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Posts posted by UncleWalrus

  1. >wants everything easier

    >too mainsteam

    I, for one, like the Garrosh and Blackfuse fights. Because they take skill, coordonation and awareness.


    "actually have a degree in game development"

    Designed in MS paint, I presume.

    Besides, what are you doing playing WF all day instead of putting that degree to use and... making something?


    "Heres some feedback DE, No more Nerfs, no more easy things, make everything so hard that people cry every day trying to win."

    And then DE wouldn't make any money.


    And I have overcome, you toad. I did it in 3 runs. By using the builds that got posted and broke the event.

    It doesn't make it any less horrible.


    Anyway, at this point it's clear you're either mentally deficient, or trolling, so I shall return to playing Neverwinter, the FPS-isest of FPSes.

  2. The point being?


    And you're right, it's not hard, it's idiotic and obnoxious. It's poorly designed.

    By this point, everyone WILL finish it because they know how to break it. Specters, Nyx, Frost, Mesa etc.

    Case in point, 

    Beat it solo, Nyx+bunch of restores = win.


    Most difficult part? 4 Nullifiers before the button.



    What was this mess even supposed to accomplish? Remind people that nullifiers are horrible? Thanks. We knew.

    Remind them that thrown weapons are interesting but ultimately pointless? Yup. Got that.

    Force players out of their comfort zone to try and break through a new obnoxious hurdle? Yup. Accomplished. And now they'll go back to their comfort zone wondering what they did to wrong DE to be subjected to that.

    This is Toxic Terrors all over again. Obnoxious, pointless and ultimately painting the inherent design flaws of Waframe's current systems.


    Don't even get me started on the lvl1 potato alert filled with harmless enemies.

  3. Yeah, I apologize for having misposted about the name of the debuff and its source while clearly ascertaining what it did. Massive oversight on my part. I don't think I'll ever live that down.


    Also... turns out, you CAN shoot everything. That's what the Mesa does.
    Another trick people used to invalidate the faux-difficulty of this trainwreck of a trainride? Specters with rapidfire weapons. Which are gear.


    This wasn't challenging. It was merely obnoxious. I didn't have to think. Neither did the Nyx. Just had to polarize where necessary, throw a decoy out as bait now and then and dump down restores when a Moa hit someone.


    The thrown weapons were purely decorative.



    The Cold Revenge alert was challenging, needing some semblance of coordination and scouting before barging in and going nuts.


    There was no "git gud" here. There were only restores.

  4. Nah. Don't delude yourselves.

    This tactical alert was a trainwreck.


    First off, Nullifiers. Doing radiation damage. Which eats energy. Because screw having fun, right?


    Second, nullifiers and... a thrown weapon. Which is useless in breaking their shields. Well, 'guess I'll use my powe- oh, right.


    Third, the "tactics" involve either a Nyx running range-efficiency sitting on top and tanking with absorb while being fed energy restores, a range-efficiency Frost riding the front fender while spamming snowglobe and being fed energy restores (Notice a pattern yet?) or a Mesa standing on top firing away with peacemaker while... being fed energy restores. Ideally a strength-range Mag to polarize to counter shield drain and knock out Moas, and tank Valkyr to run in and tear the Corpus to pieces.


    You don't have any of those, maxed and built like that?

    Tough luck.


    We were supposed to be "warming up our throwing arms" for this.
    For what? Lobbing down restores every twenty feet?

  5. I've had some interesting suggestions about fixing them from a friend.

    Give their shields a legit healthpool, scaling with their level. Not an arbitrary 14 shot limit to breaking.

    Make their sheilds not overlap. Either rework their AI to not want to cluster up into a 4-layer impenetrable onion of doom and semi-auto railguns, make their shields shrink so they can't overlap if they get too close, or both.

    Also, maybe make them not have their bubble always be on, and only turn it on when they detect you, not unlike an Eximus snowglobe.

  6. Defense. Host disconnected. The host migration dumped me on a gray, blank EoR screen, kicked me to my Liset, then displayed this:


    Client still running, UI nonresponsive, client needed restart.



    Edit: nothing from the mission was retained. All affinity, pickups and money were lost, reverting to the status from before the mission.

