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  1. FR: Remove manual extraction option on zariman for hosts only. Motivation: - To prevent leaving everyone without rewards. Currently, when host extracts, forcing host migration, the migration process may fail in a horrific way, leaving everyone -- except host -- without rewards; or otherwise make the bounty unplayable/unfinishable. Essentially, wasting everybody' time. - Do not believe host-migration issues will ever be fixed, so no point in suggesting that instead. - People may actually know this will happen, so they abuse the issue or just don't care for others. - There's an argument that toxic people may start to abuse this the other way -- preventing host to leave; but I assume some compromise has to be made, since allowing teammates to safely leave outweighs this ~3-to-1. Otherwise, worrying the host will leave and break the game just pushes you away from public toward solo/premades, i.e. toxicity forces you away from the game. Example 1: Was doing public bounty (exterminate), got everyone, got angel, host extracts right away, -- host migration fails, everyone returned to zariman, but there're no rewards, ui is broken (game assumes we are at relay), have to return to orbiter to resume. Example 2: Was doing bounty (exterminate, Melica). Was really unlucky finding Melica, but got the accolade, host became impatient and left, me and other temmate migrated, but the accolade transformed into ???mobile-defense-key???, so the bounty couldn't be completed, forcing us to abort. Couldn't find the second Melica either, dunno if related to host-migration or not. NOTE: It would be fair to mention, that host-migration failing in this way doesn't happen too often, but: - overall, people are really impatient during high-level zariman missions, so they extract right-away, so host-migration does happen fairly often - and when it fails, it fails bad for the entire squad (except host obv)
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