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(XBOX)Ancient Mutt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Ancient Mutt

  1. 16 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    "and now over to Derf Anyo for the weather forecast!

    "well, space is still freezing and dark as always,. but we'll be seeing some torrential Acid rain across the western region of Ceres Alpha, and if you're on Pluto, pack your snow helmet because there's a category 4 blizzard moving in on the Acheron front. Infested levels currently remain at a low level but as always, travelling to Dark Sectors is ill-advised. oh, just getting reports of another outbreak! that's the infested for you! over to Cephalon Sark now for the Sports news.."

    This sort of thing could be the new Nightwave.

  2. 16 minutes ago, rodzzila said:

    You are already rank 30 jeez!

    Well, that sucks was hoping for a free decent CC ability for any frame. But to be honest I don't know what can they do that justifies not using Liset Air Support.

    At the end of the day the Air Support is just a "bonus" is the cosmetics the important part and that is true for all the Nightwaves so far, so probably no buff is coming. 

    Boo and hiss! 

    Kidding, but all jokes aside it's kinda useless. It might control a small corridor or doorway for about 5 seconds, but the hoard that usually follows through in something like a survival will be unaffected. It needs to be loud and proud even if it is a lullaby.

  3. In my opinion:

    The air support from the Nightwave landing craft needs to last a lot longer and with a much larger radius. Its sleep effect radius is way too small and short lived to be worth calling for air support

    The reason I say this is because the Xiphos Sentry Gun works according to a health meter and line of sight targeting. Air Support charges are also expensive for the casual player and should be made to feel like value-for-money.

    To work so hard and to receive such short term and minor air support feels like a petty reward - the Nightwave Landing Craft is a really big reward and should behave like it, I think.

    Please buff significantly!

    Thanks for listening 🙂

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  4. Tenno are children raised by virtues of the Lotus.

    The stalker is a product of what happened when a Tenno's ancestor met a Tau. The Tau drove the ancestors insane as part of a war strategy. 

    How Hunhow serves the Tau and who he takes directives from is a mystery. The stalker takes orders from Hunhow to hunt Tenno. 

    The stalker's operator must be an Orokin ancestor loyal to the Tau originally but possibly still given the insanity treatment to be nuts enough to kill children.

    I've always thought that during the initial first contact with the Tau species, a few scientists must have been friendly with the Tau. While the majority were probably focused on conquest, there are always one or two 'weirdos' who'd like to make friends with aliens instead. 

    What if the stalker's operator was one of those weirdo scientists?

    Just spitballin'

  5. 2 minutes ago, KimikoLastchance said:

    i agree with you on the brama fix that thing needed a rain in i was using "nerf bat" in a fun half joking way but DE does address concerns people have on this forum as a result i do feel they do read this forum 

    It would be encouraging to see acknowledgment from them, though. Even if it's a few simple words of 'Seems interesting..." or "We tried that... it's a 'no' at the moment," even be brave enough to tell an ugly truth such as "We cannot spare the time or resources to do that right now." 

    A sticker system might work too, just to show 'this idea has been recorded and thrown in the pile for a review at a later date' = purple circle, applied only by top brass accounts, on topic title, moved to feedback and closed. Other colours might mean something else. 

    Anything. Any organisation or system to demonstrate strong community involvement.


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  6. 1 minute ago, KimikoLastchance said:

    going out on a limb and saying the fact that things people complain about all the time get the Nerf  bat is a good evadance.

    No, that's just daddy taking the toys away from kids who can't play nice. The nerf bat always seems a bit of a lazy method to deal with imbalances, in my point of view. The latest 'refinement' of the Bramma seems refreshingly fair to me, though!

    • Like 1
  7. I get it, there are probably hundreds of thousands of threads to read every week. So many ideas and discussions, so few staff and so little time. 

    The problem I see is that even the little and poorly written posts have goldmines of ideas and points of view that seem to just get ignored. It's a waste. Ok, a lot of the time the posts aren't worth anybody's time or effort, but sifting for gold is kinda the point here.

    DE want us to post feedback and bug stuff in the appropriate areas; support tickets for such things aren't acceptable policy anymore. Most of the time, I suspect that bugs aren't even read... they're subjects just tossed into the mountain of 'to do' and never seen again. The odd patch note mentions a mention of a bug report, but that seemed way too 'rigged' to me. 

