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Posts posted by (PSN)DStealth

  1. Was deploying while in game.  Then got message saying it was deployed and i should restart it. Now all i get is this message: "Unable to connect.  Please ensure you have the latest Warframe update installed" Restarted PS5 and modem nothing (as i read somewhere that his has happened before to other people and that should solve it). PS5 is plugged directly into modem. Still seeing this message....



    Also highlighted game icon on PS5 menu and clicked, 'Check for update' and then I get 'The game or app you have installed is the latest version' hmmmm......


  2. Hey,

    I might have started POSTING here last month, but I've been playing since 2013. Perhaps think before starting with the ad hominem attacks?

    Also, this is precisely the kind of elitism I'm talking about. You think the only opinions that matter are of those who have been playing for as long as you.



    I find it funny people writing comments about 'elitism' where everyone started at the beginning one time.  I don't think any of Fait's points come off as 'elitist' but here's my take:


    Locking content behind certain requirements/achievements is a great idea because, if you don't, what incentive does anyone have to do certain missions? Go to the star chart and have a look to see what missions are being played...it's always the usual suspects, Kappa, Sechura etc... Literally no new players are playing anything else. Horrabin, you say this open star chart promotes players to have a choice to play differently but in actual fact they are all playing EXACTLY the same way. i.e...only go to certain boss for drops and certain planets for loads of affinity or voids..that's it. 80% of the star chart is not getting touched.  This is a massive problem because it makes the 'taxing' mechanic a necessity rather than a choice, because new players will find no-one else is playing certain harder tile sets to play co op with.


    Luckily, I started playing this the day it came out on the PS4 and actually liked the node to node star chart layout as it gave me a 'path' to work around and I found many players playing on different nodes to help.  If I started the game nowadays with the new star chart design, I probably would've left as I think it's throws too much at new players too fast and, like I said, many players are not playing many tilesets as there is no incentive to do so as they're just practically 'power levelling' in the void or on like 3 different tiles. 


    The other problem with things they way they are is that, when new players powerlevel through by using above mentioned tactics, they find there is nothing else to do very quickly. This I feel is much more detrimental than locking things behind certain requirements. For example, would I really have more fun in Final Fantasy 7 if I got access to 'Knights of the round','Ultima Weapon' and 'Omnislash' in a day?  I would breeze through the game in a matter of hours and then be exceptionally bored.  This is the reason why DE has to throw out so much new content because people are rushing for the best weapons/warframes, destroying everything easily and are getting bored afterwards.

  3. For the first time, I'm actually glad that there is a delay between the pc's and consoles. 15 had a LOT of bugs. Why would you want it in that state? I'd rather they wait until a majority of the hotfixes they employ are introduced before they put it on consoles. Also, it lets me currently enjoy things on the version we have that have been changed in 15 like not losing everything that you accumulated in a defence mission if you fail, full on one ability frame builds etc ;-)


    Also, when I get bored of the constant grind, I have now discovered other addictive games to play in the interim .....at the moment I'm loving The Binding of Isaac...as crazy as it is lol

  4. I tend to try and play Warframe with just 'traditional ninja' weapons as I've got waaay too many games with many guns in them, so I have polarized and maxed all the bows, my Hikou prime, despair, Dragon kitana and even Castanas.


    I tend to maximize a weapon against a particular faction and noticed there's no 'ninja like secondary weapon that specialized for infested, so why not for example:






    You could throw  a ton of these down behind or in front of you (Clip size of about 20 which all releases at once...needs large magazine maybe 400 - 500) so the infested (or i guess anything else) could tread on them as they rush you.  Maybe give it a high status chance and have them have a moderate slash and puncture damage...and maybe a stun lock :-)


    Other weapon ideas: 


    Kusarigama  'chain-scythe'




    This weapon should have the best melee range in the game due to it's nature. Give it a high chance to proc so you can have flaming or electrified versions :-). Also, obviously slash damage. Maybe even a poison version


    Speaking of poison....how about:


    Silent poison darts

  5. I have a question: I'm a PS4 owner so haven't got this update yet but I think the OP may have a valid point because, unless I'm missing something, what happens for example, when you get to a wave 15 defence, then 2 of your squad members bail, leaving just two of you left to face further increasingly hard waves....so now you probably have to bail with the other two because you could potentially carry on with two, but fail and lose every single pick up and previous award you have accumulated to that point? So in essence, it's in your best interest to bail when others do as the risk/reward deal isn't worth it?