  7. did you not read the way the poll was worded there? "Cycle in 3 x Random Void Keys, 1 x guaranteed T3 or T4 for 25K Standing" that right there told me that 2 were going to be t1 or t2. Same for a ton of other people who read it. It isn't DE's fault that you didn't read and think "Oh there will probably be t1 and t2 keys there, which I wouldn't like so I should vote for the other thing."


    No, cabron. That's not how groups work. 1 guaranteed t3/t4 doesn't automatically mean the rest are certain to be t1/2.

    The normal interpretation of "1 guaranteed", without any further statements, is that the remaining two can be anything from t1 to t4.

  8. I am experiencing a new bug. I died in a Hive Sabotage mission on Eris and it looks to me like I am still standing, with 0 health and full shields. My tenno is stuck, I cannot walk or turn, only aim, and there is no sign of the revive button. Escape menu doesn't work either.


    I am in a Limbo with two other tenno in my team.


    Looks like your Limbo is stuck in limbo.

    *gets dragged out and shot*


    That's not related to the current build, it was an extremely uncommon bug previously. You'd zone in, get shot to ribbons while you were loading, and the server would think you're dead while the client knows you're alive.

    So you end up as a ghost-tenno of some description. You can iirc interact with stuff, but not attack or use powers.


    I've honestly been considering it. I was considering this way back in Vivergate, though enough people complained that DE changed it back early enough. I doubt that'll happen here though. Sigh

    Yes, but that was because a lot of the LoS changes were horrible, or nonfunctional. Mag couldn't polarize her own shields because.... she didn't have LoS to herself. (Again, get PTRs DE. I know you hate testing, at least let us do it in a controlled fashion until you push changes to the whole playerbase.)


    As it stands, I have a friend who runs strength/range Mag and he's a glass cannon in T3, let alone in T4. The Polarize augment he was working towards (curse you, 8 consecutive Reaper Prime blueprints) would have alleviated that, but this? This is a joke. 1.2k shields means like 3 shots from a T4 Heavy Gunner. If it would've scaled with power strength and/or given the whole team overshields then that would've been a reasonable tradeoff.


    As it stands, it's a hugely expensive investment that can be replaced by a consumable item. 

  10. You just made my day. 25k not that expensive. 25k for one t1, one t2, (or even maybe 2 t1, if you're lucky), and one potentially S#&$ty t3/4. I don't think you know what ,,expensive'' means. Or you're running on @(*()$ boosters all the time.


    Besides, not everyone has the sodding time to farm 25k rep for hours a day to try and get one sodding T4 run in. Which might not even happen, and you get a T3 key instead.

  11. Oh by the way, overshield capacity at this moment is 1755 (not 1200), is a bug? Anyway is USELESS! Grineer level 30 took away the overshield with 3 shoots, just 3 to take away 1755 points. Hahaha, DE, you are so funny!


    Consider that Void T4 enemies do 300% more damage. So the first time you get hit, you lose your overshield. All of it.



    For christ's sake DE. Make a sodding PTR already.

    Don't just use the entire playerbase as guinea pigs for your poorly-thought, untested ideas.

  12. Jesus christ, it's like they're trying to delete Mag from the game.

    At least have the augment give the entire team overshields.

    Christ's sake.


    They should't've bothered reverting the polarize bug from last patch at this rate.

    It's clearly where they want to go with it.

  13. loading into a mission has little to do with WF matchmaking, you know. That only kicks in when you have the 'matchmaking' on public, and it looks for other people who are also playing that mission.


    Say, if you have your MM settings on 'public', click on a mission node and it puts you together with a host who lags like mad, that could be a MM problem (wrong region and such)




    And as for the disconnecting; is your computer a bit old (longer loading times are probably mostly caused by this)? Are you using wifi or cable (LAN)? Have you tried hosting?


    Lan, ethernet cable is okay, minimal latency when I'm playing with my friend in any other multiplayer game, no connection issues.

    If I host, half the time he can't join. If he hosts, half the time I get kicked out. If we host with a key, sometimes it kicks the host out, puts the other person in the mission, which then fails because the host has left.

    We used to be able to connect quite consistently with no problems. The DC issues between us only started cropping up to near-unplayable extent in .9.


    When I try to connect to others, again, half the time it just freezes at 66%ish, then gives me connection to host lost (just plays the popup sound), insists on loading the rest, then shows the actual error, then kicks me to my Liset.


