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Posts posted by 007-Creed

  1. So i was running today the tac alert and was getting damaged with no enemies around, was rly awkward. Then i found out that my rhino mate with ignis was behind this. Whenever i activated shatter shield his ignis could damage me. For 3/4 days i play her and didnt get damaged by teamates, so i suppose is just ignis.

  2. If you improve the reload time I would be happy.  The new syndicate status mod helps out a lot also!

    Tell me where the syndicate mod helps a lot supra. Supra with major punct damage for armor gets a mod with magnetic AoE. Where is this mod so awesome besides energy regen and max energy increase? Awesome for the warframe, not awesome for supra.

  3. Considering Supra unique features of killing crowds fast with the low projectile speed, shouldnt be buffed towards accurary or flight speed, but more power. U guys can all say "yeah i can kill lvl 50 heavies on void, no need to buff, learn to mod", the fact is supra can do it but is underpowered compared with other lower requirement weapons and for a LMG to fight armor has poor damage considering drawbacks. Instead of void try out ceres survival with supra and tell me what feels like fighting them. Void is just heavy gunner, the rest is pure BS enemies easy to kill, unlike grineer survs so give it a try and come with feedback again.

  4. hm. isn't that bonus also +Energy as well as the AoE Explosion?

    because then the Energy is the useful part of it, the Damage doesn't matter that much regardless of type.


    hey, that's formatted well, so whatever it was before, no complaints now.

    Yes it regens 25% of energy and even increases max energy, thats rly awesome temporary buff but for the warframe, thats why i didnt mention

  5. Ignore this thing

    As supra fan myself i wouldve liked a different augment mod for it but honestly it doesnt seem so bad. Would make supra op if it had a corrosive aoe instead

    It doesnt feel bad, it feels the same regarding supra performance, for a mod that took me me lot of time, boredom and sacrifice to get it (yes i got it b4 reputation buff)

  6. I am pretty sure most of us know already what kind of buffs and AoE augmented weapon mods have by now so lets have a look at supra. Supra has total of 35 physical damage, where puncture plays the major part with 26.3 damage. The augmented mod provides additive 20 status + entropy that gives magnetic AoE.


    My question here is, beeing Supra a heavy LMG made to fight armor by its high puncture damage over the others, why does it have an augmented mod with an AoE to fight corpus? Not saying mod is good or bad, my point here is that it doesnt fit, it goes totally against the weapon base stats and also the +20 status doesnt make it any better. Perhaps magnetic AoE was given to make supra more balanced on other factions (aka corpus)? Well not bad idea but true fact is that supra wont shine where it was supposed to.


    I rly like the supra, its rly cool, fun to play, spent lot of forma and effort on it and good gun for all content but when we look at it and compare with other way cheaper weapons and lower mastery rank its sad its so underpowered. We are all aware that supra has rly high resources cost and is unlocked on research, alot of procress b4 getting it and mastery rank 7, when we look at soma (exemple) cheap market and fast obtainable weapon with only mastery 6 as draw back outshines the supra, isnt right. Soma is hitscan and has higher dps when compared with lower dps, low accuracy and low projectile speed. Supra is a heavy weapon, LMG, when compared to other weapons looks like a pocket side harm.


    To sum up, the supra is a good gun, and reliable to play all content but when compared with other cheaper and easy weapons it falls drastically: resources, mastery rank, exclusive on research and the more gameplay drawbacks than the advantages (burns ammo, low dps, low accuracy and flight speed, huge reload vs good spinup time, sustained fire and effective against big crowds of enemies). DE pls look at it, make it balanced with other weapons and also take a look at augmented mod, i know the AOE is kinda hard to change now because of faction but perhaps different buff?


    Edit: No need for glasses to read now, your dreams came true :P

  7. Cestras are actually REALLY bad even with the additional 5 damage, crit chance and status chance. Castanas are good, but nowhere near top-tier, never said they're bad.

    Dual Cestras are good machine pistols and the buffed version on Perrin even better. Just because they arent marelok or brakk or u cant even use them doesnt mean they suck and are trash, stop whinning and l2p with cestras.

  8. Does this game have any kind of gameplay skill besides knowing how to build warframes and spam certain ability that makes u insta kill or turn into god mod? Warframe abilities decide whether u live or die not actual gun or take cover skills, so where is skill on whole game? press a number to win?

