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  1. Propa is only used in eidolons in the highest levels because of how inconsistent falloff has become, yes it is still a meta, but using raplak for everything is now what everything has become. And every time I have used Klamora it has always been for a single target! Never for actually dealing with a group. I don't see genuine use for most weapons because of falloff. Yes, Certus is good because of Crit chance, I won't deny it, but I would gladly trade it for a different brace that reduces falloff. <:( It's just sad to see the only options for eidolons to be : raplak. Circuit : Klamora/Prahd. I feel like no matter where I look it is almost always locked to these options, just wish there was some way to spec into AOE, even if single target is already well covered. (One Last Thing) You and one other person mentioned Klamora, one more amp that works very will with current arcanes, but what about all the other amps?
  2. I feel that I am not alone in feeling that a vast majority of the amp options have almost no use case and I have found it almost always boils down to a consistent theme. The amp I tend to use for most of the game is raplak - prahd - certus, as this is completely composed of high damage single shot weapons. The point? Almost every weapons that composes of anything that has an AOE is almost completely useless, dealing nearly no damage to enemies to anything not hit by the initial blast! This has been a thorn in my side post-zariman since prior there was a waybound (basilisk gaze) that applied to amps and allowed AOEs to have a wider range of effect, making the majority of amps actually have a niche! I feel incredibly bored having to start every duviri run with the same amp or having to spam raplak to shoot heads in order to get back up from last gasp because there simply feels like there is no option to play with granmu or shraksun or some of the other weapons with multiple target abilities. I believe this waybound feature or maybe an operator arcane can bring back this! I don't believe it would cause any balancing issues as the majority of the AOEs have significant downsides to usage, which ultimately leaves them pointless since they can't even do what they set out to achieve! No matter what though, I would love to be able to use my amp to clear rooms or find more use in common play, instead of just having a single shot to use occasionally when I get downed, thank you for the fun!
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