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  1. This bug report has been reposted properly under Deep Archimedea Bugs. Mods can remove this topic whenever possible, thanks.
  2. During our weekly Deep Archimedea run with my friend, Shadow Stalker spawned in during our Mirror Defense. After getting downed by him, I instantaneously bled out, which in the end made us lose the run. I'm not sure if Stalker is supposed to be able to spawn into Deep Archimedea, but it feels like this isn't intended feature.
  3. After the Update 35.0, which fixed a couple of bugs related to Xaku's Grasp of Lohk, said ability also gained a new bug. Currently Grasp of Lohk doesn't target ragdolled enemies, even with proper line of sight. This includes any method of ragdolling enemies, for example from other teammates abilities or even melee attacks. This bug causes alot of antisynergy in multiplayer, and even with other abilities exchanged from Helminth.
  4. Due to the unique HP system of the enemy "The Severed Warden," auto-aim abilities, like Mesa's Peacemaker, Protea's Blaze Artillery, and Xaku's Grasp of Lohk incorrectly target the body of said enemy, therefore most of the time not taking any damage. The only occasion this isn't a problem is when the damageable limbs of The Severed Warden are between the body and the direction from where the damage is coming from, taking the hit instead of the body. In the worst case scenario, The Severed Warden can tank all the intended damage, guarding the enemies behind it and nullifying the effectiveness of said abilities. The 2 possible changes to this could be either to change the targeting system to actually go after the limbs instead of the body, or make the enemy completely untargetable by said abilities, so that they would go after enemies that are actually vulnerable.
  5. During our weekly Deep Archimedea run with my friend, Shadow Stalker spawned in during our Mirror Defense. After getting downed by him, I instantaneously bled out, which in the end made us lose the run. I'm not sure if Stalker is supposed to be able to spawn into Deep Archimedea, but it feels like this isn't intended feature.
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