    Is that right?

  6. I think the problem most people have is the question of 'when' this will happen. Don't get me wrong, this will be a big undertaking for DE and it won't be done overnight, and I don't expect it to.




    That's why people such as myself and who have played this game much longer than me had to exploit the system and concentrate on powering one or two useful abilities to make some warframes just 'survive' solo at later levels near Pluto. Funny thing is, my first ever frame was Loki and I had a plan I was just gonna master him and not get any other frame in the game.


    Yeah, that idea went out the window when I got to later levels where my decoy got shot to pieces in seconds or whenever I dealt with mid-high level infested and my invisibility run out and left me FUBAR with Loki's delicate frame lol.  That is until I found out about concentrating on just one ability and maximising it and everything was cool.


    So the thing is having all abilities at hand is all well and good ...and even maybe is what DE originally intended...but basically the same thing will transpire as why would you use switch teleport or Decoy in harder missions?


    and this is obvious, Loki in any infested mission automatically makes two of his abilities redundant. 1.Radial Disarm....infested aren't packing heat and 2. Decoy: If it's visible, infested will tear the decoy a new a$$hole in seconds, if it's hidden,the infested will get bored of not being able to hit it....and will come to tear you a new a$$hole

  7. Just because others have done doesn't make it right.

    "Tons of other people murder others, so its ok if I do it!" That's your logic right there.


    Comparing murder to posting in a videogame forum about recruitment for another game...


    ....<shakes head>....oh boy...where do I even begin...

  8. Ability Mod Sacrifice:


    Theoretically true, not so true in actual practice.  People don't sacrifice abilities.  Or, maybe some do, but a lot of people are happy to just use the abilities they enjoy.  They put on the abilities they want to use.  If an ability does not perform as desired then they don't put it on.


    A lot of people run with just one ability and will even forma ability slots into another polarity to improve this scenario for themselves.  That gives them 9 mod slots, not 8.  Not counting aura slot because that does not change here.  Those people will lose a mod slot and DE will lose the money derived from this.  Yes, forma is easy to come by for free, but boosters are not.  Abundant forma facilitates booster sales, but you also need slots to forma.  Having fewer mod slots works against the booster business model.


    Having the abilities does not guarantee using the abilities.  If the abilities were desired, people would use them.  We will have all four abilities but we're not going to use them all anyway.  Not all of them are entertaining, and, we may need different mod set ups to get the most out particular abilities, and certain missions may demand this.  In which case we would have not equipped certain mods anyway.  We have loadouts now.


    Feedback on the matter, to my eyes, more often seems to be something like "make all the abilities useful" rather than "give me more mod slots".  People have more than 6 mod slots (up to 9, even 10 with 0 abilities), because they are not using all four abilities (as little as 1, very often).  We have already given ourselves more mod slots and now we will, in many cases, actually lose one.  And, this actual loss of mod slots translates into less forma usage therefore less booster sales.


    But, it does not solve the underlying problem of ability usefulness, or desire to use certain abilities.    Having both slash dash and radial javelin by default does not mean that people will suddenly start using radial javelin over slash dash, or crush over pull, or overload over shock, etc.  That is a separate problem.  All you can do here about that is not get in it's way.  It will be a long time before that problem is solved and all the while, DE will be losing booster sales and we will be dissatisfied with the loss of a mod slot.


