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Posts posted by UncleWalrus

  1. This includes, Snowglobe, Bastille, Blessing, M Prime, Chaos, to name the biggest offenders that are in fact OP.

    I mean, I can understand where you are coming from, and it would look completely solid. But the fact of the matter is that the games scaling and progression mission wise is so #*($%%@ up that unless we weed out the problems we have now we will never be able to fix the progression and scaling. It might be some of the reason that many people view me as a nerfer, but I think that blessing, snowglobe, chaos, m prime, and a host of other things need to be removed, or nerfed.

    So, what you're saying is that you want everything to be equally useless and be forced to hide in cover and just shoot at things while they shoot back (or try to peel your face off). Yeeeeah. No.

    Snowglobe, Bastille and Blessing and Chaos are "OP" because they fully negate the otherwise insane amount of incoming damage. MPrime is the single reliable nuke that can deal with most anything.

    In an environment where you could reliably nuke entire rooms with a good assortment of abilities and setups, not be forced into massive firefights at close range to need absurd levels of CC, or have other, more varied ways of mitigation or self and team support instead of the sea of underwhelming abilities of dubious utility that many frames sport, these skills would not stick out as "OP" due to there being other, equally valid options and playstyles.

    Problem is, you're putting the cart before the horses. These skills aren't OP. Everything else is at best lackluster, fixed damage abilities being the prime offender.

    So pressure DE to adjust scaling, both for enemies and for damage skills, if not even for weapons, or replace skills with potentially more useful options.

    What you also need to keep in mind is that not all weapons and abilities are created equal. There will always be demonstrably better setups.

    Let's take another 4 player co-op focused title into consideration, namely Borderlands 2.

    After the second playthrough, full-mele Zer0 is useless. Generally, you'll go for a stealth/utility and halfway into mele setup, with a certain gearset to complement survivability by, get this, restoring your entire, not negligible healthpool on every mele hit. Otherwise you're basically dead and deal next to no damage. The setup is simply not viable.

    Gaige with a pure BFF build can't kill things fast enough. Give an Anarchy Gaige ten minutes with a shoddy Jakobs shotgun in Sanctuary and you'll have an out-of-control OHK-capable killing machine that ensures survivability by constantly dispatching foes at point blank.

    Give a correctly spec'd Axton a good launcher and watch him clear rooms. Focus exclusively on defense and all you'll be able to do is toss a turret out, hide behind a wall and pray for the cooldown to end faster than your face can get shot off.

    Salvador is another high durability character that focuses on triggered self-regen and damage reduction that's oft decried as OP, but even with him, certain builds are dubiously effective.

    Given a set of tools, people will choose those that are most efficient at a task. When you put basically an Ash with inherent punch-through, a weapon with inherent *5 multishot and an immense damage amp that takes effect when your shields are full in the same game, you can expect people to put them together for some gamebreaking metagaming.

    And the current meta-game rewards precisely CC-heavy, damage negation focused setups. It barely rewards stealth, makes positional play only relevant in where to apply CC or damage negation, and often leaves long and extreme range combat impossible. So when you've got twenty things barreling down at you, your best choice is to CC them and roast them with MPrime, Polarize or massed weapon fire.

    While I can agree that this is a systemic flaw, the solution is by all means NOT removing your capacity to CC them and roast them. The solution is to give you equally valid, potentially better alternatives.

  2.  a high damaging, [snip] ultimate, 


    Are we playing the same game? Above 30, Stomp tickles, and my Mag-playing friend will often chew me out on draining shields and lessening the effectiveness of Polarize if I miss R and hit 4 or simply react to seeing too many things onscreen and shooting at me.




     The fact is this: Vanguard Rhino has benefits which hugely outweighs the disadvantages, when compared to the alt. helms of other frames.

    Trinity would like a word with you.


    Let's nurf the Trin aura helm because half minute Blessing too good, hurr durr.

  3. Look at the cool [etc...]

    And that just invalidated your own argument. You're upset that while a Rhino gets a useful bonus on one of his helms, a helm you'd enjoy using due to its aspect (not objective utility) is arguably inferior.

    The other Loki helm is still nice, granting efficiency iirc.


    So, instead of asking DE to tweak the power of the Swindle helm, and make it more to your tastes, you want to hobble the Rhine's run speed and detract from his combination of speed and CC resistance.





    Edit. Since we're speaking of Rhine helms, let's look at some other interesting pieces of visual design coupled with dubious stats modifiers.

    Rhino Thrakk helmet: looks like you've got the head of a Hercules beetle and plan to put it to good use, goring things down.

    In reality it makes the sluggish Rhino marginally slower and gives a piddling 20 of an utterly irrelevant stat.

    Trinity Meridian helmet: More shields on a frame that has temporary invulnerability, while making casting said invulnerability cost more. Want. (Not.)

    Vauban Gambit helmet: More stamina with a reduction to power duration, so you can more efficiently run away from the things you're failing to CC. Brilliant.




    The point I'm trying to make is that, in a game riddled with dubious systemic design features, and countless ill-conceived details, demanding that an interesting bit of gameplay be made blander and duller instead of wanting other bits of content to be less bland and dull seems a bit short-sighted.

  4. I find it adorable that people bring up health pools.

    In Warframe, health is irrelevant. If you're taking health damage, you're likely dead already.



    The reason tanks are slow isn't because thats how it always is. There is a reason.


    Blatantly false. The reason tanks are slow is because it's a trope. Like Dwarves having beards or Elves living in the woods.

    As many have pointed out, Rhino's highly positional abilities make the Vanguard helm not only a desirable bonus for traversing levels, but potentially a necessity in catering to his positional playstyle. 

