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Posts posted by Ptylerdactyl

  1. i've got range, efficiency and duration + vitality on my loki and it works just fine having it for being both disarm range and invis duration. i don't really see why you need to have loki built for just one of them. yeah you can obviously excel in one or the other but, i enjoy having both be decent. but that's only because i didn't feel the need to forma loki prime because it all fit at 30 to have it built for both abilities. 


    also outside of messing with friends, which rarely ever happens, i've never really cared for the switch teleport ability. so it's never really been apart of my loki.

  2. i've been getting this as well. but it seems to happen mostly with void based missions on a friends, now old, laptop. and it only happened because he wasn't able to load in very quickly and we were using his key for the missions. so being the key host, but loading in slowly will cause this most the time we got this.

  3. i've been noticing some minimap tiles that are showing duplicates of themselves and then also being misaligned from where they should be during all mission types having these tiles. these are the only two places i've been able to really notice it because i don't exactly go everywhere all the time. the first spoiler shows the red tile and the misaligned/duplicate tile and the second one just is showing that it still persists after the tile no longer is showing red.

    snowy corpus planet tileset



    grineer shipyard tileset on ceres




    as someone who does use the expanded minimap, because otherwise you can't really see that much on the minimap, it's kinna annoying to then not be able to see things because of the misaligned tile. also feel free to submit any other areas this happens at as well.

  4. once you've gotten the nav segment once there really isn't any need to continue to give us the segments as rewards for killing the bosses. it's kind of annoying that i have 99 of a few of these segments and i can't delete them or anything, so is there anyway we could maybe get an option to get rid of them and then remove them from rewards after you've killed the boss once?

  5. actually there's just an invisible floor/ceiling there that you managed to get on top of. easiest way to get back up there is to wormhole up the waterfalls on the side of the map there.

  6. There has been a second Guardsman/Guardsman Eximus entry for awhile now. i've done a bunch of ceres missions to maybe find a different one that i haven't yet completed and found nothing. so anyway to possibly get it removed as there isn't actually anything tied to completing that entry?

  7. it would be hard to keep track of this if you have multiple snow globes, though. for use with one snow globe it would be easy, but with multiples it would get hard to display it easily. would it only display the health of the last one out, or would it display the health of the one with the most/least health out? think of how to solve that issue and maybe it would be considered one day? just a thought.

  8. i like uncommon because it means it's more likely to drop. but that doesn't say much considering i'm lucky at getting 2 dread blueprints from stalker rather than anything else from him multiple times in a row. but also sometimes uncommon is better than the rare stances in terms of the combos/movements with them.

  9. This has been answered over and over again by the developers:


    The game engine would be unable to handle more than four players in a mission so there's no point in discussing it.

    "unable to", while there are people that now exactly how to reproduce the bug that makes you able to get more than 4 people into a mission. (unsure if it's still around, but someone did make a post saying they knew exactly how to do it every time they wanted to and used it for defense maps.) and then the bug at the start of u14 where people could constantly join your mission past the 4 squad limit. the only thing that broke with that is certain triggers wouldn't start.


    imo 4 is just fine for max squad size. i've only ever wanted one more spot because one other friend happened to be online as well. if they were to add room for one more person they'd have to redo scaling with missions as well.

  10. it's really useful to see this while leveling up weapons because doing them definitely helps with leveling them quicker especially while you have a booster. and it sucks if you forget what it was, or you weren't able to catch what it was at the time. i was told by a friend that they've said they were going to add it on the escape menu but that was a long time ago that they brought it up.

    so i'm wondering if there's any possibility of it being brought back up and finally added in?

  11. yep, friends and i have used about 70 keys total to get the chassis. tons of mag prime pieces, sicarus barrels and some formas.

    we finally got the helmet from the mobile defense after about 40 of them. i realize they did get rid of triplicate drops by adding in the nyx pieces but damn, there's only about 3 pieces that frequently drop. really disappointing tbh, thought we'd be able to get the piece with the amount of keys we had between 3 people but guess not. 

  12. amprex or glaxion. both will kill most things with just tapping the mouse button. glaxion mainly just for then meleeing large groups of frozen people.


    orthos prime, dragon nikana, dakra prime or ankyros prime

  13. the enemy spawn rate seems to go down after wave 5. we're currently on wave 10, and the spawn rate is about 1 enemy every 2-4 minutes. we completed wave 9 in about 7-10 minutes. i'm typing this as we're waiting for enemies to spawn and we've killed maybe 5 enemies so far and it's been about 10 minutes by now. 


    just added note squad size was 2.

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