    The true fact is this games needs these "OP" abilities u have idea why? Its simple, look at maps and all u see is mostly open rooms or halls with no places to take cover, so in order to survive thats why these abilities are a must, also since enemies on endless missions spawn all around u, even if it had cover u coudlnt do much about it. To make this game challenging these abilities must be reworked so does maps, covers, cover gameplay, enemy AI and spawns, endless missions rework. If we just simply rework abilities without reworking all these points game is unplayable when things get harder.

  9. From what I've seen in the forums, alot of people lack the skill and common sense - that's the real problem.

    Who in blue blazes is going to melee or be close to a group of Ancients with poison Aura? "Just don't be near them" is a legit strategy when it comes to enemies that excel in close combat and a obvious one at that


    I think u missed the point i killed them with melee and survived rly easy, just to show how ridiculously easy is it, not $&*&*#(%& thinking i was rambo, read again. Besides i was leveling primary and secondary from rank 0, only melee maxed, what u wanted me to do? Watch how beautiful they are or go kill them with what i could? Or try kill them with unranked weapons from range? Pls enlighten me

  10. This is a skill-based game.


    The mechanic in question actively discourages skill in favor of 'well just don't be near them'.


    It's a poor mechanic.


    Health (and to a lesser extent energy) drain auras should not exist on enemies for much the same reason that passive health drain auras do not exist for players in any FPS game I've played. It is actively anti-skill. It has no place. That's a simple fact.

    The real issue has absolutely nothing to do with whether the mechanic is 'too hard' or if the game itself is 'too easy'.

    Does this game have any kind of gameplay skill besides knowing how to build warframes and spam certain ability that makes u insta kill or turn into god mod? Warframe abilities decide whether u live or die not actual gun or take cover skills, so where is skill on whole game? press a number to win?

  11. Unavoidable high damage shield ignoring poison =/= challenge. Challenge is like no-shield nightmare, where you at least can hide from bullets. From poison aura you cant hide, since it pierce walls. Only way to avoid it is running away (difficult in defence) or killing ancient (that often you dont see).

    Do frames wear toxic masks? im affraid not, perhaps new helmet type for future updates. Just like saryn with miasma poisons the air in certain range so does venomous ancients

  12. Agreed. Loka's kill team is a symptom of a deeper problem, not wholly a problem itself (except for how frequently it spawns.) The real problem here is how venomous eximi have an undodgable highly damaging poison aura. DE had the sense to remove the auto magnetic proc from shock eximi so why not get rid of the other unfun garbage mechanic while they're at it?

     Agreed, i rly hate losing health and there are no possible ways of filling it up again, oh and btw that energy drain is rly annoying, i worked so hard to fill up my energy and suddenly it goes down to 0. What about that freezing aura? DE pls i have warm coats inside my suit, doesnt make sense. If possible give us some kind of god mode aura that triggers from time to time too pls because this game too hard for me and have no actual difficulty settings i can turn down.

    People pls, DE is trying to had difficulty to the game and u all just start whining, all u guys want is god mod and easy game, that is just broken, and is broken already. Im rly tired of people just complaining nerf this nerf that plsssssssssss too OP, too annoying, plsssssssss. I dont even want comment on shock eximus total useless nerf. The only enemy that could completly add challenge to a game by removing our precious energy to cast OP abilities is just broken. As it stands just pls remove that enemy type, nothing more than a regular crewman with more health pool or rename it. Not saying he needed tweek or not but from priority and dangerous target just went to disapointment.

  13. Rework and reconsider what exactly? Since when a death squad or hired mercenaries are easy to beat seriously. Game needs an actual challenge and u people complaint and ask for rework when they are pretty much easy to take down anyways. Ancients knockdown is a joke and anyone can dodge it simple fact that they run at u, stop and take bunch load of time to attack u, its ridiculous slow. Syndicate death squads stand as no challenge, even though they have those auras, they die quick. All syndicate death squads must be buffed or scale because atm they just stand as a bunch of regular mobs that spawn with auras. Well they can be hard for you if u dont have right mods or equipment but for me as veteran they are not fun. Well u can go ahead and complain im a boltor prime user, when im not, one of the my least played weapons, believe it or not. Even with mag prime farming old viver, with no health mods i took down the ancients squad with melee, having all those auras on me. If u ask for rebalance on difficulty because they are too hard for new players with lack of power, well u are right, but not nerf them in general or remove auras or whatever annoys u on them. Game must have challenge, not a boring walk in a park, which is what it currently stands for veterans.


