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Posts posted by Spellbinding

  1. Probably because syndicates used to sell them. I've heard tell of people with thousands of them.




    People are so oversaturated with T4keys right now. Most of the good stuff is in T3 tbh.

  2. -Clan downsizing?

    -Some armor/capes clip into warframes not using their default stances. This is probably a minor thing since its purely cosmetic but I would like to bring it up.

    -More augment polls on the DC?

    -I'm having a major issues when doing sharkwing missions. Everything is very dark and I use the default settings. Is there any way we could get more lighting in certain areas?

    -Are we getting a second batch of syndicate weapons/weapon augments or is that it for the foreseeable future?

    -There is a lot of negative feedback when suddenly theres a change to an unintended feature although some of these features make the game incredibly fun and not as monotonous as other games. Why not keep unintended features in the game but lower the scaling or impact of the feature? (Sorta obscure reference) K-style from the game Gunz: The duel was an unintended feature but it became so ingrained that when GunZ2 revealed that K-Style will be removed they lost over 90% of their fan base.

    -You've been splashing archwing in here and there but there hasnt been any major archwing progression. Since archwing really was a seperate entity the idea of sharkwing feels intrusive to Uranus because its forced into the starmap thats eventually going to get reworked anyway. Is all of uranus eventually going to be all sharkwing?

    -ETA on when the void blows up? 

    -Trinity's kit is heading down the road that Ember had suffered from. Blessing kinda does what link and well already do. And even when they cost less than blessing trinity can generate infinite energy. Many people want a trinity design rework for the skirt physics, but I would like a kit rework. I propose her first skill can be targeted on either player or enemy and the target regenerates 50% of their health or take 50% of their health in damage. This will remove the wombo combo effect. Her third ability should be a buff/debuff. It fits the archtype of a healer most sensibly. Although it can be argued that damage reduction is somewhat a buff, blessing already does that.

  3. U17 came with three new grineer weapons to level up, as well as twin memes. Theres a number of things vets can do with the affinity weekend. Such as slapping on forma for the exilus slot, slapping forma on new weapons or even old weapons. U17 also came with lotus lore which I personally think is better than stalker lore because lotus is more apparent. Not everything DE does has to cater to veterans. 

  4. Buy weapon slots with your free plat. 


    You should max your gear, whatever gear you have, and then move on to new gear (so you wont have to do this later on).

    Try to clear all the nodes on each planet and them go on to the next planet. There's not a lot of people that play the lower level nodes, so if you're farming for resources you should go to the more popular nodes specifically because it'll be worth your time. 

  5. Prime Mods
    The source thread for this topic lists some suggestions for new prime mods and has several pages of ideas from players. Rather than reiterating ideas from the source thread, what do you think makes a good prime mod? Are there any mods that you think should never be made prime? Why? Have you been happy so far with the prime mods and their stats? Are there any that you think are particularly good or bad? 


    The problem with prime mods is that we're still doing cookie cutter builds. For example If a primary weapon isnt crit we have the holy trinity (Serration, heavy cal. split chamber), three elemental mods, and usually a fire rate mod. If it is a crit weapon its the holy trinity, vital sense and point strike, and two elemental mods. It's the same build that can be repeated over and over 95% of the time. Although this is extremely unoriginal it does yield (usually) the best dps your weapon can achieve. If a primed version of any of these "cookie cutter" mods came out it'll further increase dps. Primed Heated charge greatly improved dps for some secondaries. However, you're releasing mods like mutation and fast hands. Mutation isnt needed on 95% of secondaries and primed fast hands only gives like a 10% more reload speed than the regular. Primed Heavy impact is a niche mod that only really benefits magistar, ankyros, and jatt kitang and a couple others, but it's really only used on Jatt. Primed ravage is nice on paper but the way shotgun crits work is counter intuitive. Primed reach only benefits orthos/prime. I think primed flow and continuity are the best ones because of the fact that a cookie cutter build doesnt apply to them. They're all different. 


    I think the utility mods should not ever be primed - things like ammo drum, fast hands, ammo stock, mutations, etc. These are maybe used less than 1% of the time. However, if they are going to be primed give us a utility slot for our weapons (much like aura slot).

  6. How about we use money to max things in addition to cores. Maybe like 10000 credits = 1 r5 core. This way people with excess money don't have to farm for cores, and newer people can progress as well from just doing what they're doing.

  7. Your case was a certain situation/bug. Vectis can get absolutely ridiculous if you shoot through a bunch of volt shields, while vex armor gives max damage buff, with eclipse, and resonance stacking. Any weapon can get very high damage numbers given the right situation. DE probably has a projected damage graph for a weapon given with the best mods possible on it. Also, the tonkor has its checks and balances so I don't think its unbalanced.

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