    Frost can be slower because he doesn't need to position himself into a clump of enemies to make the best use of his damage negation.

    As it's been previously hinted at, and since you're bringing up slow tanks, between his linear charge, the AoE CC with a (largely negligible) damage component, increased defensive capacities and CC ignore and team DPS buff, he's extremely akin to a Prot warrior from WoW, who, short of a mage spamming teleports, are pretty much the most maneuverable things in the game, again due to the highly positional nature of their abilities.

    If you're making a game, you balance for gameplay, not for tropes.


    As such, I'm hoping to finally get a Vanguard helm myself soon because I've lost count of how many times I've gotten to a teammate the second they've flopped over dead and had nothing to rez, or had a survival PUG fizzle at just under 35 minutes because I've not managed to poke the life support a second earlier.



    Its not just that, rhino has the best all around skill set. Period.


    Noooo, he doesn't. Rhino is great for soloing. And average for everything else.

    Endgame, where the damage ward of Iron Skin is completely irrelevant and melts in two hits along with all your shields, any considerations one makes about the capabilities of a warframe outside of a certain team composition become moot, much like the Rhino:
    Frost is an unparalleled tank due to being able to soak up functionally infinite damage plus having a good helping of CC, Trinity is a better tank because lol, full party invulnerability for half a minute, and damage return via Link, with energy regen and pseudo-cc as a nice bonus.
    Vauban makes the Stomp's CC laughable.

    Banshee's damage amp is almost an order of magnitude higher, and has some CC of her own.

    Nyx has damage negation and massive damage spike outputs via Absorb and CC via her other abilities.

    Nova can evaporate entire waves of enemies, as can Mag if they're Corpus.

    Rhino Charge gets thrown out of builds at around lvl20.

    So, yes. There are many frames that can do what a Rhino can far better, provided they're played right.


    The only thing that makes Rhino interesting in late endgame is the CC immunity offered by Iron Skin worn under Blessing, combined with his versatile but middling skillset. Endgame Rhino is a piece of versatile filler, Vanguard or not, so you might as well make him faster and use being able to shrug off CC to retrieve life support, revive teammates or position himself to make the most of his abilities. He fits the Determinator trope best, if anything, instead of the immovable, unyielding obstacle, as I've yet to see a Rhine take a hit from a lvl50+ Corpus Sniper and live through it.


    Lastly, while I agree that whenever I break my Rhino out I usually get highest damage done, lowest taken, most kills, etc, this is because I generally end up with the kind of people who use regular attacks on a Galatine instead of a charged swing because it looks cool, and while "Push 4, win gaem!1" might work with Rhino up to lvl30, higher level situations will leave him struggling.



    In conclusion, I'd like to point out that Rhino being the go-to midgame frame isn't an inherent problem, but a symptom of poor design on DE's part. It's not that Rhines are OMGAMAZEBALLS, and perfect in every conceivable way like some desperately want to argue, it's that in a PUG their varied skillset ensure that they can always be useful in some way whereas an Excalibur, Ember, Saryn, Oberon or Valkyr have little to warrant interest.

    The solution is not to nerf Rhino into the ground and make him as unplayable as the maligned Saryn, but give other warframes skills that make them useful. Accelerant is a good example, with its CC and specific damage amp component. Stomp itself is a prime example, being two middling skills rolled into a versatile one, and opening up a spot for Roar, which fills another role.


    If DE wants to do something, is give other, less successful frames more utility, or fix damage scaling on primarily damage-dealing abilites.

  5. I was running E-Gate with my Trinity in a friend's game, whereupon I suddenly get the Host Migration message, and get put into my own session, alone. While my friend's session was running.



    I rejoin on my friend, get into his game again, shoot two things, and it host migrates me into a solo session again.



    Explain to me again why you're expecting me to pay money for this?

  6. As others have pointed out, sometimes in extermination missions on planets that use the arid/desert tilesets, the enemy counter will demand the deaths of more enemies than are actually in the level.

    Seeing as the Sand Skates infinitely respawn and do not contribute to the kill counter, there is no way to bypass the problem short of restarting the mission and hoping for a correct number of spawns.


    It could possibly be the skates themselves causing the problem, being factored in as enemies but not affecting the counter when killed. However, since cameras in Corpus missions don't share the problem, I doubt it.

  7. Modem restart does nothing. Router restart does nothing. Both DMZ'd and de-firewalled. Connection firewall on or off, does nothing. Antivirus firewall on or off, does nothing.


    When I do get into a game lobby, I crash out and get returned to the starmap on a host migration message.


    I've tried for an hour and a half to get into others' hosted games for an alert. Multiple invites, never got in.


    Tell me, why should I spend more time playing, let alone give you money?

  8. What the unholy hell have you done to the game in this update?!


    There's a plethora of crashes and freezes, I've just lost a mobile defense alert because I fell THROUGH the cryopod when going to rez two team members, got stuck under terrain, then wriggled my way out only to discover that I'm now stuck under a set of stairs, a friend of mine proudly proclaimed that maxing out his Mag's Crush will now let him be "useless in a 9 meter radius" with the magnetic nerf, and mele attacks now tickle infested.


    Get your act together, DE.

  9. Frankly, I'd hold out for a Gorgon. The dmg/shot of the SMG is dreadful to say the least, and you will hemorrhage ammo like mad. Granted, the Gorgon has the same problem, especially with the spinup it needs, but I'd say that its dmg/shot (being basically double) partially mitigates it.


    Plus, two neurodes for a hilariously menial smg? Get out.
    You can get the 5 morphics for the Gorgon more reliabily.


    Alternately, if you tend to get up close and personal with targes and aren't rank 3/4 yet to get the Hek, a Strun is worth its weight in gold, and is just hilarious against Corpus.

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