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Posts posted by Kryogeneva

  1. Not to dogpile the topic, but "temporary" bonuses have never been worthwhile to me either - especially in warframe. There isn't a raid or hard content that I'm like "Oh geez, I need to bust out my trump card!"

    Just make it permanent. Filling endless tables with garbage is NOT cool.

    • Like 1
  2. Sometimes works, sometimes does not. 
    -Was max range Khora.
    -Default kitty with smeeta kitty friend.
    -Unknown number of buffs in play - I didn't look.
    -MAY have used operator dash to enter extraction - I don't remember. I use it a lot though.
    -Was lith fissure on Earth.
    -I had no relic selected.
    -Team had relics selected.
    -20/200 cryotic mined.
    -No excavator was finishing/in play during relic opening.
    -No excavator was spawned when I was sitting in extract.
    -Team had not spawned an excavator for the duration of extraction timer... I do not know why they didn't spawn one for a full minute, but if that data is useful, hurray!
    -Extraction timer did show up, and counted down, and disappeared at 0 appropriately.
    -Re-entering the zone to trigger a new timer worked to extract. Had to wait the full 60 seconds again.

    • Foo Fighters was playing while writing this bug report. This is the most pertinent information in this post, and should be, on its own, more than enough to solve this bug and world peace. Thanks for reading!


  3. I like the changes to the relic-selection screen. It showcases many more relics, allows for upgrading of relics, and shows rarity of each item inside the relic per upgrade tier. This is really nice QoL change, one I had been hoping for since relics were introduced. 

    Not a fan of relic-reward/opening screen. It feels low quality and cheap. I think it's two-fold: the bars above the relics, and the small size of the screen.

    This preference is also mirrored in the relic-selection screen - the prime parts look fine, but the bars above them look cheap/bland. But I still overall like the new relic-selection screen.

    Keep up the good work! cat ok GIF by TikTok


    P.S. and somewhat related: can we have "how many owned" overlaid on the prime-part during reward selection by default? Mousing over cuts time away from making a decision, and while not a problem for ME (I have everything and am a long time veteran), there are some people who either have a bad connection and get to the reward screen late OR are very new and need a lot of time to parse the data presented to them: if they have to take time to mouse over each one to see if they already have it, that's time they do not have.

  4. 1: unknown.

    2: sigma and octantis does. rather disappointingly, tho. it does great damage but it is not very good DPS (so you can kill 1 or 2 enemies in the time it takes you to kill 20+ with a polearm melee - or even just the basic combos of S&O -, for example).

    3. If you mean laser cannons on a kavats back, I'm down. If you mean power-ranger-style, no ty! - You never know what direction DE will go.

    4. A bit TOO immersion breaking. Would need a new class of pet, and new enemies to handle large+ style gameplay (i.e. tank-sized combat with huge guns ... *looks menacingly at opticor*).

    5. Until DE understands that self-damage ruins guns, adding more ruined guns is not a good way to go. And AOE weapons when NOT self-damage are incredibly unbalanced.

    6. No idea. I don't like superhero movies.

    7. Equinox count for you? Sounds like a ton of work, though. Maybe.

    8. Been asked for since forever. For now, just warframe-articula.

    9. I hope not. 

    10. First they need to make kubrows worth using.

    11.  The list of missing weapon types is longer than the actual weapon list (350+). There is no limit to imagination, even when constrained by physics. 

    12. I haven't heard.

    13. I already dislike weapon renaming - I want to know what someone is using when they are doing good damage. I don't want to see DESUCKSLOLOL or MEGANISMYWAIFU. *super cringe worthy stuff*

    14. That would be insanely hard to implement and moderate. If you meant as a submission design option for Tennogen, then I don't see why not! Would be cool.

    15. Man in the Mirror or Man in the Wall? - and who knows. DE story development has been known to take decades. Sometimes centuries. Be patient, young tennowan.



    So I know this has been proposed before. Who doesn't like the concept of gravity manipulation? But I may as well throw my idea out into the waters of the [DE]Piranha river.

    Vauban manipulates gravity or space, so why not a new element?


