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  1. So after 6 hours of attempting to get an Archon kill, trying both solo and in a squad, I can officially say that Archon Hunts ARE #*!%ING HARD, I have great mods but holy #*!% why is this fight unnecessarily tedious Why is the Archon getting tickled by my 5 forma'ed weapons? Why does the Archon have random invulnerable windows? Why is there a cap on the status stacks? Why does the Archon keep healing? Why is dying extremely punishing? Why am I punished for my squad mates' mistakes? Why are NONE of the Warframe abilities working on the boss? Why are there add phases? Why are almost ALL the enemies Eximus? Why are objectively weak Warframes getting a bonus in health and damage? I don't care who exploited this fight and when they did so DE "had" to buff the fight I don't care if the top 0.02% would get bored if this fight was made more reasonable I don't care which Twitch stream that no-lifed this game thinks about content This crap needs a nerf in any capacity, I don't even care how they nerf it but at this point; I will take anything
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