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Posts posted by Auramaru

  1. 3 minutes ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

    People go where they feel they'll get exposure and traffic.

    General discussion has and always will be rather nebulous in what constitutes "general" discussion on any board though.  And on occasion there's a newly hired mod that's gung-ho and goes through and sweeps the GD forum regularly before either being told to stop or gives up.  There really is no winning here.  The torrent of new threads is relentless. 

    And if you really want to parse it down by what other sub forums are available, all we'd be left with for general discussion are Warframe centered meme posts, discussions on story developments and maybe wild post live-stream postulations.

    Very true, but I can't help but stare at requests and development feedback threads being posted and think to myself "Do you think putting it in general discussions gets it more exposure?" Not to mention the well-known, but rarely-applied factoid that DE couldn't possibly listen to every little feedback thread. No even sure why people post feedback anymore when the next big update is bound to be a new gameplay system that flourishes for 30 minutes before crashing and burning. 

    *exhales pessimistic toxic fumes*


  2. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    What would you consider an "actual PvPer" to be? 

    The difference between someone who enjoys PVP for the gameplay and not a PVE player that players the match for the daily rewards / skin once. Basically someone who is a conclave regular. This was a common topic back when PVP 2.0 was announced and people who literally had 0 kills and 3 deaths (stats are visible to everyone) were posting threads on the forums requesting changes like they knew anything. It was really frustrated for those of us who actually played conclave daily when angry PVE people would shout and scream about what needs to be balanced in what ways.

    Credibility should mean a lot when the devs look at making changes to the game - you wouldn't expect the devs to listen to an MR1 with 2 hours played about Eidolon encounter balancing, so why is it that the devs listen to MR28's that have 0 kills, 4 deaths, and 1 rage quite match under their belt?

    My credibility: I am AuraMau, I was in Six Feet Under and Rising Angels back in Conclave 1.0. 

    EDIT: From my understanding, DE has done a lot better with conclave balancing. They brought in 2-3 "veterans" to help with balancing insight - not with the base system design. For the record, I think most guns are fairly balanced but mobility imbalance is atrocious. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Seriphella said:

    I believe they were talking about leveling frames, though still silghtly inaccurate, they do get reduced affinity directed to their warframe if you do the killing.

    On an allied kill: 25% affinity goes to the warframe, and 75% is split amongst the weapons

    That doesn’t really mesh with his argument that it is because “saryn is bugged”... but you’re right, that seems to be as good of an explanation as possible

  4. Context: I just came back from the game a week ago and have been grinding rep and relics on Hydron. After a week of doing this, someone said that I was "screwing the group out of 2/3 the exp" because of how Saryn's Molt works with spores.

    My strategy was a max power strength and range build on Saryn. I would place spores on my Molt and then pop them all with my Torid - spreading the spores to all enemies on the map, killing them nearly instantly... My understanding is that everyone in the lobby should be getting full experience for my kills as long as they're within range of me when the enemies are dying.

    Here's the SS of their explanation of it:



    Is Saryn bugged or is this a random lie?

  5. Just gonna go ahead and drop my response to this exact question (2 years ago) on reddit



    This is how I perceive the "endgame": -Get all basic mods (Serration, Redirection, Vitality)

    -Get all Corrupted mods (Fleeting Expertise, Overextended, Transient Fortitude)

    -Pick a (good) loadout and forma the crap out of it

    -Use loadout to complete the starchart (it's a lot of free mastery)

    -Join a clan and collect all clan research items.

    -Collect all the blueprints of weapons you don't have from the market

    -Unlock all warframes (that seem interesting to you)

    -Get a kubrow you like (sentinels are boring and mainstream, yo)

    -Run raids daily to get 10 of each arcane.

    -Put a Greater Lens on Excalibur to Hyper Farm Focus on Draco

    -Unlock the passives to your focus tree.

    -Start a clan of your own.

    -Invite a whole bunch of noobs to your clan and help them progress.

