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Posts posted by Cyborger1

  1. Wait a second, let me call my friend Loki to bust you out


    But then he'll be stuck there, better get a Valkyr with a ripline instead!


    Nevermind, forgot about decoy swaps <_<

  2. I always thought Volt would play even more perfect than he already does if Speed can make reloading weapons faster. Gives it that much more utility and is useful when you have teammates that have weapons that take forever to reload.

  3. Les emplacements d'équipement commencent à se débloquer qu'à partir du rang 4 et tous les deux rangs suivants. Si tu as reçu un message au rang 2 disant que tu en avait débloqué un, c'est un bug.


    Pour ton autre question, les seules récompenses de rang sont les emplacements d'équipement et l'accès à de nouvelles armes. Il y a aussi quelques autres avantages comme la possibilité d'envoyer plus d'extracteurs à la fois et un plus grand nombre d'échanges par jour.


    Les emplacements d'inventaires ne peuvent être débloqués qu'avec des platinum. Ta meilleure chance d'en avoir sans en acheter serait d'aller farmer des mods ou des morceaux de prime et les vendre à d'autres joueurs.

  4. Primed affect only one weapon, and its not that much of damage boost. As someone mentioned, snipers are bad with Heavy Caliber and Primed would give them what HC gives to other weapons.


    Not that much of a damage boost? The 100% is applied after every other damage, essentially doubling the Vectis' firepower.


    Besides, Cicero mods were re released, there's no reason why Primed Chamber couldn't have its turn.

  5. I would like to mention that the Bo Prime works rather well with Beserker (it has 12.5% crit chance) and that it can copter, it can come pretty close to the Ichor's coptering prowess.


    It also has 25% status chance, which gives it very good utility on top of its already over the top damage. Its damage is Impact based so you'll be staggering enemies a lot.

  6. Getting the same stuff over and over again ain't random. Game is bugged.


    It's called weighted odds. You have significantly more chances to get weapon xp and stuff, getting the same stuff over and over isn't exactly surprising :/

  7. The only reason I'd think of keeping it is the same as this person who ninja'd me.


    Well you also still get mastery from them, so if your chasing after the highest mastery you can be, thats one reason. Beyond that, if you like a particular frame and want to be able to run it with a bit more recklessness you can do so knowing for certain frames you essentially have 8 revives for the day.

  8. Thanks to the RNGeesus of random incubations, I got the perfect kubrow for me. It's a Sahasa, which is a very nice breed IMO, it's a normal built Kubrow (I don't like the other builds) and it's just... look at it! It has my colors :D












    It was my 6th attempt at incubating a Kubrow, all randoms.


    And no asking for prints, I am keeping them.

  9. Oh ok, when are the streams?


    Over on Twitch, or course. They're also advertised on the main page whenever they happen.


    Edit: Oh, I just read your "when" as "where", silly me. This still does partly answers the question, but to be more elaborate, Dev streams seem to happen every 2 to 3 weeks and same goes for Prime Times.

  10. Hmm, I don't think I can pin to multiple forums but it's a good idea. I know that the support guys are updating all the help pages to include the new information (when you get the network analysis warnings the help button brings you to the official website help which I should hope has all the information needed).


    You may not be able to pin this exact thread to different sub-forums but you could always create a new pinned thread that contains a link to this thread.

  11. Petite erreur de traduction du côté des dégâts.


    On peut lire dégâts perforant sur le mode "coup perforant", mais dans le résumé des caractéristiques de l'arme il est noté (le cas échéant) "Pénétration".

    Une fois qu'on connait l'astuce on ne se laisse plus prendre à chercher 15 minute après un mod de pénétration, mais pour les nouveaux ça peut être problématique ^^


    Je viens de changer Pénétration pour Perforation. Merci pour la remarque!

  12. I think one way to render the embolist more useful would be to have it leave persistent gaz clouds similar to what the Torid currently does.


    The spectra needs a massive damage buff if it wants to see any use whatsoever. Would also be kinda nice if they gave it some innate punch-through.

  13. Ok I looked around a bit and it turns out you only unlock your first loadout slot from rank 4.


    So it goes like this:


    Rank 0-3 : 1 slot


    Rank 4-5 : 2 slots


    Rank 6-7 : 3 slots



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