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Posts posted by MagmaTung

  1. 1. - Missions not completing - 2 out of 5 missions not completing, forcing me to abandon missions because of it.

    2. - Getting kickouts from Missions while in T2 and T3 Survival Missions.

    Smack in the middle of 15 minutes of a T2 and T3 survival missions and getting kicked out of missions for no reason.

    3. - Game has me on a 5 second Lag, cant immediately pick up items, have to wait 5 seconds while standing over them to pick them up.

    4. - Lag shooting enemies also with the 5 second lag time.

    5. - Not being able to complete Vermillion Missions due to game kicking out players from the mission.

    Im not the only one going through this.

    6. - Constantly getting Migration notices popups from game, which is extremely annoying.



    NO, its not my internet as I have 50 / 50 FIOS Fiber Optic.

    And I have up to date brand new computer parts.


    These lags never happend before and started happening since the 11.5 updates.


    This is seriously ruining my enjoyment with the game.


  2. Thank you.

    My friends and I where disscussing this the other day.

    We where saying the rewards kinda sucked for the type of mission and the key.

    and im glad this fix came out.



    I hope this same fix gets done with T1 , T2 , T3 and Specially Vault missions.

    Where we have to craft keys to get there but we are actually giving up 2 keys to get in,

    the "Dragon Keys".

    Not to mention that 4 people have to carry a different key each to make sure we will get into the vault.

    so thats 8 keys.

    Then when entering the vault, only to find out its crappy rewards.

    Which makes it a bit unfair that we are giving up 2 keys / 8 Keys with 4 people for mediocre rewards for such places.


    Im asking DE to please look into this as well.


    thank you.

  3. "kill myself"

    esc.- abort mission ._.


    You seem not to understand what I was writing, please go back and read again.

    "I could not abort the mission, it would not let me"........


    I also did this most recent jaw sword alert where the objective is bugged into the air.

    I'm pretty sure DE knows about this bug as I think I heard Rebecca mention it in a recent "Prime Time"

    the bugged objective has been happening alot since 11.5


    Jaw Sword is  a fairly common alert though

    Im sure theyre working on it, best of luck to you, hopes this puts you at a little ease.


    Thank you, I did not know it was a common alert.

    and yes this does put things a little at ease.

    thanks :)

  4. I want my Jaw Sword reward please........


    I went to the mission and did as asked by LOTUS.

    For some reason when we got to a certain point, we stood there for about 45 minutes even checking and back tracking to see if i missed anything.

    I did not want to leave because I had about 14 mods or so on me,

    not to mention the credits.


    people left after they figured the mission could not be completed.

    I kept staying and looking around and people kept spawning in and leaving when they figured something was wrong after about 10 minutes of their stay.


    The mission happend at 15:49 to 16:37 on January 2nd 2014.


    Please give me my reward that I deserve, sicne I did make it to the mission and not my fault that it did not complete.

    Please check your server logs......


    I was forced to kill myself to get out because the mission would not let me leave either.

    killing myself was the only way out.

    again, please check your game server logs.....


    thank you.

  5. Game barely works now.... It is jamming constantly, generally just slow and crashes quite frequently. A week ago it worked like a charm and my computer can easily run this with maximum settings.


    Ya same here.

    For some reason im constantly lagging now as well as graphics studder and sound efx playing in 1 second loop.

    I even have a screen shot of a graphics and sound efx blaring to no end and kept going throughout the entire mission.




    Though it does look awesome, but this particular thing, made my game lag to all hell.

    and no its not because of the graphics, I have a (high end system) that can handle everything at max settings.


    For some reason, the latest patches are breaking things.

    Also getting tons and tons of Snowy Universe Map, even when restarting the game by shutting it down.



    And yes, I am still confused by this Detron weapon thing.

    Little more clarification please [DE] Rebecca.........


  6. Im a bit confused.

    How do we go about getting the "Detron" Weapon ???

    People say I have to finish all 5 encrements of the mission in Amaros in (Europa) which I have,

    now what ?

    How do I get the Harvester and how do I obtain the Detron weapon..??

    Why is everyone being so secretive and dont want to actually just give the info on what missions I have to do to obtain it.

    Ive been reading and reading the forums, and im still confused....

  7. [DE]Rebecca,


    I still dont know whats going on.

    Meaning im confused as all hell. - I did the 5 set mission in Amaros.

    now what ? How do I do this Harvester thingy ?


    Maybe Mogamu will give a step by step video on this "Harvester" thingy that I would like to complete,

    so I may earn said weapon......


    anyways, please do inlighten my knowledge so I may acheive this task.


    thank you.

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