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Posts posted by Incarmine

  1. Exaclty ! They say this every dev stream so far there were 2 major updates for PS4 and in terms of performance they did not fix a thing. Many times playing with 4 people or doing void keys equals below 25 fps framerate, single digits or a complete stall and its not @(*()$ fun at all. Simple solution if the game can't push 60fps constantly give me an option to downgrade to 720p (I assume game is running in 1080p now) I rather sacrifice resolution than have a framerate rollercoaster on screen most of the time. Or downgrade the ammount of AI controlled enemies and give the rest more HP. I really have no clue how people are willing to pay for this, but on the other side It has became a standard, release a game work on it later. If i willingly wanna participate in a paid beta I would go look for games on Kickstarter or Steam early access. Mid range computer from two years ago runs this game better and at least I have options there to either play with fancy graphics and garbage framerate or downgraded textures and smoother performance...

    I don't know if you noticed, but if you look closely you'll see that your warframe's LOD actually stays relatively high in update 12 even in movement. It was different in the past when just walking around turned the texture LOD down to something terrible. So there has been a performance increase.

    I don't know when 60fps has become the dogma in gaming circles, but it's really, really annoying.

    Also NO WAY do I want to lower the number of enemies. Fighting massive crowds is one of the things I like about warframe. You want to fight a small number of people in a 60 fps environment? Go play some Call of Duty clone or whatnot.


    EDIT: Also there are options to turn off motion blur, bloom, and one other thing in the options. I've never tried them so I don't know what difference they make, but it's there.


    Overall, it really seems like you should be playing PC Warframe, not PS4.

  2. Zephyr doesn't seem nearly as ridiculous to me as Trinity does. Mod that frame right with the right helmet and you have 30+ seconds of invulnerability for the whole team. The fact that she looks like a nurse just makes it even sillier. Invicible nurse-frame.

  3. Chicken, huh? I always though the head crest made Ember look like a parrot. Couple that with her noble idle animation where she puts a hand on her hip, and does that bird-like head turn.


    EDIT: How about excalibur prime's face? Looks like a grinning, distorted horse face.

  4. Like you wouldnt let a friend tag along if he just got the game?

    Im just asking to fill a space and go on void missions.

    Sorry if I dont have the time to grind but it is what it is.


    I doubt you don't have free time. I'm a college student who's often into projects overnight and I still found the time to reach mastery rank 8, max out like ten frames, forma several of them, max out dozens of weapons, forma a few of them several times, and so on. People who say they don't have time really mean that they don't have time management.


    You really want to grind this game out. If you try to shortcut on the backs of high-level players you are missing out on:


    1. All the other mods that you pick up along the way that prove to be useful.

    2. Crafting resources. You cannot accumulate resources without going through the normal grind, and you can't trade resources, and buying them off the market with plat is a waste of money.

    3. Knowledge and experience. High-level mods are nothing without the experience to wield them effectively.

    4. Affinity and mastery rank. The point is, if you're mastery rank 2, the vast majority of the good stuff is out of your league by mastery rank requirements. To attain mastery ranks you have to level warframes and weapons, and that means doing the usual grind. You can acquire an ultra-rare hammershot mod being carried by high level players on a nightmare mission, but it's useless on a boltor for instance.


    So, to get all of the above you need to either play normally, or piggyback for a hundred hours or more. I doubt you'll find anyone who'll do that for you.



    EDIT: Okay you're rank three, that's better. I assume you got there on your own, so why not go the rest of the way on your own as well?

  5. I think most people here are too young. I played Doom on a 386 and it had something like 15 fps or lower at points. Imagine that, Doom running at 20 fps or lower.


    Anyway I don't mind the fps drops too much. I haven't had a repeat of an incident where the fps dropped to something like 1 frame every twenty seconds. That was weird. As long as it's not a slideshow of like 2 frames per second or something ridiculous like that, I can live with it.

  6. EMBER (bez the fire look awesome and...that @R$#),


    NYX (obey me and shoot among urself and also that...@R$#),


    SARYN (look like a sadist queen...made u die slowly and painfully with poison...and that @R$#),


    NOVA (quatum physics...interesting...ok be honest reason i built it bez of the wormhole and antimatter..MP i dun really care unless emengency..also not forgot that @R$#),


    and finally VALKYR (i saw some video feel like batman or catwoman or spiderman cuz that hook and that hysteria made u want to shout...and that @..$#).


    I have and have maxed all the frames you listed, and here are my opinions on each.


