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Posts posted by DreamerNeon

  1. Where do you level new weapons? Just got Lex and it kinda sux when you have to headshot twice to kill something with that firing rate. I think it's rank 5 now, one critical chance mod did help but it's still a pain to level.

  2. I came here to rage on the grenades and then I saw this post. Just got instagibbed twice in the same mission with Rank 8 Ember. It ripps of 175 Shield and 150 health. This Halo suggestion would work, or something like the creaking noise when you open a trapped chest in some games. Anything but the random blue blast of death.

  3. And loot radar is more or less pointless unless you can't find the distinctive looking containers that flash every so often.


    But yes, when I started playing I got ?*"#!load of armor, shield cap, shield recharge, damage, melee and other mods, and now I haven't seen a rank14+ mod in a week. And for christ's sake stop giving me shotgun mods!

  4. I think that all alert missions should have a chance to win some blueprint in the game and leave the catalysts to the "?" ones. It's true that I'm in pain for getting only one Orokin Reactor so far (12 hours before my Ember was built ^_^ ) but what the heck, the game is free and could virtually play it for a year just to fill some gap in the spare time you have. And hopefully get some Orokin during that gap xD

  5. Just started Ember and in the first mission when my shields depleted for the rest of the map they only recharged to 50 instead of 100. This seems to have fixed in the next mission but I don't know the reason for this occurence.

  6. There we go people, that was the problem with the 5+ respawning elites per room, the ones that can run at your sprint speed and have ranged knockdowns. You were all just nubs who couldn't hold S while shooting over your shoulder. Thank you orangjeah for your pro tips.

    I laughed a lot.

  7. It doesn't need to be expensive as hell, just something reasonable that keeps you playing, hoping to see your upgraded WF in the near future. I mean Orokins are now crucial and yet my eyes are still bleeding from seeing none ^^"

  8. I was thinking that in the far future a good thing to add would be some sort of character evolution or development, where for instance Volt could evolve into a next tier warframe. Storywise it could be because of the Infestation or something, where Tenno learn how to control it for their own use, making them stronger, or could be completely unrelated to Infestation, that's just an example ^^"

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