods compared to only 2 V mods.

  4. Seen that a couple of times but its dependant on who the hostage is following, we managed to get around it because someone was a loki and swapped places with them to get them unstuck but it does need to be fixed...

  5. Had no issuse with artifacts personally so it is implemented.

    Instead of clicking on the panels on the top right hand of your screen try clicking on your level details (next to the portraite at the top left of the screen) then going to your deck, if this doesnt work then i have no idea sorry.

  6. I'm pretty sure if you buy the frames with platnium you get the slot straight up (someone else can confirm this) but i purchased them all with the platnium from the Grand Master pack and had no issues, im assuming weapon slots are the same but when you craft items you have to make sure you have enough space because you dont automatically get a new slot available :)

  7. Actually a majority of players can not recieve blueprints from missions or from marketplace, they simply do not appear in their inventory, and yes they are awesome but they have not noticed this bug in 3 days now, so if you guys can spread the word, and let them know would be appreciated, because the only reason they havn't fixed it yet, is because nobody has managed to break through to them.

    If a "majority of players can't receive blueprints" why aren't more of them on here letting the devs know about it or better yet instead of doing it on an open forum put in a ticket to the devs which I know from personal experience gets resolved fairly quickly.

    I'm not trying to be a $&*^ but I can only find about 5 or 6 posts complaining about this specific issue so instead of "spreading the word" go right to the source for better results :P

  8. Im glad that the rare mods are now actually "rare" and we're finally getting the useful mods like redirection/vitality (which previously barely ever dropped) I understand what we pick up is based on RNG so im not going to complain about something that can't be "fixed" to be fairer than it already is :P

    Just so you can see that rares do actually infact drop I played for just over 17 hours straight between yesterday and this morning (RDO FTW!) and managed to pick up the following rares: flow(1), streamline(1), seeker(1), metal auger(2), stormbringer(1), vital sense(4), ravage(2), convulsion(1) and fury(3) throughout the entire time so just under 1 per hour which imo is what it should be! - No rare fusion mods but that really doesnt bother me in the sleightest :D

    Blueprints drop like crazy from bosses so I dont see what all the fuss is about either... I managed 2 chassis, 3 helmets, 1 unique helmet, 1 sword and 2 skins in the same 17+ hours.

    To all the guys/girls @ DE you are awesome! Keep up the good work and thankyou for your prompt bug fixes and quick responses :)

  9. After playing last night my only problem is the bosses have been made incredibly hard, Trying to cut through a sheild at long range, getting barely any damage on the boss only to have it regen when they pansy out and run behind a box or trying to duel him up close only to get smacked with 6 hek shots which burn through my sheilds and health like nobodies business not to mention the fact that my frame skills don't even make a dent is just a little disheartening...

    Admittedly im not using a maxxed out frame with completely maxxed mods I am however not wearing low level junk on my best frame...

  10. My only issues are:

    1) You have to loose an arrow from the Paris once its drawn back, tried switching weapons or using consoles which fires it anyway and when you roll you fire off the shot as well.

    2) The waypoint/marker is intermittantly working on modules, sure telling people via team chat or voip works just as well but as a quick thing to let them know its slightly broken.

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