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Posts posted by SlapClown

  1. This is sad frost prime  takes faster damage than my ember shield drops to fast and his armor is not  150 it feels 5  he is not a tank    ..runs slower than molasses in February going up hill in a blizzard  ..snow glob i can deal with ..Can i ask what dev at DE hates him so much they feel the need to  Nerf him so bad . i think of the time and money i spent on him is such a waste ..I am glad i have 8 other frame to use at this point i feel i should delete him..Sorry if sounds like crying but just saying how i feel  He feels like glass now I have over 1k hrs in the game and 9 frames its not like i am a newbie I can tell when frame does not seem right .

  2. End game should be story-driven.

    There should be a story, and events or campaigns taking the story further.

    With a much higher difficulty.



    Warframe could use the War Thunder model where multiplayer (or co-op grinding in our case) is free but campaigns you must buy.


    People who just want to blast mobs can play for free, and people who want to delve deeper into the game can do so by paying a little.

    Perhaps this way DE can actually create a decent game and stop relying on weekly guns for money.

    NEVER ever separate F2P from paying players ever  it was done before in a game and it shut down in less than six months  paying players need free to play player to play with..Just because i put  money in a game does not give me the right to push out  free to play players...FTP games are made to with understanding that more than 50% of players will not  put money in a game  but what the devs bank on is them players getting  you to stay and you get your friends   to play  and they will spend money 

  3. if they change the drop rates to be that bad then people are just gonna think its a cash grab or lose faith in warframe being a free to play game.  So that suggestion is just bad.

    but but my way D.E. wont dare to nerf 

  4.  This post  made me think  about my Rhino ....Like a dummy I deleted my Rhino a while back not thinking when on the phone XD.... made new one last night going to lv up and have fun some again ...


    P.S. Iron skin is there to help you when screw up on the dodge its not there to tank XD

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