    I have no confidence in DE's support or seriousness in how they cater to the community. Heck, it's not even a requirement to listen to us, they can do what they want and community be damned. We just play the game they make and pay money to bend the rules in our favour. DE don't really need to lift a finger other than to run their business and pay salaries and taxes.

    I have no confidence, but this can easily be remedied if we saw more active involvement from the top brass in these areas of the forums - with actual deeds and consequences!

    Sometimes, a king should visit the lowest tavern of their capital city, even if it is dirty and dangerous and ill-advised. Let's see DE_Steve and Co. in here and be more vocal with the masses and actually implement fun ideas big or small, even if just a trial run. Be braver with the design council, even.

    We're not always that revolting, right?


    ... I could be wrong, of course.

    • Like 2
  8. I'm about to get the new Umbra forma from Nightwave. I'm hesitant to spend it because I'm wondering if a new Umbra mod is coming out, too? I've got all 3 on Excalibur Umbra, each with Umbra polorizations, but will there be a fourth?

  9. It'll be a Cephelon, made from glassing the founder's body, locked away in a box that forbids internet access, therefore a 'deadlock protocol.' 


    A Cephelon with internet access with a Corpus mentality would mean more profit for him and less profit for the rest of the Corpus.

    If the box is opened again, the Cephelon will take over everything and the war will get crazier overall.

  10. Please can we have a pet falcon or raven, something like that? The closest we have is a dragonesque skin for the Carrier, at the moment. I think it could be cool if such a pet let us switch to a bird's eye view of the battlefield sometimes, or assisted aim for long distance damage multiplier. Maybe grab us by the scruff of our necks to lift us up a cliff face/assisted parkour? Do the same to the enemy against their will, too, perhaps?

    Just spitballin' 

    • Like 1
  11. Just as an example: Trying to play with Hildryn and aim is a bit difficult.

    I want an unscoped vanilla First Person view mode like Skyrim sometimes. Is this already an option in settings somewhere? If not, please can we have?

  12. 4 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    that's a huge undertaking, by any stretch, and people would also complain about it being another "content island" unless they tied it intot he rest of the game, which is even more work, on top of a ridiculous workload. something like this, to be done properly, would take up most of a year.

    now ask yourself, do you think he warframe community is willing to go for nearly a whole year with no updates in order to get this? I'm gonna put my money on No.


    Doom... Doom... Doom...

    As per usual 😛

  13. 10 minutes ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

    If I can crash a giant crewship into a planet I'll be extremely happy

    If I can steal a crewship and crash it into the Gas City to eventually make a whole 'dot' disappear off of Jupiter's starchart and kill a load of Corpus in the process, steal a billion credits then Omni back to my railjack just as the flames lick my feet, I'd be happier than you. 😄

    • Like 2
  14. Shoulder emblems, by military tradition, demonstrates alliegences on the battlefield. If we ever get open warfare implemented with certain HUD visual aids turned off, these would suddenly become very useful.

    We already have rank glyphs, if we want to use them, for formal command application. I'm not sure if any clans and alliances out there do actually use 'rank' as historically intended in this liberal day and age, but the option's available at least. The critics amongst us tell us that Mastery Rank means nothing in practical terms; a MR29 can still be the proverbial village idiot, for instance. Likewise, If a clan says that a MR9 must obey a MR10's command, so be it, that's that clan's choice of operation.

    Badges on the chest or a bandolier displays a soldier's specialist qualifications and prior experiences so that allied officers and others know, at a glance, who perhaps can operate a big gun, piece of machinery or perhaps engineer entrenchment and whether they have recognised honour and can draw on experience from previous battles to help run the war more smoothly. Medals used to be and still are very important in this way and not just as a treasured trophy. Americans will know what it means if someone wears a purple heart, for instance.

    Since this is Warframe, badges seem to be useful if only petty in practice. It would be a nice touch, aesthetically, and a slight nod to military traditions, generally speaking.


  15. //Insert sparkly introduction music and expensive lightshow 

    I present to you the magnificent idea of BADGES.

    We already have emblems to display on our shoulders ... but there isn't enough space to display all of them. 

    I'd like some kind of bandalier or sleeve or whatever kind of garment to display lots of little medal ribbons and qualification badges on our Warframes. Similar to boy scouts or army cadets, that sort of thing. Or just scatter the badges anywhere they'll damn well fit.


    In regards to garments like Limbo's hat, button badges would be extremely nerdy and spectacular.

    A bit like this picture below. Sort of. Not quite, but I think you might get the gist.



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