    I didnt get much your point because u didnt explain yourself or develop your ideas and what you really meant with it. Now that i see your point i totally agree with u, is bad spending more time on graphics than improving the game itself. I dont see much of a difference between this UI and the old one, u just have to get used to it but its true it lacks some info mostly regarding abilitlies. As for the "Z" to show team HP i see it as a way of not overwhelming your screen but then comes syndicate death squad window that totally blinds you of anything you are actually doing. It was a bit frustrating last week i went do nightmare alert for hammer shot i believe, soloing with valkyr no shield mode. Well i went for a challenge and just go pure warcry build since they rip u off in few seconds their damage is rly rly high which i kinda like it. I was actually beating it with lot of effort while moving from 1 group to another fast i could until New Loka decided show up and totally blinded me with that huge warning video i couldnt see anything besides a small top and bottom of screen, no surprise i was killed. The point here is that they try make our UI clean for better playing experience but then we have these syndicate huge threats, mod pick ups constantly on screen, lack of info related to abilities or current buffs or debuffs. Regarding the mods, no one rly cares or have curisiosity to know which common mod was dropped. Imo Mod drop card display should be only for rare mods and the rest to be displayed +- like ammo or resources pick ups. Archwing UI is terrilbe, poor 2D minimap, pick ups hard to spot and pick up range should be increased. Tbh im not rly in hurry for new UI improvements (except archwing), but gameplay and content itself.

    Game mechanics need to change, if game is easy on solo, with full squad is battle who ends up with more kills and reaches extraction 1st. There is no difficulty on game, u can just simply run in middle of crowds and press 4. This tactic works on all content from our chart, except endless missions when things get hot. Besides beeing so easy overall what rly makes me sad and hurts me a lot is boss fights. Im serious right now and and its the truth, after around 1600h+ gameplay i didnt finish solar chart for this simple reason, no challenge, no rewarding, nothing actually drives me to end or complete nodes i skipped +- 10/15 of them. This is a fact proves its broken and i believe im not the only one.

    I like and enjoy bosses on other games but no on warframe, its just a joke how easy and simple it is to kill a boss. For a boss they dont do reasonable damage, they look like a normal mob from current mission u just stand and w8 until u can hit weak spots. There is no tactic, no taking cover or keep safe distance. Its literaly stand in front of boss, w8 until he finally decides to stop bothering u and reveal weak spots. Lets see for exemple Krill on ceres: complete crap damage with that gorgon along with melee fails. Only thing we do is walk around him like we were hanging out with friends, completely chilled and bored he doesnt get over with and finally decides knockdown with melee so we can shoot him. Im not even going comment Mars Boss fight or other similar, its just oh well embarrasing and swore to never go back to that node again, it seriously puts me down more than anything. Fighting a boss is as entertaining as viver reptutation farm. Bosses need logic damage and HP, special abilities, temporary or passive debuffs, attacks u must figure how to dodge or get wrecked, special interactions with environment, etc etc, something that rly looks like a boss fight, hard, enjoyable and tons of time to kill it.

    Another prob with the game is the tremendous amount of RNG, no other way around it except recently introduced syndicates. Even the survivals are RNG, its not a survival, its hoping enemies drop life support and i cant stand the idea that nekros is in general a must have to be able to go further in order to actually face survivability skills later while still beeing more worried about LS than actual enemies. When the game starts be hard, rly enjoyable and TRUE survivality its when u have like 10-15 minutes to enjoy the fun after waiting 30 min because there is no life support or because its too overwhelming and sad having always an eye on LS and run away from fight to another room just to use a capsule.

