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Posts posted by EothasianBoar

  1. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Argon_Crystal

    • Upon the daily reset, half of the amount of Argon Crystals you had at the previous reset (rounded up) will be lost. Crystals obtained between the two resets are retained for the second. For instance, obtaining 31 Crystals before the reset on Day 1 and another 32 Crystals before the reset on Day 2 will result in 63 Crystals before the reset on Day 2 and 47 Crystals ((31/2 - 0.5) + 32) after the reset on Day 2. The reset on Day 3 will only subtract from these 47 Crystals leaving 23, while any more obtained before the reset on Day 3 will be subtracted during the reset on Day 4 along with half of those 23, and so on.

    I'm not good at explaining, so you may have a wiki page.

  2. Are the tile battle damaged?

    the fire environmental hazard thingy, like in invasion or crossfire.

    I think all enemy are alert when that happen, and 1st alarm already happen.

    So when enemy activate the console it'll be a lockdown.

    and you can't hack the alarm until they activate the lockdown.


    and cipher hot key would be nice. took me a few seconds to find where my mouse is on the screen.

  3. I only do solo as well.

    help few of my mates.

    If I found myself in pub (I usually forgot to change to solo)

    sometime I just unlock the front door and wait (cuz when we're go in together, they usually blame me when they set off the alarm.)

    some room that I can get to data easily, I can do it.

    I always use Loki for this.


    but yea solo is the way to go.


    off topic

    kinda worry about the raid that these things will happen there too.

  4. This happened to me.

    Every time Syndicate Squad attack me on exterminate mission, killing them count toward objective for me.

    In crossfire, there are rooms where certain unit always spawn. (Corpus room that has Grineer's Pod and Grineer "Barrack" that have orange corpus crewman warp in)

    These unit isn't part of the exterminate objective but they count toward the objective as well.

    Not sure if happen to other people, but I confirmed it happened to me.

  5. Normal Marelok is stong to start with i think.

    Loka/Veil/Perrin/Hexis' isn't much buff from normal.

    while suda is much stronger.

    I think(hope) they'll buff others like they just buff suda not long after it's out.

    maybe because it's a new weapon so ppl interest in it more, so they buff it 1st.


    I think it's should be buff, cuz from being a new player to reach top rank in syn isn't easy. 

    It should all be stronger than normal version.

  6. don't know if this is the right place.


    I've been trying to do rescue mission

    and every other session it will crash when I open the hostage's cell

    Is there anyone else having this problem?


    I already contract support.

    Thank you.

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