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Posts posted by KozaTheShadow

  1. You want to know how Stalker invasions would end up?
    Day 1: Tons of fun for Stalker wannabes, invasion system lovers, etc. Gripes by parts of the community about PvP in their PvE. 

    Day 5: "Wow Stalker really needs a buff he's  too underpowered DE it's just not fun!" 

    Day X: "Wow Stalker is really overpowered he needs a nerf!" 

    Queue infinite spiral that Evolve fell into. 

    Also, nobody wants PvP in our PvE game. Go play Conclave and scream at that other team to make it better, or play Soulsbourne games if you want invasions.

  2. On 7/3/2017 at 1:31 AM, GhostLacuna said:

    What you fail to realize is that due to the aweful writing in this game the operators will never get past the childish pre teen emo label.

    There is not even a sliver of evidence that the operators are mature  or have any experience at all, rather its the opposite. 

    We have plenty of evidence they lack even the most basic knowledge about the universe they live in. (operator lines in all quests and the voicelines in missions)

    By the way they act in all quests so we can summerize that they are nothing but children. In both mind and body.

    This clearly goes against all lore surrounding the focus schools which state they built up culture, made traditions etc.

    Also the operator is a failed third wheel in the game.

    for the following reasons:

    1) It forced a avatar betwwen the player and the warframes. now you are in canon controlling an avatar that is controlling the warframes.

    2) DE failed to create any sort of rapport betwwen the player and the operator. More so since the veterans in this game had years to create an rapport with the warframes.

    3) operator mechanics and controls are extremely clunky.

    4) The operators cringy badly written lines and choices in quests put even more distance betwwen the players that feel they cant even get the operators to make the right choices and the operators.

    5) The absolute lack of any maturity, knowledge or experience from the operators makes me personally hate them with a passion. I can stand the physical representation but i am so damn tired of this forsaken child trope being done badly. 

    6) Had DE adverticed the game as pre teens piloting warframes i would never even picked up the game.

    The warframes is what makes this game unique. Without them and their abilities this is just another generic third person shooter.

    What you failed to read was "turn off the operator voice lines" and "write your own story in the same way you wrote one for your warframe." 

    There is no second avatar suddenly introduced from left field. There always was something there that was controlling the Warframe and it sure as S#&$ wasn't you behind your keyboard (or controller). You were controlling something, controlling the warframe. That something is now given voice, visual, and life. That something, also isn't some garbage MMO trope and has some uniqueness to it at the very least. If you insist on never liking it, sure go ahead ruin the game for yourself. DE sure isn't getting rid of them anytime soon because 50 people on the forums say they don't like Operators. 

    Mechanics, like i said, are always up for debate. They really are bad right now, but same could be argued about all the other mechanics years ago. At least we know DE is trying to flesh things out at some point. 

  3. Nobody ever seems to realize that they can just write their own story for the Operators. They always complain "emo teenagers", instead of realizing those "teenagers" have been piloting Warframes for years/decades and their bodies have been in cryosleep to preserve their minds. They look like teenagers but they can be whoever you want them to be, just turn off Operator voice lines if you hate them so much. I so very much prefer having concrete lore I can still write my own personality into. 

    Operator mechanics are definitely something that should be discussed however, they're so close to being good and fun but just not. Warframe is too fast for how slow they are, and Chains of Harrow really shows that. 

  4. Teshin didn't know much so it is forgiveable. But Lotus was like, "I somewhat know what is going on, but I'm not going to say anything cos I'd look incompetent, so I'll just send my Tenno to blunder into things and hope for the best". Later, she was like "I must protect my Tenno so I'll just lead Hunhow DIRECTLY to them". LOL!


    She may have a heart of gold but she's incompetent when dealing with the Sentients. We need someone who has experience combatting them, someone who can look at them more objectively. That someone is the Tenno, and Teshin. ^_^

    So they guy does nothing and he's better than Space Mom who does everything in our best interests and is demonized for the occasional mishap? 


    Also, surprise, surprise, Lotus thought Hunhow was gone after the Natah quest. She thought he was buried and never to be heard from again. Hunhow also happens to have the intelligence as well as the technology to hide a lot of info from Lotus, being that they're both Sentients. So how exactly did Lotus LEAD Hunhow to us? 


    Teshin is shady and throws the Tenno into battle like they're invincible. Like a child with toys almost. I don't like him and his lack of care. 

  5. I should be playing a game in a way I wan't to play a game. And having my time completely wasted isn't something I look kindly to.

    THANK GOD I didn't spend a penny on the catalyst, if I did I wouldn't have the game on my pc anymore.

    Your time is not wasted. You yourself limited your mindset and play style to only one variation, that variation happens to be the least favorable among DE and the player base and is openly shown to be so. You continue to pursue this play style, and then get angry when you refuse to adapt to something you know is already coming. 


    Also, Rhino is probably the last nukeframe left standing, for now. 

  6. You might want to rephrase the whole thing.


    It's not that I don't forgive you for your English, but I can't understand what you are asking.


    In case you can try posting it in your language and hope that someone who speaks it passes by and translates :-D

    Most I got was he's unable to buy platinum through a specific pay system that he wants to use. 

  7. How to attain neurodes: set up extractors as often as possible(chance of 4), farm Eris(personal preference is Akkad), farm Derelicts(orokin cells too, always nice). 


    How about we have another planet that drops neural sensors instead? Only drops from Jupiter while every other resource (not counting Argon) drops from at least 2 planets. 

  8. I guess but it seems like a long time to wait for 1 chance each year but I guess I may be in the wrong thanks for the feed back @Cyborg-Roc @KozaTheShadow

    Well its not exactly one year, March I believe. So...6 months about? That flies by pretty quick. 


    Kinda kills the exclusivity of the skin if you think about it.

    Same with dex weapons.

    Eh. OP has a good point, it is Hayden's armor from Dark Sector that Excal is borrowing sooooo...I also really dislike the exclusivity nonsense DE likes to do but, opinions.

  9. The Tenno were obviously abused people and the Orokin deserved what they got, probably deserved more to be honest. 


    (Speculation)Lotus may have been the one to finally show them what the Orokin were and give them that push to free them. She never actually controlled them, she just showed them the truth and now we love space mom. 

  10. Destiny was released for 60 dollars and took about a year-ish to actually even be interesting, and now requires dlc that costs up to 50(i think?) dollars in total. Also, its only factor that will keep you playing past the story missions is PvP or looking forward to the next dlc. It also has a story so vague I've heard plenty of people say "you don't play Destiny for the story". 


    Warframe has been free since its release and was good from the start (lacking a bit maybe, maybe) but has only skyrocketed in quality since its release and is continuing to do so, has plenty of PvE content (that is updated for free), a PvP system (no thoughts on this, I don't like PvP), and everything in game is obtainable for free. Did I mention free? 600+ hours of playtime(personally), for free, and I'm not even done with all the things I want to do.

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