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Posts posted by naardejood

  1. Valkyr doesnt make the entire party invincible


    Valkyr has to sacrifice damage and lacks any kind of C save from her #3 which is small and not particularly useful


    Valkyr is entirely limited to melee and is more of a passive tank and emergency revive in high waves


    Trinity sacrifices nothing


    She can use literally any weapon she wants


    Ogris and Penra gain her CC and damage potential far greater than any frame


    She can also opt for the soma/latron prime/synapse for the same purposes


    Even if she cant CC she garuntees her party can be purely focused on damage because defensives no longer matter


    To say valkyr is as broken as trinity is stupid as hell bluntly


    Your argument is entirely a waste of thought process


    Again sorry for the harshness but this is frustrating at this point


    I have never been to a forum with such poor arguments...

    Trinity has no damage buff at all.


    Trinity has a single-target CC that isn't even worth slotting.


    Trinity has little to no survivability without Blessing or Link running and frequently dies between Blessings even with Natural Talent slotted, whereas Valkyr has ridiculous health and armor that allows her to re-cast Hysteria more easily without dying in high-level content.


    Hysteria lasts 3x longer, dropping your chances of dying between Hysterias.


    Valkyr can CC with a regular jumping melee attack just like every other frame can, so the CC from a Penta/etc. isn't really that big of an advantage, especially when you consider that you have to build it for proc chance if you want it to reliably proc blast for the knockdown. Jump attack's guaranteed AoE knockdown.


    I don't think it's entirely accurate to say there are absolutely no tradeoffs whatsoever.



    I always play either solo or with one or two friends, so I'm looking at this issue from a mainly solo player's perspective. Valkyr's invulnerability and Trinity's invulnerability are pretty much identical to me. I don't really care if they remove Blessing's ability to make your team-mates invulnerable, but we have no idea if that's the change being made yet, so, again:  Speculation. My concern is that Blessing may be nerfed in a way that disproportionately affects solo players in an attempt to resolve issues that allegedly only occur in team play.


    And, again: If you feel like you have to apologize at the end of your post, you should probably re-write your post. It's not like verbal communication where everything's said in real-time. And alleged "poor arguments" are no excuse for poor behavior. You can't belittle someone in one sentence, apologize and then make yet another belittling comment without appearing disingenuous.

  2. That doesnt change the fact that its totally broken


    Its for the good of the entire game whether you like it or not


    Loki lacks any type of damage and can still be hit and killed. His radial disarm is what might be an issue


    Ash is basically useless outside of his weaker invisibility and arguably useful 4


    Valkyr only makes herself invincible and is limited in her ability to damage or CC in any way


    Trinity makes the entire party invincible, not just herself


    Virtually eliminating all need for CC or defense of any kind




    Just because one frame is OP doesnt mean we shouldnt nerf her


    She and any other frames that are too strong should be nerfed or rebelanced accordingly


    Your entire argument is on the base that they arent going to have any changes made in the future


    If you see a problem then make a post about it


    If you keep using such poor defenses for your arguments then you arent going to prove any kind of point to anyone but someone with as linear thinking as youve shown in this post


    I dont mean to insult you so sorry for the kind of harsh tone


    I dislike poorly built arguments

    My argument is on the base that changes being made to game elements is done for the sake of balance, which makes it very confusing when a single skill is targeted for nerfs when skills with a nearly identical result are not. I don't see why it's okay for Valkyr to be invincible and fully resistant to CC while gaining life leech while Trinity's invulnerability is not.


    I honestly don't have a problem with Trinity's invulnerability being nerfed so long as Valkyr's invulnerability is, as well. I'm totally cool with Blessing not making the group invulnerable if it gets other buffs to make it more in-line with Hysteria. I'm also totally cool with it not being 100% invulnerability so long as Hysteria is not longer complete invulnerability.


    To take action against one skill because temporary invulnerability is considered overpowered then the same action must be taken against all skills that provide some form of invulnerability or the changes become completely inconsistent and you run into yet more of the balance issues you made the changes to resolve in the first place.


    Frankly, though, I'm not entirely sure now why this is even a thing since we have no idea what changes are being made, anyway, so it's all speculation. I don't think there's much of a problem at the moment since it's totally possible to end up dead between Blessings or run out of energy, so I'd prefer to see the skill left alone, but it's probably best at this point to just wait and see what the changes are before making any real assessment.


    Also:  Saying "I don't mean to insult you" after insulting someone doesn't make it okay.

