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Posts posted by Zoliru

  1. The DE dev team has big plans and theyre not afraid to make big changes...sometimes the big changes are overboard....but if you stick around for a while you can feel how its their "baby".

    And theyre responsible parents!



    Edit: The rng right now feels worse than Vindictus right now actually...but Im certain they will have some massive changes in 2014..


    i love big changes it gives you a feel that the game is going somewhere.

  2. Things die in a "few" years because people like yourself second guess. If you like something, support it. Simple principle. Doesn't matter if it shuts down as long as you enjoyed the time spent. Not to mention, this ain't NCSoft, so it ain't gonna get screwed over like CoH (or Exteel). Then again, CoH was around for eight years, which is quite a bit. How I miss that game.


    I will support it anyway bicous I realy like it I just wanted to know hows it going.


    I second quess bicous i see that games nowdays flop left and right nonstop even games with big names or the devs don't shut down the game but totally abandon its playerbase....


    and games that goes live and never goes anywhere....





    Champions Online


    and ALLOT more

  3. It's the 16th most popular game on Steam as of 10pm EST on December 30th 2013 (http://store.steampowered.com/stats/), with over 12,000 people logged in at the moment. That doesn't count people who aren't playing through Steam, so I don't know any solid numbers. It doesn't have WoW numbers, but every time I PUG I play with new people, so I think based on that and Steam's numbers there's a decent sized playerbase.

    nothing will reach those numbers even wow never gonna reach their own big numbers now that once have but if its true that this game is over 1 million Playing players that means its doing REALY good.

  4. ok now im heaving huge hopes for the game and gonna start throwing money with 2 hand at them


    but if they screw something those will be coins and that will hurt !!!


    it was a long time I enjoyed a game this much


    always was searching a good scifi game and I also like ninjas soooooo yeah perfect.

  5. The game's pretty popular, but since it's in beta I'm pretty sure it won't just die off randomly, though no one can be certain. Last I remember there were a million people playing.


    that's freaken GOOD news 1 million playing or registered ? there is a difference if its playing then that's REALY good among the mmos

  6. now that stupid steam deleted 3 gig of files and redownloading it bicous the last 3 mb hotfix -.- ( for me only it seems )

    im lurking the forums and im wondering


    how popular is the game ?


    just bicous I got pretty addicted to the game I REALY like it and its unique out there


    but im afraid that this will be another Exteel <.<


    don't want to spend money and ALLOT of time on something that dies in a few year :/

  7. I actually somewhat agree with the last guy. The game is literally nothing but grinding weapon and frame levels and gaining materials to grind up more weapon and frame levels. And that's mostly because it's a primarily PvE game with very little overall context, an underutilized plot, and relatively little emphasis on social interactions (by which I mean that the content itself is almost always so easy that no coordination or guild play are necessary to play it). 


    like ALMOST EVERYSINGLE mmo game out there nowdays ..........


    the only difference is that this is cool

    plays like a co-op single player game not like a generic FPS or RPG ( animations movement Action ) and that's a HUGE + in my opinion.

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