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  1. Medullis Bone Warframe Tank CC Debuff Warframe Male Medullis, the Warframe cemented by bones and sinew. Medullis uses his ability to summon and construct bones and spikes to strengthen himself and his allies along with crippling nearby enemies. (Stats) at lv30: Armor: 450 Energy: 175 Health: 300 Shield: 75 Sprint: 0.9 Ability Stats that Have # can be Modded (Gameplay Style) Ability Reliant Puncture Gunplay Based Warframe Casting Abilities to Proc Puncture, Which Improves Survivability Greatly, a lot of Cast and Forget Abilities. (Passive) Sinew Sheath: Increases Armor by 15 Per Enemy Affected with Puncture within 30m Puncture Damage Reduces Targets Damage Output up to 200% (1st Ability) Fang Flood: 25 Energy Sends 2 Parallel Waves of Bone Spikes that Emerge From the Ground Dealing Puncture Damage, Increasing Per Each Enemy Hit and Stunning Them Enemies Each Wave is 2.5m Apart Each Wave is 10m # 250 Puncture Damage # x 1.25 Puncture Damage per Enemy Hit 2 Second Stun (2nd Ability) Spinal Skewer: [Subsumed] 50 Energy Lunges at an Enemy, Skewering Them Skewered Enemy is Impaled by Bone Spikes, Remains Static, and Immune to Damage Increases Armor of Allies in 20m of Skewered Enemy # Decreases Armor of Enemies in 20m of Skewered Enemy # 20s Duration # 15m Lunge Range # 20m Circle [Around Skewered Enemy] # 500 Puncture Damage # 25% Armor Increase 35% Armor Decrease # (3rd Ability) Marrow Mail: 50 Energy Bones on Back Enlarge and Sharpen 30s Buff "Thorns", Health and Armor Buff Reactivatable "Thorns" Damage Dealt to Player Launches Bone Spikes that Seek Enemies and Deal Scaling Damage 30s Duration # "Thorns" 30% of Damage Reflected as Puncture Damage # Reduces Movement Speed 10% Increases Armor 35% # Increases Health 10% # Immunity to Status Effects & Knockdowns (4th Ability) Cartilage Cyclone: 75 Energy # 45s Circular AOE Constant Damage Aura 15 Bone Spikes Rotate 15m Around Player Dealing 400 Puncture Damage Per Hit Hits Stun Enemies & Provide Armor Per Hit 15 Bone Spikes that Fly Around the Player Quickly # 45s Duration # 400 Puncture Damage Per Spike # 15m Circle [Following Player] # 2.5 Second Stun 25 Armor Per Hit for the Duration of Cartilage Cyclone Spina Arma Bone Full Auto Rifle Puncture Status Rifle Primary Spina Arma is a high-status, disc bone-launching rifle. Bones rapidly spin in mid-air that punctures enemies, piercing through targets. Bones ricochet off of surfaces increasing damage per bounce. (Stats) at lv30: Accuracy: 50 Ammo Maximum: 150 Fire Rate: 4.25 Magazine: 30 Noise: Alarming Punch Through: 1 Reload: 1.7 Trigger: Auto Critical Chance: 20% Critical Multiple: 2x Status: 45% Puncture: 120 Total: 150 A Few Thoughts My main idea for this warframe was a SUPER tanky warframe that comes with some AOE stunning. I also felt that puncture is a very underused stat so having the passive increasing the max to 200% will help that out. I also used some warframe abilities that I took inspiration from, such as Nidus's 1 being similar to Medullis's 1. Most of the numbers for the abilities and stats for the warframe might be a bit iffy and the gameplay loop might be a bit off, but I just came up with this after a bit of brainstorming and thought I could put this out. If there are any other things I should add or change criticism is welcomed. The weapon I felt is kinda a cedo, astilla type rifle that fits with the warframes playstyle. Thank you to anyone that took some time to read my warframe concept! THIS IS BY NO MEANS A BALANCED KIT, I was just putting out some ideas for a cool warframe concept, numbers can always be changed and abilities can always be altered. I just was putting together some random numbers in with abilities I thought would be a cool and fun playstyle.
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