    First off, except for Nova, none of your choices are god tier frames, like Nova, Rhino and Trinity. They can take you well into a T3 survival for instance, but you won't be doing silly missions like 3+ hour survivals or 80+ wave endless defense missions. That's far beyond the norm of the game, and far beyond what can be considered simple fun. At that point it's more like masochism in that you are min-maxing like a neurotic, where every small mistake is fatal for the whole team, and you're doing it just for pure numbers.


    So with that out of the way,


    Ember doesn't have the health or shielding like saryn or mag, and isn't on the speedy side like Nyx or Nova, but she does have one of the most useful ultimate skills, world on fire. Use accelerant to stun and debuff enemies, pop world on fire, and dive into the fray. Ember is not a stand-off from a distance frame like Mag or Nova is. You'll be diving into the action more in mid to close quarters with Ember. It can be risky, but you'll feel very brave.


    Nyx is very good for high-level missions because if you can't deal with high-level enemies, let them take care of each other. Nyx is extremely good for taking the heat off of your team and Absorb is an ultimate that can scale into late-game. The downside of Nyx is that her abilities are all very tactical and are not very damaging. It's not like Mag's pull where you can clear a crowd on demand, or like Nova's molecular prime. You'll still be relying on your gun to do the most of your damage, so don't expect to dish damage with your abilities. After a certain point in the game where the enemies' levels scale so high most damage abilities don't do much, that's where Nyx's crowd control starts to shine.


    Saryn is the most lackluster of the frames you've listed in my opinion. Her venom is redundant in early levels, and in high levels it does too little damage, and there's really no good middle ground for it to shine unfortunately. Contagion is great, but melee combat can get risky at times. Molt and Miasma are her good skills then, but the latter has the weird property of doing the same total damage no matter the duration. I've played Saryn and unfortunately I didn't feel like there was something special to her that made her uniquely appealing.


    Nova is totally overpowered. It's pretty much established fact. She and a couple or three other frames are so, so, so far above the others in effectiveness it's silly. Ever since they made high level enemies less of bullet sponges, molecular prime has been able to continue being effective even when enemies are level 40+ or higher. Also molecular prime has the annoying fact that all the kills go to you, even if someone else kills the enemy. That's great in a way if you're the nova, but it means less experience for other players, and you might feel like a $&*^ (unless you like that). In terms of playstyle, she's very fast, dynamic, and the BOOOOOOOMM factor is always quite appealing. I personally can't enjoy her that much due to her overpoweredness making me feel like I'm cheating at the game.


    Valkyr is kind of iffy at the moment. She's extremely mobile and very tanky, but you have to build her for perma-hysteria, or a super-tank with armor-maximization. She's been improved lately, especially on the PC, but I'm not personally totally sure yet. Maybe the melee damage helps, but until melee 2.0 comes out, this is a game that totally favors ranged combat, but Valkyr is such a melee frame that it's bit of a disconnect.




    EDIT: Now Nyx can be considered super-tier like Nova. The difference is that with Nyx gameplay is very tactical, and requires thought and timing. Nova requires little thought, just hit four and shoot one guy. Antimatter Drop is a little more work, but still much the same. I've recently seen the best example of this with a nova player who had a tricked-out molecular prime build with max efficiency, range, and perhaps power. He would literally run twenty meters, do molecular prime, run another twenty meters, do another molecular prime, and repeat the process continuously until he sees an enemy, shoots it, and it blows up along with everything else. His range was so maxed out his molecular prime was reaching enemies like 50 meters away. Even so he was spamming the thing every five seconds. It was silly to watch and ANNOYING as hell for me, so much so that every time he entered a room I was in, I stopped what I was doing and ran out of the room just to get away from him. I was a Nyx and between the two of us the survival mission went past 40 minutes (the other two teammates were dead), but still it was so $&*&*#(%&.

  7. I want to throw this suggestion to DE. Make each of the explosions made by WoF have an AoE comparable to something like an Ogris explosion, so that it damages not just one enemy but it plus others clustered close to it. It makes visual sense too since these explosions are jetting out of the ground, and should hurt several people at once.


    I'm holding back from suggesting that WoF affect every enemy in range, cause the most basic WoF does 400 fire damage every explosion for 10 seconds. There's two to three explosions per second, so give a lax estimate of 8000 damage over the entire duration. Increase that with mods, multiply the whole thing by 2.5 with maxed accelerant and you have an ultimate skill that does a crazy amount of damage compared to many others. I dare say it'd make WoF full-out OP, so I think we should refrain from this sort of change.

  8. Yeah, iron skin disappears like a flash in higher levels. If you want a pure tank, having a trinity with power duration mods is much better, and even benefits your whole team. People keep Rhino around high levels for the stomp that freezes enemies and roar which boosts weapon damage.

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