    As a computer engineer I have a solution, did you try to put your PC off and on again? 

    what I do when I play with a real life friend is that we connect to each other and play a more local match, if this isn't possible I suggest to play with ethernet cables. you still can have the problems but a lot less frequent.



    I'll try power-cycling my machine and router again.

    They're DMZ'd and my Windows firewall is off, so I'm out of ideas.


    Oddest thing is, in update .7, I was consistently getting connections. Had like 10 connections drop out for that update. And now I can barely get connections, and when I do, half the time I get DC'd anyway.




    Edited title for unneeded antagonism.

    It was objective, at least.

  15. Teamed up with a friend. He's hosting and leveling low rank gear. Zone into mission. Kill 2 things.

    Get disconnected because reasons. Get put into an instance of my own. Which then disconnects from me.

    Stalker spawns on his face. Kills him because it takes half an hour to zone in and I couldn't get in fast enough to help and he only attacks you when you're leveling equipment.

  16. I've used Kubrows for a while here and there and, while they are durable and damaging, as well as adding some utility that sentinels lack, I still find myself using my Carrier nearly exclusively due to its convenience.


    So, why not have an option to take your kubrow puppy out of incubation and keep it as a puppy?


    Increase its growth time from 2 days to several months and let it mature naturally. Add something more engaging than the pre-rendered interaction animations and have it serve as a virtual pet.

    For a dog-hyena-bat thing, kubrows have ended up being absolutely adorable, especially as puppies, so it seems kinda sad for them to be relegated to the ever-growing "Things I Will Not Use Again" pile.

  17. No, it's not better than the Marelok.

    However, the Marelok is primarily impact, which grineer armor kinda laughs off. Many thanks for the Detron suggestion, tho. Need to get one of those.


    On the other hand, the Marelok has like triple the proc chance of the Detron, so there's that...



    Edit: I assume the Nukor is a joke, much like the Tysis was?

  18. and this is why games like World of Warcraft have damage numbers and health that go into the billions. 

    because "numbers can't ever go down because that isn't balance".



    buffs and nerfs both should never exist. numbers going up, and numbers going down, are both pointless.

    balancing is what is important, how things interact in scope of everything else. this can include numbers going up and down, but does not entirely consist of it. that is only one of the options that exist for balancing. and should generally be avoided if there are other (generally better) options available.


    Please never get a job in system design.


    WoW has values going into the billions due to scaling and level progression, especially the massive value jumps between expansions to force people into the gear treadmill all over again, extend subscriptions help Blizz build their third mountain of solid gold. And numbers do constantly go  down in that game. The sheer number of bosses that have been nerfed into the ground is hilarious.

    Starcraft has values in the tens and occasionally hundreds because there isn't an ingame progression system to recursively/exponentially upscale content, and even it has value reductions. Just ask the post-HotS Reaper.


    Secondly, how do you plan on achieving this "balancing" without primarily adjusting values, making numbers go up and down, buffing and nerfing?

    Sure, we can go into the idea of incomparables, but even those boil down to numerical values eventually.

    What is the best alternative to minimize incoming damage/risk of a failure state? How much less effective damage do I take between x seconds of invulnerability, y amount of healing and z seconds of CC per unit of resource?

    What is the best alternative to maximize damage output? How much more damage can I deal from x punchthrough, compared to y multishot proc chance, z crit proc chance/damage, and t percentile damage increase per unit of resource?


    Warframe is a straightforward game. You point at the things and make them die. There's little positional play, decisions are reactive to spontaneously generated threats rather than proactive towards preexisting threats (in layman's terms, you can't really plan ahead), effective range and speed play a minor role and there's no randomization and little variance in equipment, and having to have a flowchart and a spreadsheet for the newesst Damage 2.0 changes doesn't help.


    So the metagame boils down to "Min-max, pay attention, hope for the best and prepare for the worst".

    Changing the fundamentals of this metagame would mean reworking what Warframe is down to its core, and it's likely it isn't entirely worth it.

    Making lackluster weapons or abilities be viable in the overarching metagame of Warframe should be the goal. Whether this is done via making numbers go up and down, or attempting to provide alternate utility via incomparables is up to DE, but it's the most readily available solution to the underlying problem.

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