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Posts posted by Syntax3Error

  1. The free updates and bug fixes. seriously for a free game DE gives tons of free content, even more than big AAA games that costs 60$. i know its not a little thing. but i feel that most of the community that complains that there is not enough content forget about that stuff.

    Ohh and the fact that if you fall of the map you will just teleport back, rather kill you. 

  2. 12 hours ago, DiePainPain said:

    Only when u learn how to play your frame and weapons, and get high rank mods, then u start forma your gears. Yr arguement is asking for the perfect solution, just provide if u have a better one.

    Then people will just abuse it and have 100 forma on their sancti tigris/vaykor hek/any top tier meta weapon. People with high amount of plat will buy crazy amount of forma from the market.

  3. Besides his 1st and his passive he is fine, maybe even the best tank in the game. his 1st his terrible, the range is rubbish by default and most of the chroma builds use narrow mind that butcher the range even more, even if you mod for range, the damage is still bad and the procs are not worth the effort(seriously, braton prime proc more). let his1st be like equinox 1st where you can change elements and gain small buff depends on the element you are switch to.

    As for the passive, its not even a passive its his kit,should definitely be something else.

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