    Ammo is another RNG u have to pray to drop what u want, instead of universal ammunition, where a primary pickup replenish Y% of a certain weapon taking into consideration its own power. Its rediculous the fact that high DPS with low bullet damage weapons are so unreliable and completly put away from even taking them into long endless runs. Why? simple fact that for exemple (random numbers) a supra has 500 total bullet damage with high fire rate has the same amount of starting ammo AND same amount of bullets picked up from 1 drop as a boltor prime with 2k damage. The same logic applies to pistols vs machine pistols. On every game weapons with low damage and high fire rate pick up more ammo from each drop than High damage low fire rate. Ok right Call of Duty and Battlefield this is false right, but we pick up enemies dropped weapons and they still give us enough ammo from one checkpoint to another without the need to pick up weapons. So to be logical and not to spam the ground with random drops u dont need, make 1 universal ammo drop for primary and 1 secondary universal ammo and ajusted pick up %. This way fixes RNG, useless ammo spam and avoids the logic of primary/secondary grenade launchers/explosives using sniper ammo AND bugging the total amount of ammo when using both weapons that use ammo from sniper pool, a bug that is on warframe and is terrible annoying for few months and yet no fix.

    Speaking of bugs, has been reported already for maybe 1 month that Moas (and heard shield lancer maybe didnt test it) still follows and shoots players on ash invisibily, loki stealth, excalibur radial blind and following the logic probabily mirage prism. To nerf mag, exc and trin for LoS was fast and yet i havent seen also a fix on this.

    To sum up idk if i made warframe look like game that isnt worth, but its opposite, for a reason i have spent tons of hours on it and i like new updates and content they throw at us even if it wasnt what we expected the most. Rly appreciate DE work, effort and patience with the community to improve the game. Its rly cool and interesting game that has potencial to be so much more but lacks on many common or basic things, lore, ballance and veteran content besides all that is missing from archwing and syndicates that are still under development.


    Edit: Regarding the difficulty lvl of warframe i forgot to mention, b4 people misunderstand, that game is easy for people who have access to almost all must have mods, which makes it rly challenging for begginers but way easy for strong players.

    Also would like to see better stealth gameplay, parkour maps with puzzles and have more objetives on same mission also something unexpected to happen during mission.

  15. Although i understand and agree with certain things u shared, i dont think you have enough knowledge or the right to judge DE by changing forum or launcher looks, our job is to have fun on game, report bugs and provide feedback on what has been given to us and what might be good to add. I know forums is too bright now but imo looks and feels better now, same as launcher. How and what DE spends time improving the game isnt our concern. If they did this is because they can and im sure they didnt just totally stop working on next update to do this. About forum, as they mentioned if u dont like u can change it. Concerning the launcher i dont rly care or have any kind of problem, just press play and check updates/hotfixes on forum if u have problems. Idk why you people see simple things such a big deal that tbh arent worth complaining about.

    I agree with the fact that warframe lacks on veteran content but they are trying improve it. Archwing came as a totally new game, for us or new players, lacks content yes, same as syndicates that stands as same old grind. The idea that they gave us about syndicates was a long term goal, and it was too long but well i found it challenling and something to get with time, big grind yes but was the point of it. The problem imo wasnt the huge amount of rep u had to farm but the way we had to farm. No variety of ways to farm, just felt like another common grind but way more boring. As it is now i find it too fast for the whole point of it. It needs be slower but with different content, missions, add policies, lore, free rewards while ranking up or achieve certain goal, something different from what we are used to play all over again, something that rly drives players into farming it. Both archwing and syndicates have the potential to be so much more and play big part on the game but its under development. They provide us with this "unfinished" work so we can give it a try and provide feedback on whats good or bad, so they can improve it better with their ideas while taking into consideration ours.


    Then came the Grineer working with the Corpus, then the Grineer making the Infected. Then the freaking Mutalisks designed to make the Infected harder, but just making them annoying.


    Then the Hive missions which were "Everything at once!" Then the Ice missions which were "SUPER BIG MAPS TO GET LOST IN".


    Every public match I go into now is full of hit-scan weapons with maxxed slash running through the known levels and getting out by the time you're halfway through. Often they don't even notice if people haven't moved. You literally get more xp by standing still in matches than trying to attempt them solo.


