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Posts posted by DreamerNeon

  1. Grenades are there to remind you that by no means should you be withing 3 meters of enemies for longer than 5 seconds. And I think they actually say "Frag." when they throw them. It is certainly infuriating to die 3 times in one map because of grenades (personal experience) and while I do agree that they should definitely tone the damage down a bit, it's still exciting to see one go off in front of you, knowing that you almost died ^^"

    It takes years of your life, just like that. Pure magic!

  2. This is actually something that neither breaks the game nor is critical to any aspect of playing. For god's sake after a day of playing you won't have any problems with melee, nor it's charge. At level 15 of your melee weapon you already have 2-3 charge speed increases without modding, plus if you mod a bit charge time will be as initial melee rate of the weapon, meaning that the frame for missing a charge attack is minimal (as it is executed in a second or less). What will be the next topic, "Give us auto-aim because I only hit enemies' head 9 out of 10 times!"? Some thing in the game are there because you actually need to think for a sec what you're doing.

  3. just finished an alert on pluto lvl 84 jackle it was such a grand fight i forgot to take a screen shot lol

    ps: we won anyway

    Were you with me where Jackal fell through in the hole and kept teleporting up and down? And then he kept spinning while stunned as if he was breakdancing. I would call it the weirdest boss fight ever O.O

  4. This ult is pure sh**, I built Ember because I thought it would be cool to burn everything around you and then when I used it it killed 2 enemies while the other 6 kept filling me with lead, almost leading to an untimely end -.-'. I like the idea of creating a fire sphere and sending a wave that would burn everything not hidden directly behind a wall. I doubt anything will be as powerful as Overload but at least make it usable. And make the execution a bit faster ^^"

  5. I also tried with lv30 frame, tried doing it on the infested but the problem is that chance you will rip off its head instead of killing it, forcing you to shoot twice again.

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