  3. I frankly can't understand why one would spend their time and credits attempting to deploy a rail to a DS with an existing free rail. Is your self-esteem so low that you absolutely must ruin everyone else's experience with a 48-hour snore fest of a contested phase so you can have your little video game clan name show up somewhere? Must you be constantly hopping up and down, squeaking "Support my rail! It's the only thing that gives my life value"?


    The entire solar rail system is just another mechanic to be exploited by trolls who want more attention. Decouple the rails from Dark Sector and turn them into giant extractors. If clans want to duke it out for a steady stream of incoming resources, don't involve the rest of us. We shouldn't be the ones providing them with those resources and we shouldn't be the ones fighting to keep their e-peens hard. The biggest, richest clans shouldn't be able to exploit the rest of the player base by gating off access to portions of content behind their own, personal pay wall.


    Also:  How are we supposed to know who we would prefer to support when a clan can claim to intend to set taxes to 0 and then set them to some absurd rate after they take over the rail?

  4. Anyone know where to find sicarus prime?

    T2 Google.




    26px-Blueprint_Orb.png Ember Prime Blueprint Orokin Derelict Defense 32px-Helmet.png Ember Prime Helmet Tower II Exterminate 32px-Chassis.png Ember Prime Chassis Tower II Capture 32px-Systems.png Ember Prime Systems Tower III Mobile Defense



    i thought this was how to get it. anyways i played to wave 45 in orokin direlict but still  i didnt get it and this is the 5th time i do it.....


    I see the Ember Prime stuff in ODD all the time. I'd suggest going to 20 waves and leaving as opposed to playing all the way to 45. Seems more efficient since the waves start taking longer. It'll show up eventually.

  5. You could receive items from different accomplishments, not just luck.


    For example, there is post suggesting that stance mods could be rewards from unlocking achievements. I like this idea, you have a clear objective and a clear path to get the goal. There is a lot of content that could be hidden behind actual actions or objectives rather than just luck.


    As I see it, it is ok to have common items and resources from drop tables, but rare items should be rewards for being able to accomplish something (beat a boss like the regular warframe parts, reach a point in a campaign, reaching the max level on number of a kind of weapons).

    I've seen some compelling arguments for a token system, as well. It mainly pertains to Prime parts, but I don't see why it couldn't be extended to mods/stances, as well. If you get the junk you want as a drop, awesome. If not, then at least you know you're going to get the item you want eventually without grinding the same mission over and over and over until you never want to touch that content again.

  6. I set mine to the absolute minimum. 75, I believe? 50? Whichever one's the lowest. You very rarely start a mission with other players, but you end up getting people connecting to you all the time. It's a good way to damn near guarantee that you're hosting so that you don't ever have to deal with lag or any of the glitchy crap that comes with being a client (stuck doors and whatnot).

  7.   I was really looking forward to pretty much everything this patch had to offer. Until the last minute when they revealed how much enraged genital mutilation one would have to endure to even have a glimmer of hope in Hell of experiencing anything remotely new. Took three hours of Void garbage to get one singular Argon Crystal. Then a door slammed shut on me and forced me into a wall, causing me to become permastuck and abort. Three hours of grinding Void for ONE Argon Crystal only to then be cheated out of it by terrible coding and the complete lack of an /unstuck command was, in a word, infuriating. Not fun. Infuriating. Especially after spending weeks and weeks trying to farm prime parts with absurdly reduced drop chances.


      I would like to have some new items that don't require days/weeks of farming in Void. I am so ridiculously sick of Void. And these things DECAY!? Seriously. It's not enough to make them drop, maybe, once every three hours. Not only are they absurdly rare, but you have to farm every single one you need all at once or the game begins to rob you of your effort. Have school or work? Sucks for you. There goes your Argon you farmed for hours. Enjoy losing hours of your time you'll never get back.


      And that's just the Argon debacle. Took me four hours to get enough of those items for *one* Vay Hek key. And that's with a Nekros. Same with the Argon. Used my Nekros for those, too.


      As for the stance mods:  I guess I'll be deleting the Glaive Prime I just built specifically for Melee 2.0 that I spent stacks of hours and keys trying to farm, 'cause I'm sure as Hell not going to spend a single credit on the ridiculous, testicle-shredding hate furnace that is transmutation.

  8. when is the rewards on ODD fixed so that we don't see void keys after void keys after void keys?