    From what i see here u seem to be annoyed cause u lose health. Whats the problem with infested ospreys? Kill them fast otherwise eat their poison. Its meant to provide more challenge which its still easy. This game NEEDS increased difficulty and specialized units like ospreys to poison air is a good addition. There are mods, warframes and gear to restore health also a mod that reduce poison damage. Do u know anything about rejuv aura, antitoxin mod, life strike, health restores and trinity/oberon? Theres has to be challenged on game and not just run, press 4 and win.This game is hard for new players with lack of mods and extremely easy for veterans. If u claim beeing a veteran i dont see whats your problem with ospreys, the game has enough and too much stuff to counter anything u face on missions. Regarding grineer i dont understand whats your problem with slash and hitscan. Im pretty sure u can hitscan while targets are moving or running. Again complaining about slash seems like raging for losing health. Hasnt this been for enough time to only complain now? You should explain better whats your point here cause atm i dont get it.

    If u get lost on ice maps probabiliy u arent aware theres a minimap with icons on top left of screen. Whats your problem with big maps again? Isnt it good to have a big map and enjoy missions more rather than rushing spamming 4 and coptering, rushing the most u can, because its the idea you showing atm. Although doesnt affect gameplay for veterans is more enjoyable having new tileset rather than same ship map. Ice maps are open world and with lot more freedom and eviroment rather than 1 way hall ship.


    To sum up u seem already bored of coming improvements even b4 u see them. You should trust more and give more value to DE work, even though we havent seen our long requested content for veterans, their current additions to the game are positive, which with time and help of community can turn into something big. This game needs increased difficulty which atm is extremely easy and if u cant deal with slash procs or some poison damage just because annoys u, well deal with it. Aside from grineer (which i meantioned on another thread), corpus and infested lack on power. Grineer have high armor and high different types of damage, specially slash and explosions and hitscan weapons; Corpus have projectile speed, dont deal much damage besides moas, tech and elite crewman and they die terrifically easy; infested well its infested even with ospreys addition are no challenge. I rly would like to see balance between them with more specialized units for corpus and infested that can actually add some difficulty to the game.

  16. So i have just soloed the Steel Meridian Survival Alert on Ceres (Cinxia) and i couldnt reach the life support capsule in time at 55sec countdown to the end. I was expecting to show up mission failed but instead Lotus gave me waypoint to extraction and counted as mission completed, got all mods/resources and reputation points from mission reward. i suppose its bug and thx DE i didnt have to play the mission again :P. Hope its a bug that takes long to fix :D

  17. Narrow Minded 8 + Overextended 5 + Stretch 5 tested on grineer and i didnt have probs. Ofc i got shot sometimes but most bullets didnt hit me. -3% range out of 25m isnt that comfortable and yes u will get shot a lot since 25m isnt that great already, no much room on outer shield. As someone said above replace stretch with overextended. If u worried about losing power on tornado it isnt made to be a killing ability but a CC with proc chance. Your choice to pick utility or not.


    Edit: For high lvl grineer 40/45+ u need both stretch and overextended man or u totally wrecked unless you have another tank or CC on team. If u soloing or only damage absorber for team u must have both, besides by that lvl tornado with less 60% strength or neutral theres no difference. Play your role, you are a tank with CC not a damage dealer.

  18. Delete aim bot from enemies, they need to make miss shotes too. At higher levels around 60+ it is impossible to survive without energy. If you have energy only OP frames can survive, like Loki , Ash, Valkyr.

    Enemies need to have delayed aim reaction.

    Alright lets not start discussion here about OP or not OP frames. Each frame has its role and as far as i know squad has 4 players to help each other. If u have squishy rly high damage frame, a teammate has to support u beeing tank or CC. We play as team not solo. If u play solo then pick frames more appropriate for that like those u mentioned + nyx, excalibur, zephyr and limbo. You mix OP utility thats what most people dont understand. We ask for utility on all abilities specially ultimates and u say its OP. Loki disarm all ok for rest of team; ash killing machine all ok too; valkyr doesnt even need hysteria unless u only tank on team and no CC; nyx and excalibur have good CC, zephyr is awesome tank too with a small CC and limbo well not very team friendly but a experience limbo can use cataclysm as a globe to shield team from outside or inside. If u prefer survivability over damage boost and u play alone pick up a warframe for that but dont say its OP. There is no such thing as High Survivability and High Damage at same time (except an experienced ash but he is assassin).

    To Sum up these frames make the balance for glass cannon frames to boost damage. You cant kill high lvl without damage boost same way you cant survive without tank/CC.

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