    -Try to get REALLY good at PVP

    -Try to run Sorties, solo, on an unorthodox warframe (not recommended from experience)

    -If any part of the game seems interesting you, play it to an extreme. (Take Rescue as seriously as you want)

    -Try a bunch of different playstyles (Melee-Berserker, Stealth-Sniper, Ability Spammer, Hyper support, Revive-Teleport-Jungle-Soraka)

    T4 and Sorties will only take you so far, endgame is about surrounding yourself with a ton of stuff to do.



  6. Sidenote: Finally got an answer something like 35 days into the support ticket. @(*()$ pitiful - and it was the typical automated response. Nothing personal about it. Neither PM I sent to Community Managers has been read yet. 

    GG no re, DE. Just not gonna spend money on the game anymore. Ez pz decision there lmao.

  7. Not about to dive into the 5 pages of responses, but here's my input:

    Last time I checked my own profile, I had something like 10-15k kills in conclave. And I had 9k kills in old conclave ( back when )

    1. The only game mode was 1v1 or 2v2
    2. You only had 1 life per round
    3. People like Rexsol, Dante, SoullessEgo, Venosis could and would body bag you 10-30 times before you got a single kill

    So I come into conclave 2.0 with something like 9k kills and 5-6k deaths... For me to raise my K/D from a (roughly) 1.5, I would have to literally kill thousands of players without letting down a single life. For that reason, I've lost any sense of attachment to my K/D ratio... It simply doesn't represent my gameplay from current conclave.

    Of course, I could put hundreds and hundreds of hours into conclave 2.0 and maybe git gud and after thousands of kills and deaths, level out to some proper representation (whether that is lower or higher KD)... I just don't really play conclave the same way I liked playing 1.0.

    So: If anything, I wish they would have separated the two ratios... one ratio from 1.0 and another ratio from 2.0.

    That being said, I think a seasonal K/D ratio would be fitting. It would allow people to view their performance throughout a singular patch and compare that to their lifetime K/D ratio. Whether that data is public or not, I don't think it matters.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    Maybe you only play star chart missions. Cats are easy to ignore in low levels, but in high levels they become a  pain and can easily swarm and kill you. 

    You do have a point about radiation making the passive somewhat redundant, but radiation isn't always reliable in making enemies attack each other 

    Yes, it did have issues with defense sometimes, but that could've easily been fixed, like what they did with Bursa

    I run sorties and regularly do kuva floods. I also have done two one-hour long+ survivals already this week.

    I'm not sure what your Oberon build is, but my Reckoning and Hallowed Ground guarantee a radiation proc on (and I'll estimate here) at least 50% of the enemies hit. 

    On top of that, Phoenix Renewal completely nullifies the possibility of being surprised by kavats or any enemies (at least once per 90 seconds). 

    You're trying to justify the change of a passive under the circumstances given only by level 80+ enemies.

  9. I exclusively play Oberon - I have never had enemy kavats or kubrows turn on their masters and thought "oh, thank god - I love oberon's passive" ... 

    It was more of an annoyance because allies and even myself would waste energy and ammo trying to kill the animals, unaware that they were on our side.

    On top of that, Oberon runs on radiation procs: which turn enemies against each other any way... it was just a redundancy. That isn't to say that the current passive is good, but it is less annoying than the old passive. 

  10. It looks pretty good, but will be really hard to make out in game, also the flying fortress behind the text looks a little off center. I'm not sure if you designed the castle yourself, but maybe pick out something a bit more simply with more clearly defined lines. 

    To be more specific: the grey walls of your fortress just blend in with one another, if you can add a stroke to each layer (just a dark, black line) outlining each wall, it will add a lot more clarity to the image.


    Image result for cartoon castle

    Notice the black stroke around this image? Even the brick have a stroke around them, defining them and making it clear what they are: bricks.


    You may want to consider leaving the cloud out as well. While it's dope as F*** blown up to size, the cloud won't do much good on a pixelized banner in your dojo or on your shoulder ingame. 


    Also, the earthy-floating-island that the fortress stands on is fine with the castle you chose, just make sure the art style matches between the fortress and the floating island. Right now, you have a gritty, tall castle with a gritty, big floating island. So it works. If you're going to use something like the cartoony castle I used up above, you would want to adjust the island to also look cartoony.


