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Posts posted by Shoryuu

  1. Looking for a clan? Need peeps to play with? Want to start your warframe journey but don't know how? 

    Join Footsteps of War today! 

    We're a rank 11 Mountain clan with a huge dojo and researched labs (minus Hema which we're working and Ignis Wraith). Friendly players and helpful mentors willing to help out those who are new or returning to the game. 

    No MR requirements and Discord is not required to join! 

    Add me as a friend in game and leave a message if you want to join, or simply reply to this thread and I will send you an invite when I log in next time! 

  2. 8 hours ago, xerimoz said:

    I've only been playing for about 3 weeks now, but I've gotten to the point where I need support on missions. I've tried reaching out to my fellow tenno in the chat, but no one seems interested. I wish there was a noobie chat for people like me, as I'm sure there are many others who are new to the game that are in a similar situation. 

    If you need a clan, you can join mine, we're always willing to help out new players and stuff! Just hmu in game with a friend request! 

  3. Honestly I was so looking forward to Ivara getting her Prime form since I main her, but when I saw the jellyfish design I was like ".......DE, why?" then her Skathi skin came out, so I just slapped it on her to cover up the jellyfish design lol 

    I honestly am looking forward to Titania Prime now lol 

  4. 2 hours ago, Prowombat said:

    I am a new player (only been playing for like a week) and have a few questions. 


    1. I am about to finish the war within (likely tomorrow) and am wondering what I should focus on next.

    2. I know I need to farm up my mods as they are not great so where is the best place to farm endo? 

    3. Is the ignis/ignis wraith viable for endgame content? (if not what guns should I try to get)

    4. How hard are sorties im only mr5 with some mediocre mods and mesa prime as the main frame I play as will I stand a chance in sorties? 

    5. I only have two frames (volt my starter frame and mesa prime) I really enjoy mesa and destroy everything with her 4 but I am wondering will I need other frames for different types of missions and what other frames should I focus on getting? 

    6. Is there any benefit or requirement for clearing every single node on the star chart? 

    Thanks for all the help!

    1. Focus on whatever you enjoy doing. You can start on the next quest, farm, grind for new frames/weapons etc. Don't feel like you must rush the game 

    2. Don't worry about endo yet for now 

    3. There is no endgame content and while it's fun to have a flamethrower, there are lots of other guns out there for you to try (like Vaykor Hek, Rakta Cernos, arca plasmor etc) 

    4. If you can survive using Mesa Prime then you should be fine provided you can hack without ciphers etc, though I suggest you farm some better mods

    5. Mesa Prime is a really good frame but if you want diversity, switch up your frames and go for ones that are easy to get (like dojo frames: Nezha, Banshee, Zephyr etc) 

    6. You can unlock arbitrations (which is higher end missions with level 60-80 enemies and better rewards) for unlocking the entire star chart

    Seriously though, DO NOT RUSH CONTENT or you'll find yourself burned out next week. Just take your time, learn the game, join a clan if you haven't, explore the open world maps and just enjoy yourself! If you need a clan you're more than welcome to join mine. Just send me a friend invite in game and I'll add ya! 

  5. 29 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

    I imagine most of the older players who used to help out(like myself) are sick of seeing players begging for plat, begging for taxis, begging for carries, beggingfor mods etc you get the picture? We have nothing to do in the game so aside from logging in and maybe doing the sortie if it isn't survival, defense etc then logging back out and playing a game we enjoy while we wait for Warframe to actually have a meaningful update. Also Region chat is just a hellspawn and we avoid it like the plague. Get yourself an active clan to do missions with, don't whine that there's nobody to carry you.

    ^ word

  6. 7 hours ago, (NSW)Quarky said:

    You'll be fiiiiiiiiine. My main takeaway from the war within is that the operator is essentially invincible. You can't drop below 2 HP and dropping to 2 HP transfers you back to your warframe... where you can immediately jump back into operator mode at full health. This is particularly important for the final fight(s), just be patient and keep pinging them with your mote amp.

    After a quick scan through the wiki page for the quest and attempting to recall my personal experience, I don't really think you'll need to worry about having the top of the line mods. As long as you have +dmg and corrosive element you should beee fiiiiiiine. 

    OP can't get mote amp until they finish war within since Onkko requires you to have transference to enter the cave 

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