    The best solution here is to not take away any mod slots at all so that we objectively gain mod slots in the bargain, for a total of 10 mods slots, not 8 (the aura slot is separate and not an issue in this debate at all) and DE gains more booster sales.  10 mod slots works with the booster business model.  8 does not because it's common to run with just one ability thereby already having 9 mod slots so 8 is a loss, not a gain. 


    It's also easier to implement because DE will not have to return any forma and people will be happy that they do not have to reforma slots.  If you give people another slot to forma, that is an opportunity they can choose to use.  If you remove and return their forma then it is an obvious compulsion to buy a booster they already may have bought so they can reforma that slot and they will resent that.  You could give them a booster in addition to the forma but isn't it easier to not have to do any of that at all?  Then, everybody is happy, except for people who hyperfocus on arbitrary numbers.  But, those people are impossible to please anyway, and attempting to do so angers everyone else.




    DE has recognized underclocking in devstreams, even claimed it as a reason to leave mods in the drop tables, so as to preserve underclocking.  Now DE is getting rid of ability mods from the drop tables, ... and getting rid of underclocking too.  ??--__--??  Who needs a baby if there is no bathwater?  ("We're so sorry, Baby, but due to the recent bathwater shortages we no longer require your services and we're going to have to ask you to leave.  However, your severance package does consist of a free one way trip to a Micronesian island of your choosing."  I've been watching too much John Oliver.  It's working)


    Ability Access, Mod Card System Depth, Knowing How to Use


    How is this different from other mods?  Why not just get rid of all the mod cards?  People still need to learn how to play the game.  They still need a good tutorial and a descriptive/informative/managable interface.  The underlying problem still persists.  You may have circumvented it to some degree for ability mods but it's still applicable, and more so for the rest of the game.  Even if the mod card system went away, there is always a need for information and a means to manage it.  The problem is not the mod cards.


    Couldn't have put it better myself

  9. No, this is pretty much the most unbalancing idea ever.


    You might as well forget there are 20 frames if this idea ever became reality. This makes the game very pay to win as you'd pretty much be forced to do a prime access unless you already had prime frames.


    Might as well rename the game primeframe and change the games slogan from "Ninja's play free" to "Go prime or go home".


    Weird and there's me thinking that you could get Prime Warframe parts in-game....crazy...

  10. To the original poster: Interesting idea :-)


    As for the argument that this would stop people using 'regular' Warframes, this is already the case. For example, how many original Rhino's do you see in Warframe a opposed to their Prime counterparts? Ditto for Ember and Loki.


    I think it could be a cool idea as long as everyone has access to prime frames. Personally grinding for potentially days or weeks for a prime warframe and praying to the RNG gods just so it can look a bit different cosmetically and have an extra polarity slot made very little sense to me, which is why I only went for one of them. What's wrong with spending extra time to get  something more powerful? As a poster rightly has said above, we do this for Prime weapons already. 

  11. I've already put wrote feedback regarding losing mod slots, about this on another thread, but after playing today, I noticed something else which may be a problem with the new proposed changes.  I have a Loki which is focused just on his invisibility ability and all other mods are there to help keep him alive. I can solo some T3  and T4 missions with this setup. Now the argument for the proposed changes is everyone will get to use all the Warframes abilities like 'DE intended'. So I would like to know....


    ....does anyone actually think Decoy and Switch Teleport is actually even viable in any T3/T4 mission? I'm not even talking about 60mins wave. Lets say the first 10 solo (Unless players are all gonna say I shouldn't be playing this game solo either lol). Decoy will be annihilated within a few seconds (and yes I know I have had to use environmental glitches to get any use of decoy) and as for switch teleport......