    Instead of traditional elements where 1 proc = 1 effect, this might have a build-up - 10 procs = 1 effect.

    On proc: any number of features, perhaps augmented by paired elements:

    -Base(no pairing): blackhole temporarily opens and violently drags enemies in

    -Fire: gravity rupture causes a violent spacial rift to jettison outward, knocking down and setting the area on fire for several seconds (due to the extreme heat generated as space rushes back into the space - much like lightning).

    -Ice: space expands rapidly, creating a massive vacuum that by the nature of vacuums causes molecules to seek equillibrium, rapidly freezing the enemy in place

    Alternate: rapidly slowly enemies in a equinox-nightform-esque manner: center more slowed until virtually unaffected at max radius.

    -toxin: micropockets of space expand and contract within the enemy unit, causing cells to rupture. Bleed(maybe tied to slash)proc and reduced movement/aim for enemy/enemies.

    -electricity: the enemy becomes a spacial conduit - nearby enemies suffer a percentage of the hosts received damage as electricity.


    Feel free to pick away at these ideas - the more input the merrier! I just want old systems to be revisited, and the elemental combo system is as old as it gets.


  6. Oh yeah, 

    Also, any riven that you are going to USE should be ranked to max with endo - I had a feeling this might be part of your question. 7,000 endo is a lot, and the weapon usually requires several forma to fit a max rank riven, but it is worth it.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Blasphemous13 said:

    Opticor Toxi-visicron

    185.4 % Damage

    102.2% Toxin

    159.6% Critical Chance

    -35.6% Damage to Corpus

    These stats are amazing for an opticor riven. Not GOD TIER, but an opticor doesn't NEED "God Tier" to wreck level 100 Raptor's or Ambulas's's's!

    So I would say no, do not waste your kuva. 

    As for the -damage to corpus, who cares - trash corpus units (osprey, bursa, techs, moas, etc) all die by breathing hard in their direction. ESPECIALLY with a hurricane of lungs that is the opticor. 

    And remember, if you DO decide to cycle it, you can always pick the stats that it started with before you clicked cycle riven. You get to choose between "new stats" or "keep as is".

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, AlirezaDeadshot said:

    so the Krohkur has a 29% crit chance, and i bet i can get that to like 80%. but is 1.5X crit damage good? i probably can get that to like 3X but don't know if it'll do good damage.

    As for the Krokhur, yeah it's still a good critical weapon despite the low multiplier. And Krokhur/Twin Krokhur have very high riven dispositions for when you get one, which easily gets you to 4/5x critical damage modifier!

  9. 15 minutes ago, AlirezaDeadshot said:

    well broken war and ether sword are what i usually go with.

    Well, earlier you said "above 70%", so I think it is vitally important that I mention these 2 mods:

    Blood Rush - https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Blood_Rush (fandom is down currently, wait a bit)

    and this one:

    Drifting Contact - https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Drifting_Contact (this is my prefered Combo-duration increaser. It costs 5 capacity, does 8 seconds of combo count, AND increases status which means more procs - which is good even for pure crit weapons because they are usually very heavily slash-based, and that means more slash procs!). 


    How Blood Rush (BR) works:

    Base weapon critical gets multiplied by equipped critical chance mods (rivens, true strike, sacrificial steel, maiming strike), and THEN multiplied by BR's counter once every combo counter increase (1x, 2x, 3x). This EASILY gets you into orange/red crits when base critical before BR is 50%+. So try to find those two mods 🙂 They are very cheap (5-10p) on warframe.market.


  10. On 2019-04-25 at 1:56 AM, Chappie1975 said:

    Why would you do that...because you have zero self control?  What did we do BEFORE this forma...not make it 40 seconds through a mission?  Not go for 8 hours into a survival (oh wait..we have).   There are a handful of frames that will benefit from this greatly and maybe another handful that "can" benefit from it.    But if your goal is to put this on every frame...I view it no different than the person who puts 100 forma into a weapon/frame; because they can...not because they have to.

    Don't attack me. I didn't attack you. 

