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Posts posted by Incarmine

  1. We PS4 people just got U13, and I notice now that my valkyr's hysteria claws have an attack speed of a crack addict. I don't know if it's just my weapon setup or something, but this is extremely welcome and it's also easier to move around while attacking in hysteria. I also love that each attack of the finisher does normal damage, so knocking a lvl 40+ corrupted gunner down with a jump attack and then doing a finisher on it will almost one-hit-kill it. Nice.

  2. There's also the immediacy of the weapon. Phage takes time for the beams converge. Synapse shoots out instantly. I have both guns but have favored the synapse for this reason.


    Ammo consumption can be taken care of with clan ammo restores if you have access to them. I have the ten pack blueprint and I never have to worry about running out of ammo.


    However, I think boltor prime greatly overtakes both guns but between the two guns you listed, I'd take synapse.

  3. OP, I think you are extremely fortunate to have spent your lifetime around women with butts curvy enough to shape your perception to believe Nyx has a man butt. I envy you.

  4. She could use higher shields too, cause she can dish but no way to take the damage. Nova, the supposed glass cannon frame, has 65 armor and mprime halves enemy damage output. If Nova, the offensive frame of all offensive frames has ways to mitigate enemy damage, why not ember?

  5. As a player with many of the game's warframes, including banshee, rhino prime, mag prime, and nova, the truth is that banshee is indeed lacking. Her sonic boom is mainly useful for the knockdown, and mag's pull is much better than the former thanks to the greater range and much greater damage.


    Like mentioned above, sonar can be eclipsed by a nova with MP + AMP with range mods like overextended + stretch. You do 8x damage + the explosions from the mprime across a very large area. Both require some degree of skill to pull off, but the nova combo is easier because shooting at the AMP ball for a second or two is much easier than trying to focus on glowing bits which are moving on moving enemies, plus sometimes the glowy bits are in weird places to hit or are hidden by other body parts.


    Silence is easily eclipsed by the presence of silent weapons and by other stealth abilities like Loki's invisibility.


    I love sound quake's visuals and sound effects, but as a power it's easily eclipsed by rhino stomp. They both achieve the same thing: do damage and put enemies out of commission for a duration of time. They both even have the same base range. The difference is that a rhino can move around after stomping while a banshee has to remain immobile and vulnerable for the entire duration of the soundquake.


    So to summarize, yeah banshee needs some love.



    PS: For some reason the forum says I'm a novice. I'm actually rank 9.

  6. ...in your opinion.


    People have a nasty habit of phrasing personal opinion like it's an objective fact.


    You've obviously played long enough so you must realize that the only thing Warframe has going for it is the new stuff that shows up every update to keep the grind going? That without new updates, there'd be nothing left to keep people on warframe? There have been people who've dropped the game and only come back to see what's new, get it and then drop it again.


    The core game is not strong enough to keep people hooked without a steady stream of new stuff to grind for. See Diablo 2 and LoD. That game had a small number of overhauls spread across a decade, but it was the game itself that kept fans hooked for so many years. It by itself had so much replayability that it didn't need constant new stuff to keep players interested.


    So you have all the warframes and ton of mods and weapons. Then what? You can try different builds on your warframes, but only one or two work, and some warframes don't work well period. There's no incentive at all to replay from scratch because you'd end up exactly where you were before anyway, only some number of platinum poorer. Diablo 2 had an incentive for people to play from scratch, and there was no monetary loss in doing so.


    Eventually you'll run out of things to do in warframe. I can finish grinding for rhino prime. Maybe finish 6-forma-ing my synapse, penta, soma, and put formas on all my other weapons. But that doesn't intrinsically make the game more fun for me. Granted it's pretty fun now and it's what I play majority of the time lately, but once Reaper of Souls lands on the PS4 I'm moving straight to that. It's just as much if not more of a grindfest in some regards versus warframe but at least whatever replayability it has comes in-box, and not totally dependent on a steady stream of new updates from the developer. I've also been delving into the MOBA scene with LoL and Dota 2. Those are different games, but they have an endgame, something to keep going, and warframe doesn't have an endgame. You know it. I know it. People on these forums have complained about it. Start another topic about it and I'm sure it'll have pages of people complaining about the lack of endgame in warframe. What is it? See how long a team can last in defense and survivals? What fun is there in a playstyle that is so risky and neurotic that a single mistake allows an enemy to disintegrate your whole team in a single swoop? It's even more frustrating than fighting champion packs in Diablo 3's inferno mode back when it was released, and I've been there and gone through the torment and it sucked pretty hard. At least you get something for going through that hell in diablo 3. In warframe you get resources, prime parts, and mods that you can get through normal farming anyway, plus bragging rights. Maybe.


    So yeah I'm sorry for this sidetrack, but that's how it is and I know a lot of people agree with me.


    If those beard-locks on the new warframe's face are tentacles, I hope they animate.

  7. It's not as okay as you guys make it out to be. You have to spam Accelerant CONSTANTLY. I had maxed power efficiency, and flow, plus duration mods to make up for the loss. I solo'ed a survival mission and if I did not have the enemies stunlocked, they would drop me within seconds.


    If you played with a team sure there'd be more energy orbs and you wouldn't be taking all the hits, but any warframe is better in a team and doesn't make the situation for ember better.


    In a short while I was running out of energy.

  8. You do realize that if that happened they would receive complaints about "no new stuff" or "no accessible stuff"? This has happened btw.

    Be glad they aren't releasing updates that require you to spend money to gain access to content.