    Loki is a glass frame with no damage dealing abilities. Making so he's not  able to cast his invisibility for it's maximum duration and have room to maximise his shield and health will cause him to die very quickly at later planets, let alone multiple waves in missions. I try not to be one of the thousand players that all use Rhino to solo everything as I like a little variety (Don't even have a Rhino warframe) but the other glass warframes and some of their abilities are simply not viable in harder missions, limiting our choices


    Also, just looking at some of these replies from other players, what I'm getting is that the all the long-time players who tried to keep playing Warframe after they did everything on the star map, maxed out the modes and weapons they wanted and decided to maximise their Warframes by polarising them to focus on one ability so they could do many more waves to get more out of the game....have all wasted their time and shouldn't have but instead should've just stopped playing and found another game to play?



  12. Glass house....



    OR those folks may simply have a different sense of what makes the game work long term than you do.


    Total options aren't being limited, they are being changed.


    Except for the people who use the no power builds. Are they not part of everyone?



    That's just not always true in game design.



    errr....so  on one hand you state "Total options aren't being limited, they are being changed." Then, when I ask for DE to remove just 1 slot you then say "Except for the people who use the no power builds. Are they not part of everyone?"  ??
    Either you acknowledge that the options ARE being limited for some players or not which is it? If players who are using 'no ability build slots' were to lose one slot like I suggested would make them be 'limited' to 10 slots and wouldn't be fair...how does making them only have 9 slots not limit them...or is my basic math off? 
    If DE could keep all 11 slots, Ill be happy with that, but if they HAVE to take off slots, I'd rather 1 than two.
  13. I just find it boring to play a game with only one ability, I'm not enjoying it at all if I only take desecrate and can't use anything else..

    Now I will have all the Nekros abilities +1 more slot for optimizing without use of any formas...


    It's not "inexperience", it's just a really boring way to play, going thrugh a mission and spamming Molecular Prime...

    It's a great thing that abilities will be a "must have" now, you don't have to use them if you don't find them usefull, BUT:

    Using Forma on ability slots is just an abuse, it was never meant to be that way, and I am glad DE will make it impossible now :)

    Wow some of you must have a maximised rank 99 "Narrow minded" mod installed into your bodies IRL!


    Let's just take a look at just ONE of my Warframes (and my favourite) for an example,Ash. He is a single ability modded Warframe...yet I use 3 of his abilities....how?


    Well there's a wonderful thing implemented in Warframe for sometime called CONFIGS. Config A for me is an solo invisible melee focused infected killing assassin with high health, Max duration Smoke screen, Rage so if I get hit, I get energy yet I gain healthy due to my rejuvenation Aura and Antitoxin for those poisonous sods as he's just used for infested missions.


    Config B turns Ash into a Bladestorm focussed killing machine who can instant kill anyone in a T3 Exterminate (and everyone bar maybe a gunner in a T4 still need to max Blind Rage to see if this still will be true). I use this config for all exterminates.


    Config C is my high damage dealing shuriken throwing, teleporting ninja who I use for interception missions.


    ...and that's just ONE Warframe! Look at all the possibilities that could open with all of them if people just used some imagination. 


    To the people who have said 'single ability' Warframe players 'nerf' the game...I shout POPPYCOCK! to you lol. My Ash is form'd 7 times to accommodate this build and if anyone wants to spend that amount of time (and platinum on ability boosters) in order to gain some great results, then that should be good. Becoming powerful should be hard work...and it should pay off.


    I'm assuming that the people who are saying that we single ability warframe players shouldn't be moaning are mostly new to 'semi-long' (can't think think of a good intermediary term to use) players . I say this because don't you think that the players that started playing this game from waaay back, played this game as 'DE intended' as some of you have stated....then did everything there was to do....then had a thought like, "Let's try playing this game a different way to continue to satisfy our interest in it"


    Remember, some of you new players will hopefully be playing this for a long time and when something happens that will limit your options in playing or makes your time put in redundant, then we'll see how silent you are.


    As many poster have said before me, DE please remove just 1 slot and everyone wins :-)



    Life lesson that some of you may want to realise....having more options is NEVER a bad thing :-)

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