    Lastly: The text sort of compromises the image and/or the image compromises the text. When you're dealing with a logo this small, you sort of have to choose between readable text or discernible image. With how the floating island looks, the text is in a good spot, but idunno if it will be legible ingame.

  11. I've been using Daikyu in both PVE and PVP for some time now and been fairly chill about the animation issues that bows have, but I just couldn't resist posting the bug in detail.


    Simply put: bows use the pistol aiming animation under certain movement constraints. Note: these animations are not at all "normal" for bows, the bow sits on the players' back while the player holds their empty hand out as if they were going to shoot. Also, the movement is not all that uncommon.


    In this video, I used a Daikyu with the Dryad Skin, which is easily replicated with any other bow with any other skin.






  12. Looking to join the Quasars, I'm MR 22, live in the US (CST). I've been playing Warframe since March of 2013, sort of taking the game to its' extremes in whatever ways I can find. I used to be big into raiding but have sort of moved on towards PVP. My favorite warframe is Oberon, he looks so freakin' cool - that being said, I can set aside the sentiment if I need to do long runs. I've done a 3 hour T4 survival before and am looking to join a clan that pushes hard and runs fast and I would love to be a Quasar :community:

    2500 hours played

    I scored 1000 points in the Pacifism Defect

    I've run over 200 LoR raids (mostly gold times if you're looking at http://wf.christx.tw/

    I've run over 100 JV raids (most of which are unrecorded due to phase 2 skips and nerve skips.

    I play daily for anywhere between 4-6 hours.

    I mostly prefer voice comms: Discord or bust. Typing isn't so much my thing

    I would be interested in raiding, PVP, daily sorties, farm groups, or just general fun stuff - I'm pretty laid back during downtime.


    Sidenote: Im in a dead clan right now and am ready to leave if you guys invite me, just lmk!

  13. It's incredibly comical, because all the toxic people I have met have been players never seen in the conclave community before. 


    All the toxics you're seeing is the PVE special snowflakes that aren't used to a competitive atmosphere. No joke, next time you see someone flaming, check their conclave stats - I bet you they have less than 500 kills (which is low, considering the pace of each gamemode)

  14. 2 hours ago, PiotrGracz said:

    This guy still thinks OP idea is not needed.


    I hope you realize that we are all talking about run speed IN CONCLAVE

    Now, I really need you to home in on this fact: CONCLAVE. RUNSPEED. SPRINTING.

    Okay, now... let's just take a moment and ask the questions:

    1)  Do you know that we are talking about Conclave? 

    Maybe. It's up for debate.

    2)  Have you ever played Conclave before? 

    Holy S#&$ you're a pro, look at all those conclave kills!



    So, just so you're aware, PiotrGracz, you INDEED don't know what the F*** you're talking about because you haven't witnessed the speed of the actual gameplay of conclave.



    And before you whip out your resume of who-the-F***-cares-what for PVE - no one cares, because your opinion on run speed for conclave means nothing to anyone here.

  15. On 12/2/2016 at 9:02 AM, PiotrGracz said:

    Each frame has different speed while sprinting/sliding/bulletjumping. (you know, balance thing.)
    + you can mod sprint speed.

    TL:DR. its viable, not on all frames and not on all mod setups.
    But its viable.

    i find your request not needed. But thats just my opinion.
    Good day to You.


    On 12/2/2016 at 11:19 AM, PiotrGracz said:

    Yes, frames have different speeds. (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Warframes_Comparison)

    Youre more than welcome to dig trough my posts.

    take what you want from them, i just said i think your idea is not needed.


    This guy... 

  16. 10 hours ago, SevenLetterKWord said:

    Do your research.
    It's not "Conclave" in general, it's Martial Fury. Martial Fury now actively drains energy.

    Apparently the "-50% power rate" is overriding the default power rate.
    It should be reducing power rate by 50%, but is instead setting power rate to -50%, causing a 0.5 energy per second loss.

    I'm pretty sure this is a bug.

    Sorry for being a filthy casual scum-tard

     i will try harder nekts time senpai

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