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Posts posted by Dread_Rider_Juno

  1. Disclaimers:

    -First this is based on my opinion, don't be rude about, if you disagree with the list feel free to post your opinion and your lest favorite.

    -Second this game is changing all the time and so this list may change in the future.

    -third, for the worst if you like those abilities good for you, I just feel they under perform compared to other abilities


    top 5 best warframe ultimates:



    5.Hysteria - it May be simple and the attack in hysteria is awkward but sometimes you gotta punch many somethings to death



    4.Shadows of the dead - not the most practical but it is awesome that you turn those you kill to your side



    3.Molecular prime - many know this for its chain exploding enemies, which is one of the reasons its on but DE recently made the enemy slow debuff based on power strength. which maybe the first time that negative effects from corrupt mods benefit. if you put overextend on nova the enemies will spead up instead of slowed down



    2.Vortex - this power is the reason why Vauban is one of the kings of defence. it locks down and bundles massive amount of enemies.



    1.World On Fire - it was a hard choice between one and two, but i felt this was a little more versatile. I do not know a single ember that don’t use world on fire and its not hard to see why, with its massive destruction and jets of flames.


    honorable mentions:

    Rhino Stomp





    Top 5 worst warframe ultmates:



    5.Overload - not very strong, only electic,  mostly useful for short lockdown.



    4.Miasma - one of shortest range of the kill ults, only corrosive damage.


    3.Radial javelin 



    2.Crush - some of you might be asking why is this on here, well what does mag have that's just as powerful but cheaper, Pull. even reckoning is a better mass killing skill giving the team heath balls.



    1.Blessing - still very useful to use for healing but the second part of it, the damage reduction doesn't function very well. its based on how much you heal the more you heal the higher the damage reduction. on paper that sounds great, in practice not so much. Many used this ult for very long survivals and such, i saw it to be used as such as well. I do concur that invulnerability is a bit much but if you wait in till someone is low to make worth it, which in most cases they died before you can use blessing. I can only see people spam blessing or even use her at all(ran into like no trinitys anymore), which just wasted the purpose of "nerfing" it in the first place. should of been a flat base damage reduction maybe based on power strength maxing out at maybe around 90% or something but as of now don't even bother with the damage reduction.


    dishonorable mentions:

  2. New questions added

    Question B: If "New game +" was put into the game how could DE make it viable to face higher leveled enemies(level 40-80+)


    Question C: some have noted about enemies becoming bullet sponges at higher levels. so i thought i would be good to ask, do you find leveled based difficulty in warframe work well.

  3. Question:concept idea below, would you find this as a viable system to deal with Higher Leveled enemies that you would face if there was a "New game +"? http://strawpoll.me/1774244


    --What is a Orokin Equipment overcharger? its given you by lotus after you gain access to the second galactic map and it gives you 30 extra overcharge mod points to your equipment(warframe,weapons,Etc) on top of the catalysis and reactor to help deal with the harder enemies in the second campaign. 
    --What are Overcharged mods? you can overcharge ranks levels on your mods that act like an extra rank(overcharge ranks stats could be different from regular stats to prevent breaking the game) to with the mod when the equipment overcharger is active(maybe adjust amount of overcharge level, be able to higher or lower base on how much you overcharged the mod)
    --How to overcharge mods? it will work like regular mod fusion but it takes an overcharge fusion core to put a overcharge rank on it. overcharge cores will be in the second campaign drop table in various ranks. fusion bar for overcharge could be with the regular but a different color.
  4. Brace yourself fellow tennos, this wall may be big, and a long read. Ignore if you are not interested in a possible application or ideas for NG+ ;) 


    Make it like this, upon entering new game+ you are only allowed to keep one primary, one secondary, and one melee weapon. You are also allowed to choose one warframe of your personal arsenal to keep. 


    All platinum purchased weapons and frames/cosmetics will be put into your foundry, but will require a NG+ Mastery of 6 to reclaim. This also includes event based exclusives. The only cosmetics you get to keep are your clan badge, colors, and syndanas. You are also allowed to keep all your keys. 


    You also keep all purchased weapon and warframe slots. Any Catalysts and Reactors you purchased will be deleted, except for if they were in the weapons you decided to carry over. In this NG+ you are able to obtain catalysts and reactors in void mode+ with the drop chance of forma, only in the newly added T4 keys. Which can only be obtained in NG+. T4 keys only drop in tier 3 survivals and defenses, with a 100% chance for drop at 15min in survivals and a 50% spawn in tier 3 defenses at 15th wave. 


    In new game+ your mods are all lost, but*** if you find a previously obtained mod, it's rank will still be the same as you before. The only change is that certain mods are now restricted to specific planets, I.E. Split chamber and the multi shot mods are exclusively in Ceres, or (only in NG+) the cicero mods and tethra mods can be found in specific planets, Earth for Cicero, and Ceres or pluto for tethra mods. 


    Having a NG+ feature could help solve issues with the ever growing drop tables and help fix the RNG complaints a little. I also think that in NG+ you should have a greater chance of having Stalker,G3, and harvy spawns to make things more challenging for this new mode. 


    Having a NG+ will also help to add a new way for DE to focus on end game players and new players at the same time. In NG+ all things are accelerated, for example invasions happen more frequently and on more planets with greater rewards, but less time to do them. 


    Another thing you can do is have another set of dark sector missions for NG+ so that way even more clans can have dark sector rails out at a time. 


    Clans can be cross game, both on vanilla and on NG+ but it requires a dimensial tenno room to be built and have at least one clan member to be on NG+ to maintain relations on NG+


    Players should also have the option to switch back to normal version at will in case they wish to help other players or newly started friends. (similar to borderlands system) 


    Only condition is that you are restricted to the NG+ loadouts and you will no longer have your gear from the old play through.You will also receive a couple debuffs in order to maintain fairness for new players and to make it where you're not mowing down mobs on apollodorus  


    This could also be a good place for them to distribute better or more elite tier focus lens items when the focus system comes out.


    But idk, This is just an idea i came up with on the spot :P 

    not to bad right off the spot but i don't think many would like getting their gear removed even for a short time or in a different mode

  5. Big maybe... BIG MAYBE. Maybe if we reached MR 30, have all items, complete all levels, complete everything THAN maybe a crazy new game + that is optional to achieve more difficulty, special emblems, some interesting stuff, and hardcore versions of weapons. Possibility to take this gear back to the normal game, and play along side lower level players, but can't level the new game + gear there.

    yeah if there was new game + gear it would have to be only be able to be used in new game + only or it would destroy everything that is in the game now.

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