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Posts posted by dtm3080

  1. I'm only getting maybe 1000 focus per mission with a lens attached, any tips or techniques to get more faster? 

    I saw a guide that said to upgrade your amp and farm Ediolon shards. But it seems to get Quill standing and upgrade my amp I need to kill Ediolon creatures, but I can't kill them without a better amp. Seems like I'm just spinning my wheels....

  2. 8 hours ago, (XB1)Rylor Threev said:

    First, are you having trouble defending the obj, or actually defeating Chroma? (Its been years since I played this quest, so I might not remember everything correctly)

    Second, what northern_rebal said.

    From my experience, I used frost to defend the objective, then Chroma showed up at the last wave, you have to scan him

    I'm having trouble defending, it's always getting destroyed. I can only make it to the 3rd wave newbie it's destroyed

  3. Hey, so here's where I'm at right now:

    Mastery Rank 4

    Warframes: Excalibur (maxed) , Ember (maxed).  Waiting for Rhino and Mag to finish crafting 

    Weapons: Boltor (max), HEK (max) , MK1-Braton (max) 

    Melee: Skana (max), Fragor (max)

    Would appreciate any advice on what Mods I should be equipping or leveling up? Which weapons should I be crafting going forward?

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