    Been wondering about that since Prime parts became tradable and pretty much every Void and Derelict mission started dropping the same item over and over and over. Took forever to get my Orthos Prime junk when T2 Capture would drop 13 Ember Prime Chassis in a row only to then drop one Glaive Prime Disc and return to the Ember Prime Chassis for another 3-10 missions before dropping another Glaive Prime Disc. T2 Survival's still hoarking up absurd amounts of credit caches and the occasional Mag Prime Chassis or Paris Prime BP almost exclusively. If I need Formas I've started just running T2 Survival until it gives me one or I die so at least it won't eat the key.

    Wait... nobody gets the lost loot back? ._.

    EDIT: That sucks, otherwise I would've gotten the Brakk by now.

    Got that a few times, myself. Was particularly infuriating when I'd been running 5-minute survivals for six to eight hours a day for two or three days and then when they finally spawn they crash my game after I Boltor their faces. At least, after something like two-and-a-half weeks of doing nothing but 5-minute Apollodoris runs I finally managed to Desecrate myself the barrel I needed. Receiver and BP was relatively easy to get, and I got lucky with Natural Talent, but that barrel is ridiculous. Especially if you don't have a Nekros, which I built *specifically* for this. It's kinda balls that one specific frame is almost a prerequisite for acquiring these drops.
  9. you know what's really annoying? my Sentinel has a body effect flash and shakes my screen and makes a power casting effect every time he starts shooting.

    Dethcube w/ Deth Rifle in particular.

    this is REALLY annoying.

    I'm not sure if it's the sentinel firing or if it happens when you get hit because those two things seem to happen around the same time. May take off the attack precept and check. Either way, yes. Entire screen turns blue, makes an incredibly infuriating sound and the UI markers that indicate what direction you're being hit from are now gone.
  10. Yes please fix. I get nothing but orthos prine bps from T2 ext. About 20 in a row. And ODD gives way too many keys.

    Yup. Did five 30-minute ODDs yesterday. Got one Ember Prime BP and the rest of the rewards were keys. Seeing as how we've gotten multiple hotfixes and an entire content patch without so much as a mention of this issue, I'm assuming at this point that it's working as intended as a means to pressure the community into buying Prime Access or plat so we can buy prime parts from other players.


    Why solve a problem when you can monetize it?

  11. Here is a 30 minute T2 Survival....


    Four Paris Prime Blueprints...


    Please fix this.

    Holy Christ, is that a Forma BP...? I've been farming Void and ODD for forma BPs for almost two weeks now without seeing one of those... Got a whole lot of credit caches, Paris Prime BPs, etc. etc.

  12. What's shown in that video is absolutely 100% no question, rhino prime. Now, whether or not they'll release a second video with loki prime switch teleporting rhino prime away is a different matter entirely :P

    That's a real subjective statement you've made there with absolute certainty. =P

    I've learned not to trust a damn thing any developer says before it actually happens. Especially when it's not spelled out in plain writing.

  13. I feel like the problem with the Void and Derelict drop tables is when they diluted it at update 12, they didn't really fix it. Now instead of getting credits or resources as possible rewards, you have one item that essentially fills those empty slots. So the chances of you getting that forma or blueprint you want are just are rare as it was when update 12 came out.


    Now you just get multiple copies of one item because it has a much greater chance to appear than everything else.

    An interesting theory... The question remains, though, is if that's how DE intended it to work. The wiki says all Void drops are supposed to have an equal chance at showing up, and that's clearly not happening. Add to that the fact that there's reports popping up about items that aren't even supposed to be in a particular drop table showing up when they're not supposed to and I'm starting to lean towards suspecting that it's a bug. I just wish we could get some sort of comment on this from DE so I can either stop hoarding my keys or have a general idea of when I should start using them again.

  14. That was what, 2 weeks ago? How impatient are you.

    Exactly 2 weeks for a catalyst alert and 22 days for a reactor alert, 11 days minimum since I've seen a catalyst, forma or reactor from an alert and 11 days since I've seen a forma or forma blueprint from a void mission.


    Also: Please fully read the opening post the next time you want to reply to a thread. Then you won't have to feel so defensive when you realize your post was off-topic. It'll make the forum experience a bit more informative and a bit less stressful for everyone.




    When I need forma (so always) I go to t2 or t3 survivals and normally I will get one forma bp per run.

    Again:  You're talking about TII and TIII Void survivals after February 19th, correct? Because that's one of the things I'm trying to figure out. I want to know how many people are having trouble getting formas out of Void missions after update 12.2.0, because I'm not the only one who's been having issues with the Void drop tables recently.

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