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Posts posted by SiriSnugglebottoms

  1. Yeah I don't think there's much of a reason not to allow more space to be bought with plat. I like having one each for the frames I use with any frequency at all, and some have multiple for different purposes. I don't personally have a need for the entire lot of 20 extra you can buy rn but I don't see why people who do should be denied that ability.

  2. 1 hour ago, Flannoit said:

    One thing I noticed is that if you have 2 of identical rank but one of those 2 is equipped, trading/selling/dissolving the one will unequip it regardless. I tried to trade away a mod I had equipped but had 2 of at the same rank and got the warning for both of them and after the trade it was still unequipped regardless.

    It's even dumber than that. I recently did a new setup for my Nataruk and couldn't fit a max rank Terminal Velocity so I put on an r0 one and upgraded that. What happened? It unequipped my max rank Terminal Velocity, which I didn't even touch, from the mod setup where it actually fit. The whole thing is just broken in half 20 times over.

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