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Posts posted by -PP-Sonicz

  1. 1 hour ago, DrakoKnight48 said:

    I'm curious. After reading comments on Mogamu's channel video titled: "Warframe Ranked:#1 Ash". I realized people don't like Ash very much. Even going far enough to say people who play him are (what people call) 'cancerous'. Mind informing me of why people hate this frame and its players so much in a PVE game?

    Ash is being hated for two reasons: notorious of killing steal and can sabotage missions. 

    Ash bladestorm does not only snatch other players attempt to kill, but because of the cheesiness of the ability which often left others in the squad to do nothing or very little activity as a group. Not only that, ash's bladestorm has ability to be proc-imune during the period of 'dance', including the ability to kill enemies fast and ignoring the think tankiness of the enemy scaling. In certain level, i think it is a good ability to counter riddiculous enemy levels which you can use in sortie if you are playing solo, but if it's group play, it'll will sometimes be another scenario. Ash's bladestorm also has the ability to sabotage a mission, killing everyone and can't revive anyone unless theres someone in the group with a vazarin focus. 

    This is why they call for a rework mainly because of the 'press 4 mentality' still exists in this frame. But most people fear for a rework even though DE tries their best to balance, it might instead result in a huge nerf. Maybe a rework is good, at least have a synergy with the abilities. But fingers crossed to how the rework might actually turn out to be. 

  2. On 8/1/2016 at 10:52 PM, MaaYuu said:

    Okay, managing my previous post has become a bit of a nightmare, so I'm starting fresh. This thread contain updates of only my solo work, criticism is appreciated. Hopefully I won't have as much downtime because I'm working hard to balance everything with school and life and make the most use of the time I have.

    Here's what I'm working on right now:

    Besouro Syandana

      Reveal hidden contents



    Mag Force Neuroptics

      Reveal hidden contents


    Update on the Sari V2:

    Still not at the point conceptually that I'm happy with, trying to work out some minor details and how to connect it to the back.

      Reveal hidden contents



    looks great. i love the mag helmet idea, looking forward to more of your updates! 

  3. 1 hour ago, outlawsz_23 said:

    hello everyone
    Newbie here so I have a problem about the rhino suit.

    So I finished building the rhino suit at the foundry and claim it but when I go to the arsenal and equip it. The suit still has a price even thou I finished making it from the foundry and my rank matches the suit really need your help guys

    Thanks in advance


    i suppose what you mean is the chassis or the systems. it's still considered 1/3 of the complete set to craft for rhino, you'll need the chassis, systems and the helmet to be completed along with the bp then you can equip rhino 

  4. It's my first time making an anime op, please give me feedback or any suggestions to improve. Maybe if majority wants, i can do another ;D

    Note: This video is blocked and currently unavailable to four countries (US,NZ,TH and one more i can't remember).

    For affected users, you can try here; play the music and mute the video. (or another alternative is to use vpn changer for chrome only) 

    Enjoy! ;D 


  5. 57 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Yes!!! ::__(((

    And you want to know why?!?!

    "message":"This video contains content from Victor Entertainment, Inc.. It is not available in your country.","messageKey":null},"debug_vid

    ^ that's why!!!

    Good job on creating something though, I'm sure it's cool, I don't really create things so I can't judge on that end of the spectrum...


    oh i realised the song was blocked hence the video is blocked. try listening to this seperately, let me know if it is still blocks. mute the one that is on the current video, on the music for the actual one

    Turn off the one at the actual video and on the evol one instead. hope it works :PP 


  6. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    Yes!!! ::__(((

    And you want to know why?!?!

    "message":"This video contains content from Victor Entertainment, Inc.. It is not available in your country.","messageKey":null},"debug_vid

    ^ that's why!!!

    Good job on creating something though, I'm sure it's cool, I don't really create things so I can't judge on that end of the spectrum...


    ohhh i see, nuu :(( 


    Issue: Dark-split sword, Adarva, Smeeta is currently bugged in the codex, or appears to be in the wrong codex entry category, or duplicated entry infos. 

    I manage to complete the darksplit sword (single hybrid sword and single hybrid dagger currently), and adarva.

    • Adarva appears in the kubrow entry and both Adarva and smeeta appears in the sentinel entry. haven't complete the smeeta one yet. 
    • Dark-split sword appears to be not completed despite successful attempt of a maxed state.
  8. 24 minutes ago, Scandroid said:

    Played today's 3rd sortie to assassinate krill and guess what he bugged out with his pipes damage but he fight like they're not and its impossible to damage him any firther its 2016 Enough of the Memes eighter fix him rework him or remove him already

    maybe try using nukor for radiation damage so he can tear his armor faster. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Rokador said:

    It's pretty impossible to complete this sortie due lots of bugs and difficulties.

    First of all - Operative! This dumb retard seems to love radioactive clouds, so he keeps walking in and dying here, making it impossible to revive him. Also, during reviving, when someone gives me radiation proc, I can't revive him. Clouds counts too.

    Second - No AoE abilites or weapons, or my whole team dies.

    Third - Solo is very hard because of radiation proc that is constantly applied to me, making reviving this guy only dream.

    Fourth - Ramparts... unless destroyed, griniir will keep killing either Operative or Tenno reviving him.


    I'm skipping every Defense radiation sortie right now.

    perhaps they should somehow nerf the radiation damage on warframe, just by a bit so theres still some survival. or you can just equip ash bladestorm, but i won't recommend that.. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, PsychedelicSnake said:

    Pretty much this. If you already help players, then that's fantastic. You don't have to be a Guide to help someone, after all. The point of the Guides is to be a sort of beacon to new players. An authority that new and progressing players can seek out if and when all else may fail. Warframe is built on having options, and Guides are more or less a sort of option for new players to seek out.

    i think it would be great to have a guide contact panel in game where new players can see, something like the syndicate or conclave panel in the liset, so that they know who to contact. the panel will be constantly updated maybe can see new guide list and whether they are offline or online atm. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, JesterTheNight said:

    At some point, normal humans have to sleep. This would be bad.

    i know, maybe 12hrs like before they tweaked it to 24hrs. at least the most is 12pm and 12am where the rewards ended, i think thats the best wait 


    4 minutes ago, TrueHawkEye said:

    There was a time they talked about a token system


    It might of been scrapped when they implemented the "Check system" and was sopost to go to Maroo to trade in for rewards.

    oh i see, thanks for the link, will check it out :) 

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