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  1. As one of the few Inaros mains, I was intrigued when the rework was announced. When seeing it on the live stream, I had only one thought when the new abilities where shown; I see that the armor indicator is a number now, I hope it still scales with percentage. With the new Inaros rework, how you gain armor is changed from always being 100% of your current armor to 350 (scales with power strength), I feel like this makes Inaros weaker because to achieve the same protection from that ability, one would now need to invest more in power strength, Which in turn forces them to drop other health mods. I main Inaros because he is a low maintenance frame, because I only need to activate a single ability once in order to achieve max survivability. Now the armor drains everytime I gain a status procc and have to reactivate it, which is not the biggest deal, but adds an unnecessary level of complexity to what used to be the simplest frame. I also feel that Inaros's passive is now indistinguishable from Sevagoth's passive and is unoriginal as a result, everyone I play with all thought that if an Inaros rework would happen that the passive could become some sort of health gating to prevent him from being insta killed by one million damage attacks. In conclusion, I wish that the armor ability went back to being based on a percentage and no longer (being forced to) drain on status effects (which could be achieved using a toggle). The passive part of the rework is also a little disappointing, but I can live with that and should not be high priority. 620/1536 = 40%, Scarab shell is 60% less efficient than Scarab swarm used to be.
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