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  1. I switched from PC to Xbox. But I stayed with mouse and keyboard. Therefore, there seems to be an issue with the cursor. The pin point on the cursor is off and difficult to determine where it is. I sometimes have to switch to my controller to click the right thing. I've tried all the different styles of cursor, but still am having this issue. Please adjust this DE.
  2. The app has a lot of potential. Similar to the destiny companion app, I think it should give more access to do more things while offline. These are some ideas. •Access to in-game market •Capability to equip mods and frames •Upgrade mods/dissolve mods to Endo/roll rivens
  3. My modding console in orbiter is only listing 9 of 15 rivens. I can't reroll/upgrade the ones that aren't showing. I was on PC, but saved over to Xbox. This issue didn't start until I believe after whispers in the walls came out.
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