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Posts posted by Dirty_H4rr1

  1. My bet's on today (or tonight, considering where I live). It's most likely just a hotfix or Tenno Reinforcements, nothing major.


    I don't think it's gonna be reinforcements, we got that last week (akjagara). Maybe new shinies and hotfixes.

    On the matter of when, I'd say today/tonight

  2. there's people trading it for plat, so you can make an offer either in trading forums, or in-game traidng chat. you can also ask for a price check (PC) on it, so you can see if it's worth it or not.

    Hope it helps!

  3. As I said, that's how I'm leveling red veil, doing steel meridian missions with the steel meridian sigil, so I don't lose rep on arbiters and suda, hence maxing 4 syndicates out of 6. It's not efficient, but I'm not losing rep on the other syndicates, so it's a win to me.

  4. well, if you were low mastery (on PC), then it means there were no "elites" around there, as I imagine you were doing low level missions.

    So, the judgement doesn't come form "PC elites", just other pc players that have been around for a while, but not so long as to be elite.


    Anyway, a proper welcome to the PC tenno is in order, so welcome and hope you have fun, and less toxicity.

  5. no.. you will only get half of the steel meridian xp toward redveil. once your maxed with steel , even if its during a mission, you will not receive anymore xp for redveil.


    you still get rep for red veil, that's how I'm working towards my 4th syndicate, without loosing rep fro the other syndicates, I have maxed steel, and still get red veil rep




    As seen here, I reach max with Cephalon but still get more than 50% rep for Arbiters and Red Veil. So as mentioned earlier since I try to balance 4 syndicates I always watch these numbers and make sure I change sigil to not increase my negative standings




    it's not more than half, the 16k you got  got cut because of the max rep cap, but doing the math on how much you got on arbiters, had you not exceeded the cap, you should have gotten around 20k on cephalon, about 4k wasted, but only for cephalon.

  7. I'm balancing 4 syndicates and have done some testing on this. You actually can get uneven numbers after you have maxed rep for one syndicate. It has happend to me on several occations that the supporting faction get more than half of my main faction when I have reached a cap. So it does happen.


    Were you by any chance doing that syndicate's mission?

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