    And no, but it is the natural want to say "oh, today I want to experiment with THIS build", and then say "but I can't because my mod capacity won't allow for it". Having the aura mod polarity be for all aura's has been a QOL request since forever. It is literally ONLY QoL. Why a QoL needs to impact our actual efficacy (such as using our daily forma for those 4 new kitguns that just dropped and the frame that came with them), and so heavily, is not adequately justified. 

    I merely proposed lowering the cost. Not getting rid of the cost. Please learn to appreciate the value of items such as forma and nitain. They shouldn't be the subject of some QoL consumption sink hole that only extreme veterans have stockpiles of.

    More items for new players to go "oh holy crap I am never ganna be able to afford that".

    • Like 6
  11. Just now, Chappie1975 said:

    I think the price is perfect.   There are 4 typical forma values so 4 formas equals the result.   It is an "end game" item with an end game price...which is fine.

    Keep in mind that to do just 1 copy of every frame (so base frames OR their primed version, but not both), it's something like 160 forma and 400 nitain. That is an absolutely insane grind.

  12. I think it is 2 forma and 5 nitain too much. This is a QoL that has been wanted since the game began (just like prime noggles were requested since almost the same time noggles became a thing), and this seems more like a "forma bundle" spend-grab/nitain expense anxiety choice. Why can't I finally spend some of this Salvage? Or my millions of credits?


    Too. Expensive. Please use other resources! (No sibear or hema "no one has these resources in stock" usage though D:)

    • Like 6
  13. Octavia gets a weird pseudo invisibility when transitioning into and out of operator (zenurik) while Metronome Invisibility (nocturne) is active. 


    Magus Elevate r3

    Magus Lockdown r3

    Virtuos Shadow r3

    Pax Seeker r3

    Exodia Hunt r3

    Build/Arcanes: Mr7Djhe.jpg

    Her animation is overlayed by her invisible animation, but both exist simultaneously (see screenshot).

    Her buff is applied, but enemies can still see her and will act accordingly.

    Removing the buff (such as time out, falling off the map, or getting nullified) and re-applying may fix. Can still happen again later in the mission if "fixed" in these ways.


    Why am I posting now? Because BEFORE, this bug existed (with different triggers), but the invisibility was only an animation display bug. You were still invisible.

    This bug is on the verge of game breaking for invisibility frames. To appease the extremely literal, it is NOT game breaking, but it is extremely annoying.

    • Like 1
  14. On 2019-04-08 at 10:51 AM, Loza03 said:

    Doesn't this exist in actual upgrade screen now?

    Yeap. It is mouse over of the ability icons. 

    For the abilities screen, it was useful for me to, at a glance, see how every single ability was affected. When they are separated via mouse over, my brain has a hard time maintaining and parsing the data across all 4 abilities. So a maxed rank Overextended's effects are more easily parsed (for me) when I had the old-style arsenal screen.

    What I want is a toggle option. Nothing backward or hard to implement. 

    INB4 that one guy who always, ALWAYS appears in every thread and says "DE has better things to do than work on your stupid idea. rawr rawr I'm being difficult so I can feel superior rawr". Spoiler: You make the internet suck. And no, you are WRONG, my SUGGESTION doesn't make the internet suck. Go eat a ham sammich and calm down.


  15. I will try to remain positive here - no one likes a critique, after all.

    I actually quite like the look of the new ability screens across all the UI customization types (lotus theme, vitruvian background, etc). 

    What's missing is "abilities at a glance" - and I mean just very quickly popping open the abilities screen and seeing all the adjusted metrics without having to mouse over each ability.

    I understand this may have been done to be "cleaner", but I think Warframe is better served remaining true to its complexity. If it is just a template that needs to be filled in, then that's awesome - I can't wait until I can see my ability metrics at a glance again.


    Thank you for all you do, [DE]Helen for president! [DE]Glenn for vice! [DE]Clem for first lady!

  16. Maybe I am blind - but this seems to be new:

    I do NOT like the abilities page change. It is cumbersome. Before I could easily see changes to ability metrics at a glance just by bringing it up. Now I have to mouse over each ability. This is in the direct opposite of useful.

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