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Posts posted by Oriviagene

  1. Amalgam furax body count is not updated yet, everytime i kill enemy with furax its just causing blast proc on enemies around me. Blast proc is no longer causing knockdown since the latest element update. pls fix it tyvm.

  2. 2 hours ago, SignatureChewy said:

    Honestly, I'm glad they included railjack in nightwave. It's what finally convinced my friends to play the mode with me, and it's the most fun we've had with Warframe in literal years. Railjack gets a bad rap for its rough initial implementation, but the revisited update fixed a lot of that. Besides, what would you have as replacement nightwave missions? If railjack missions get removed because some people don't like the gamemode, then you would have to remove the open world mission too under the same logic. That leaves us with the most boring missions of all. I hope you like 30 minute survivals, or beating up sergeant for the 100th time. Personally I don't even like the open world missions, but trying out new content (even it's sitting in front of a pond for an hour) at least spiced things up a bit, and made me try out parts of the game I wouldn't have if left to my own devices.

    I bet that if DE did remove railjack and open world nightwave quests, people would complain about the lack of variety and how DE are fools for not utilizing more of their game content.




    i even helped 2 of my friends doing all the railjack nightwave missions

    also tbh i hate the fact that DE made railjack too easy now, to the point that i can literally solo anything alone(my friends just do almost nothing at all but sitting on gunner seat and kill stuff). i hope they buff the enemies(and the drops) at least in Veil Proxima... AND MORE RAMSLEDS PLS.

  3. so i tried using velocitus and put sabot rounds on it, and i noticed the punchthrough is bugged

    sometimes it works but most of the times its not working, tested it on simulacrum with maxed bombards lined up and i have the same result. my charged shot only hit 1 target mostly. is there something wrong with the mod?

  4. i like the concept of komorex, it gives me the feel of using anti material sniper rifle with either explosive or normal rounds, but i feels like the alt fire modes should be swapped, the default zoom is better for explosive rounds, and the additional zoom is good for normal shot(for headshot as well)

    other than that nice work DE 🙂

  5. been playing for a long time now and i've seen warframe changed so much,but there's 1 annoying thing that never....never changes in wave based mission afaik, and that's last second leaver. Is there any way to fix this problem DE?

    i've got a suggestion here...

    how about making ur choice locked when u click on either extract or battle with a confirmation panel after clicking if necessary to make sure u don't accidentally pick unwanted choice, and maybe delete the timer as well(after all,it's the main reason why these guys "changes their mind" when the countdown reach 1), so everyone has to make a choice and the mission won't proceed as long as someone stays afk.

    or maybe someone have a better suggestion for this problem?

    3 times happens on hydron today and its kinda annoy me so much.

  6. so my friend got 50% plat discount and he's not gonna use it, is it breaking any rules if i use that coupon to buy plat and then transfer it to my account via dojo trading?

    he's my college friend but i'm afraid if my action have consequences and causing ban to both me and my friend's account...

    thank you in advance

  7. 2 minutes ago, R_212 said:

    do you play on asia server or other? if so it's probably server error and not from our devices.

    asia,tried to ask my friend to login his account but he too unable to login...

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