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Posts posted by _Je_Suis_Bruxelles_

  1. I don't get it.  It sounds like you're farming resources, but the alliance that holds many of these nodes doesn't have a tax on resources.  If that alliance offends you so greatly, you're free to fight for the other side and get your resources taxed at 5% or more (based on the conflicts occurring at the time of this post).



    The alliance does not offend me.They do what the system allows them to do.  But no one should be allowed that much control over the game.

  2. Let me be more clear,I hold nothing against Eclipse.They are using the current system as it is ,can't blame them for that.

    I just want to have a choice in witch Sector to farm . Right now 5 out of 6 are owned by them ,with the same tax rate,so I have to pay whatever they ask,or get lost. Really there is nothing wrong with that?

  3. Right now, a single alliance controls almost all places where one may farm for Orokin Cells or Neural Sensors, in the Dark Sectors. Should be a matter of time until it gains 100% control .

    So ,right now ,if I want to farm ,I have to pay a heavy tax ; there is no choice left.


    I think we need some ''anti-trust'' rules.

    Like for example,an Alliance could not own both Sectors on the same system.

    Or better yet, there are six sectors that may yield Orokin Cells and Neural Sensors; it should be a rule that no alliance could own more than one of these.

  4. I never understood this...what is wrong with exclusivity?

    Why should I, claim a right to have something like Primed Chamber , when other people worked hard to earn one,or others paid big cash for it?

    Is like claiming a right for free Ferrari's for everyone.

    I didn't participated in the Cicero event,why should I claim the prize?

    As a new player,I lack all the Vandal gear ,all the Wraiths ,besides the Gorgon . I'm fine with that,because I didn't earn them.

  5. Just one more reason to stay the hell away from the Dark Sectors.

    I'm Lv15 ,thank God I don't really need that affinity boost. As for the credits,the good ol' Void always pays up.

    I'm sorry for the rest of the players ,who have to put up with this crap.

  6. The problem as I see it ,is that the  Invasion Missions are tedious and boring...And here is where the most AFK players are encountered.

    I'm bothered by an AFK player only when I'm in a rush for a potato,and the 60 seconds wait at the extraction might count

    But ,the root of the problem lies with the DE; they invented this Invasion system where everybody cares only about the reward,the actual gameplay is really a chore to get the damn potato. No wonder some might say ''Screw it,I'm having a smoke''.


    But to get people banned for it ,seems a long stretch.Even I did some AFK .the phone rings,the kid cries,the wife's nagging...not everyone of us can  give 110% all the time.

    Those of you who do , I don't know if I should mock you,despise you or envy you...


    In the end ,is just entertainment,a game.Is NOT real.

  7. This happened to me too,10 minutes ago. I was in chat ,the notification alert popped up ''Olla - ceres Nightmare Mod located". But on the Alerts board-nothing. going manually On Olla-Ceres, takes me to the regular mission held there. I had to ask for a lift to complete it.

    This has happened before,a number of times, today ,at least in another instance I saw that happening.

    This has nothing to do with the Prime Time. I saw that  ,at very different hours,on different days.

    Next time I observe this bug,I will try to relog.

  8. Took me 30 minutes to buy all the prime parts . I didn't payed more than 5pl for any part...

    But what's the point...Everyone has them now. like I said before ,one only has to wait for a coupon discount,buy 4 euro worth of plat ,and get him/herself all the primes...

    And now for the fun part...mag prime complete set sells for about 20pl.Frost for 30. ember is 40 -50.

    Who in the right mind would buy an Ember frame from the shop(225pl) , when the prime part can be bought for a fraction of the cost. Of course I'm referring to the people who rather buy their gear than grind for it.

    Now ,people will start doing void missions,to get stuff ,to sell for platinum,witch will lower the prices even more.

    now the prime gear only purpose ,will be to rank them once ,no formas ,no potatoes, just enough to get the mastery points.

  9.  is a free market. for a rare/aura/nightmare mod (unranked)  ,I never payed more than 5pl .For example, for Blaze ,people are asking anything between 10 to 30pl .but I posted an announcement '' wtb Blaze unranked 5pl " , and I got 3 offerings within 30 seconds.


    corrupted mods, might be worth a little more since are harder to get...atm ,I'm not interested in any of those ,so I can't say.


    Hi ranking mods(serration,redirection etc.) go for anything between 180 to 300pl. But I bet ,if I put an announcement ''wtb max serration 150pl " ,I would find a seller.

  10. I had played void missions all day and no rewards are dropped.The biggest reward I got was T2 capture key in a T1 capture mission.

    Is this a bug or this is how it's gonna be from now on?

    I would really like an answer ...If it's a bug fix it stat. I already lost 2 T3 capture keys for nothing.

    If this is the way it's gonna be ,just say so ,and I will not bother myself anymore with the void missions.



  11. maybe I'm not the brightest tenno,but the new  map markers are confusing.

    I did a bunch of survivals ,and couldn't find the exit marker....always leading me to another capsule...so why did you change the color of the exit symbol? one time i found the exit by sheer luck,I tried to look on the map to memorize the exit symbol,but I couldn't see nothing other than my arrow.

    Fix it,asap.

    Or make a list with the new markers and their descriptions and put it on wiki.


    The Void runs are ruined. In the last days I worked my &#! to farm some T3 capture keys.This morning I did 4 runs...NOTHING.Not a single drop.Not even a core.

    The rest of my keys I will sell...if I find someone stupid enough to buy them.

    Thanks for ruining the T3 defense too...it used to be a relatively short and brutal challenge.Now is like every other defense mission.

  12. I have a permanent extractor on Jupiter,and once a week I get a harvest of 6 neural sensors; this had happened now for three weeks in a row. it's a pretty good deal considering that the neural sensors are the rarest resource...Cells drop from everywere,gallium and neurodes are regularily rewarded in the corpus/grinner missions.

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