    They would receive complaints, but despite that it would be the RIGHT thing to do. It would be the proper thing to do, because many warframes are still neglected, and the game is still obviously a perpetual open beta.

  9. Accelerant is great, and yes you can stun-lock crowds with it. But this means you have to spam the hell out of that thing if you don't want to wither in enemy fire. I also have something here that I posted on another thread:



    I would never ever sell my Ember Prime, but ember is lacking in higher missions for two reasons:



    1. She is a pure offense frame and combined with accelerant, her ult puts out tremendously more damage by itself than any other ultimate ability. But at harder missions, you'll be at wanting for more utility-based powers or abilities that aren't locked to static damage numbers. They really toned down the bullet sponge nature of harder enemies, but it'll get to the point where world on fire takes three or more seconds to take down one enemy. Accelerant mitigates that, but you'll be spamming this frequently regardless because Ember is quite squishy. She has average health and shield, caster-level armor, and only 1.0 movement speed. Therefore she has to rely almost solely on accelerant to stun-lock crowds of enemies in order to survive but this is pretty problematic because of the second reason:


    2. With Ember, power strength, power efficiency, AND power duration (plus a little bit of range) are all critical. Many frames can do with just two of the four power areas (efficiency, strength, duration, and range), but because Ember is a damage frame, she needs power strength. She also really needs power duration because her best ability, world on fire, is a damage over time skill. Ember has no utility or defensive skill that can last a significantly long time like iron skin, turbulence, chaos, invisibility, or blessing, so like I mentioned earlier she has to spam accelerant to survive. That takes energy so she needs power efficiency. Range is optional, but if it's too small then she has to run to practically touching range to catch an enemy with world on fire.


    All this means that she has to go to farther lengths, and require much more creative planning and formas in order to mod her well. Some frames like Mag can totally ignore power duration and just focus on strength+efficiency. Same with Nova, whom for higher levels all you need are efficiency and range. Nyx's abilities have no need for power strength at all, so efficiency and range are the only things required. Zephyr's tornado is primarily great for that CC, so power strength is optional, and the only things you need are efficiency and duration to power her tailwind and turbulence. With Trinity, only things she needs for perma-blessing is duration and some level of efficiency (which you may or may not opt out of fleeting because of its duration negative).


    The general trend here is that many frames only need to focus on two, or even one area of power modding. Ember has to contend with three.

  10. I would never ever sell my Ember Prime, but ember is lacking in higher missions for two reasons:



    1. She is a pure offense frame and combined with accelerant, her ult puts out tremendously more damage by itself than any other ultimate ability. But at harder missions, you'll be at wanting for more utility-based powers or abilities that aren't locked to static damage numbers. They really toned down the bullet sponge nature of harder enemies, but it'll get to the point where world on fire takes three or more seconds to take down one enemy. Accelerant mitigates that, but you'll be spamming this frequently regardless because Ember is quite squishy. She has average health and shield, caster-level armor, and only 1.0 movement speed. Therefore she has to rely almost solely on accelerant to stun-lock crowds of enemies in order to survive but this is pretty problematic because of the second reason:


    2. With Ember, power strength, power efficiency, AND power duration (plus a little bit of range) are all critical. Many frames can do with just two of the four power areas (efficiency, strength, duration, and range), but because Ember is a damage frame, she needs power strength. She also really needs power duration because her best ability, world on fire, is a damage over time skill. Ember has no utility or defensive skill that can last a significantly long time like iron skin, turbulence, chaos, invisibility, or blessing, so like I mentioned earlier she has to spam accelerant to survive. That takes energy so she needs power efficiency. Range is optional, but if it's too small then she has to run to practically touching range to catch an enemy with world on fire.


    All this means that she has to go to farther lengths, and require much more creative planning and formas in order to mod her well. Some frames like Mag can totally ignore power duration and just focus on strength+efficiency. Same with Nova, whom for higher levels all you need are efficiency and range. Nyx's abilities have no need for power strength at all, so efficiency and range are the only things required. Zephyr's tornado is primarily great for that CC, so power strength is optional, and the only things you need are efficiency and duration to power her tailwind and turbulence. With Trinity, only things she needs for perma-blessing is duration and some level of efficiency (which you may or may not opt out of fleeting because of its duration negative).


    The general trend here is that many frames only need to focus on two, or even one area of power modding. Ember has to contend with three.

  11. And I came to this thread believing that someone had run a single game of 11-hour T3 survival. And I totally believed it was possible, so I wasn't at all surprised someone would run an 11-hour survival. I wonder what that makes out of me.


    Anyhow, I recently got a rhino prime chassis from a t3 survival at the 40 minute mark. It was my second T3 survival.


    In an essence, RNG.

  12. I hate to be the downer in the party, but I wish for once they had a major update where they DON'T introduce new things to keep us spending plat, and just go back and fix and refine everything that's already in place, like warframe balance, and performance.


    Are they ever planning to insert a campaign? I think I've read somewhere that it's planned, but with this new things to buy for each update cycle they've holed themselves into, it seems unlikely.

  13. She's amazing in void missions. Turbulence lets you laugh off everything but ancients, and the maps are designed in a way that is very exploitable by tail wind. Your team will appreciate your ability to grab life supports. On top of everything else the frame offers.

  14. You can just jump up and fly horizontally. Though you do need plenty of horizontal space to fly through, and if you have power duration mods you can fly preeeeeeeetty far, and could overshoot a lot of things.

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