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Posts posted by (PSN)Skarpar

  1. I think that the issue was if you haven't unlocked Earth yet and skip the tutorial there's no way to unlock it.  I guess we'll see if they fixed that when the patch notes go live.


    What's going to happen with Breeding Grounds?  Are we going to get the event immediately, or a little later to avoid competing with the 14.0 content?  Are we going to have infested Eris before Breeding Grounds finish? (My Immersion! :) )

    From a post dated the 18th the earth lockout hasn't been resolved yet (4 days after build was sent to Sony) so its possible it will still be an issue on the ps4 when it goes live.

    Location of post: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/292346-why-new-player-turnaround-is-increasing/

  2. Try zagen on europa, that's where I've found the most on a single mission (go through the level and before hitting extraction double back to the start and go though again - normally each area will have fresh respawns by this point, plus let the alarm be triggered and don't reset it)

  3. Are you trying to purchase stuff from the market or trading?


    If you're trying to trade then the starter platinum nor the ps+ platinum are not tradable so this could be the issue, otherwise raise a ticket in support

  4. As I don't have a PC account I've only seen the UI for PC on primetime/devstream but it appears to be accessible while in a party/node selected, so you can access foundry/market/etc without leaving the group, whereas on the PS4 you have to leave party/session to enter any of these areas (can be a pain if you want to get something going and then have to be re-invited when playing with friends/clan/etc).



    My question is: Is this the standard layout for the PC version or just DE?



    If this is the normal screen for the PC can this be implemented onto the PS4 as well?

  5. I play on the PS4 Europe region and have encountered a problem with the current dark sector messages, because the europe region can potentially have numerous languages as owners of a solar rail it means that any message put by an alliance could mean absolutely anything and give me no reason to actively fight for that group, aside from any potential battle pay.


    Is there any way to implement a method to have these messages automatically converted to the currently set language (on the PC or PS4, dependant on the platform being played) so that you can more easily chose who to fight for?




    Survival sector is in conflict, one alliance has the message 'Low tax as always', and the other has 'Libre de impuestos si ganamos' (Free tax if we win), neither has a battle pay at the moment, both have minor damage - which do I chose?


    I'd either pick neither or the one I know to say they will put a low tax despite the other saying they will have a no tax policy, but because I didn't know I wouldn't have chosen them.



  6. Yes I'm from the UK, though have you tried the penta or the ogris I'd personally say they are the noon tubers (for me) although I haven't tried the castanas yet. I didn't mean to insinuate that you're that bad I was merely saying I would be happy to have a change in pace compared to the overwhelming number of rushers that are about.

  7. To change your profile you just login as a PS4 user (click the PS4 yellow button at the bottom of the login popup - you are re-routed to sony website to login before returning to warframe.com when you click login there) however you won't have any of your PC posts availible to edit (its a separate account).


    As the posts go the PC and PS4 users are stopped from posting in areas designated as either PC or PS4 (I guess to stop the usual PC/Console differences in current builds).


    On the original post I encountered this exact problem (the lack of info for new players) and have recently began talking to a new player and spent an afternoon giving him a boatload of info about modding, weapons, leveling etc as well as opening up part of the first two planets with him.


    By all means you are welcome to add me ingame if you need an additional hand while online (although I work shift so I'm not always on in the evening) and I don't mind going at a more sedate pace (unless I go a little melee mad), although I have my own clan so I cannot join yours. Just to warn you I'm in my mid 20s so hope that doesn't bother you.



  8. Perhaps as a short term option are that after each major update the map is reset back to is original owners that way when new content hits all mobs are availible as needed.


    However, a long term solution, such as homeworld areas cannot be invaded or even some form of linked invasions where there cannot be more nodes of one faction than the other (of equal level and within reason) - so if an invasion happens on neptune by corpus (and they win on several nodes) then an invasion of grineer happens in ceres (and if they don't win another occurs until the numbers are more balenced).

  9. Had this issue while killing Grineer on both Lith and Lua, hapened repeatedly on several waves. Screenshots were taken during defence on Lith




    Had to climb the tower positioned directly to the left of my frame (visually, not in terms of actual position) then jump and climb on the ledge nearest to me to reach the first spawn room, then ran along the ledge and jumped over to get to the second spawn point (the right hand side doorway).




    As you can see there were a lot of mobs stuck this time - normally there were 5-6 in one area and 1-2 in the second.

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