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Posts posted by ShutUpJade

  1. 1 hour ago, Aleksi134 said:

    I doubt every frame will have umbra at all, but i dont think umbra's are hard to make either if this is how they will make them, essentially skins with some new sounds and maybe 1 animation change, couple of new mods if any.

    DE has confirmed that they aren't going to have an Umbra for every frame, but really didn't expound on the point, just something to the extent of "We like the Umbra system and want to add more, but not every Warframe is getting an Umbra."

    The likely idea is that it is going to probably stay exclusive to the original set of Warframes available early in the game, like Ember, Mag, Nyx, and Rhino. But hey, who knows, they could surprise us.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

    How is that any different from other prime sets they can get via trades already? Following the rip off argument, every prime blueprint should be mr-locked untradeable, not just some. I spend more time checking players profile than trading everytime they whisper me to buy something I advertised.

    That's just you, there are many people that just trade when they see something available and their personal opinion on the price is that it's not TOO high, even if the price in reality has been inflated by a couple hundred fold. Or on the opposite end, they are offered an amount of plat and think that it's a reasonable price for what they have even if it's a sever undercut of the market price. I agree that mr-locking on trades ought to be more prominent, so that at least the game can prevent players from getting something they won't be able to use and wasting their money (if it wasn't plat they gained by trade in the first place) unless they are specifically after that and are aware of the MR requirements.

  3. 16 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    It's a maths question and no one can answer it so. 

    I think it's less maths and more philosophy. Technically, adding something to anything changes both things into a new thing. You can get a hamburger, but the moment you add cheese we rename that to a cheeseburger, even though the only difference now is that it has cheese on it rather than not having cheese.

  4. The forums allows you to look at the history of where your account has been used to view and post here. If you have a VPN though, your history here will not actually reflect the true location from which you access the forums with your account. I didn't think about this when finding this setting and just about started the process of recovering and protecting my forum account, which would have been for no good reason.

  5. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    Some of you might think this will allow players to rip off newbies but anyone with half a brain will do some research or try bargaining before buying stuff so this shouldn't be a problem

    Your intent might not be to rip off newbies, but it's gonna happen. Especially since a newer player will not know about a lot of outside sources for research, thus will not go out to find them, assuming that everything they need to know will be in the game. (Of course they'll find out soon enough that it's not the case, but there will be a time where they won't know.)

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

    That was before the war started. The Zairman 10-0( btw from there we get the Tenno because of the Ten-0) was a colony ship sent to colonize Tau that went missing when they attempted to use the rails. It didn't appear until much later.

    I was under the assumption this was an attempt the proceeded the Sentients and Solar Rails projects. What fact did I overlook if you wouldn't mind pointing me there? Genuinely curious.

  7. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Irmao2Vigilante said:

    I love data mining and patterns. So, lets try gather some relevant data, trace some pattern in order to have educated guesses.


    At Warframe wikia - Prime page and Warframe wikia - Prime vault we can find the release dates from primes and vault access dates. Frost and Mag were the first primes after Excalibur, each had its own vault access at different moments. Then, a pattern arises: Frost and Ember (2nd and 4th primes), Mag and Rhino (3nd and 5th), Ember and Loki (4th and 6th).


    So, if the pattern detected continues to happen, so we can expect Rhino (5th) and Nyx (7th). Although, early this year we had a third frame unvaulted, Frost (2nd). Maybe we can expect not 2 but three frames. My guess Rhino + Nyx (5th+7th) and Mag(3rd)

    These are only guesses. Even with some data behind them, DE isn't bounded to them.



    Of course not, but extrapolation is fun. Thank you for this guess, and I hope that it is at least Rhino, would love to get my hands on that Prime! I was really awful at grinding back then, so I didn't get him pre-Vaulting.

  8. 23 hours ago, CupcakesMoo said:

    6. How many gallons of tea do you have to mix with one gallon of milk before it can no longer be considered milk?

    Why in the world would anyone mix those two things together? Why in the world does anyone mix anything other than a bit of sugar into tea? (I've got a bias on tea, Sweet Iced Tea or nothing)

  9. 3 hours ago, Kiwinille said:

    DE already said a couple of times on devstreams they were working on secret projects besides the sacrifice and venus. And with the implementation of new sentient damage/resistance, I'm really hopeful one of the big reveals at tennocon would be Tau coming sooner than we think (realy wish so). One can dream!

    I really don't think that the Tau System is going to arrive before the Venus free roam area, but I can see them at least talking a lot more about both this year.

  10. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Kuljack said:

    Simply that the part itself would then be gone. A waste of a perfectly good part for someone to build a Warframe. Admittedly, I am bias. I place Warframe blueprints on a higher shelf than weapon blueprints/parts. Isn't the DUCAT exchange less even for a built part over the blueprint?

    I just feel it would be my, "Well I can't do anything better with this" moment to trash it for Ducats.

    I don't see any price difference between selling the part and the BP. You have to take into consideration thought, that Baros sells some pretty nifty stuff, like Primed mods and Prisma weapons.

  11. Don't leave permanently, but walk away for a bit, go pick up a game for your preferred console that's come out recently that might have caught your eye and play that. When you come back you might find you have that enjoyment once again. Trust me, I have games I will grind on in for months and months and then come home from work or college to sit at my desk and find I don't want to do that grind, so I'll go and find something else to do. After a bit I'll come back to that game and the grind is fun for me once again.

  12. There is no frame 'not worth having.' If at least just for the Affinity you can gain to contribute towards your MR. You'll find some fit your play style like a glove, you'll find that some of them are a bit clunky or obtuse with mechanics for your understanding, but at the very least there will be this or that situation that you will find that one frame shines above others and you want to use for those types of situation.

    However, in the case of Rhino, he's a beast of a frame and solidly performs for a long time past most of the frames of his, er bracket? The time he was introduced? Even unprimed.

  13. 10 hours ago, JarkayPahnts45 said:

    But I just want to hear opinions. Is the development process perfectly sound, or seriously flawed? And why? 

    It's the same with all games. They come up with ideas and develop/implement them, doing as much bug fixing before it hits live for the players as possible, but they can't find them all, it's inevitable that the thousands or so players are gonna find bugs more quickly than their studio of just under a couple hundred employees. As to things they've changed after initially releasing, they will come up with a system that they like in concept, but once the players get a hold of it and digest it, feedback might prove that it wasn't such a good idea as they thought and they'll change it based on that feedback. You're pointing out a 'problem' that's just a part of game developing for a large player base.

  14. Lol, this is hilarious. Not because of the statement but because fellow Destiny fans are already shouting him down without anyone else needing to say anything on the matter. Even Destiny fans know that Destiny is in a bad state.

    In addendum: I truly feel sorry for Destiny/Bungie fans, that got screwed over from the very launch day of Destiny, then doubly so before the launch of 2. It's so sad to see a titan such as Bungie releasing these products in the states they've been in.

  15. 42 minutes ago, (XB1)Kuljack said:

    9. Add a feature to break down a built part back to it's blueprint. I recently built a Nekros Prime Neuroptics for the Steel Meridian sacrifice advancement, even rushed it for the 55p, only to find out because Nekros was vaulted that it was then changed to a Zephyr Prime Chasis. I went ahead and built that and rushed it too, cause why not. Now I have a built Nekros Prime Neuroptics with no intention of building a second Nekros Prime. If I could break that back down to it's blueprint form (I don't care about the plat/resources expensed) it would be great cause I could pass that off to someone who might need the part.

    You could also sell it for Ducats to buy things from Baro Ki'Teer. But good on you for wanting to trade to people in need of/wanting these parts.

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