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Posts posted by Nyriena

  1. And it's quite annoying that they changed the sleeves of the Saita Prime suit. They used to be asymmetrical, with one being white and the other one black. Who came up with changes like these? I can live with changes IF they would allow us to use the older models, but removing details and highlights from a suit without any option to get them back is unacceptable.

  2. I see what you're talking about regarding the helmet, yet I think it should have the same colour as the chestpiece attached right below it, especially when it is in its opened form. The major problem I see when looking at your picture is the fact that the old "boots" blend in with the suit and are therefore not considered a highlight of the legs. This way the Commodore Prime's armour pieces look a little lost when combined with other sets except a single Quills armour.

  3. Good evening!

    Looking at the new Operator suit being part the Zephyr Prime Access, I noticed something that felt a little odd. The suit itself is pretty amazing and I cannot wait to combine it with other armour sets, but that's where the problems start. For some reason, at least compared to other suits, the primary and secondary colour are swapped. Usually the primary colour is set to change the colour of more sturdy armour pieces attached to the suit while the secondary colour is responsible for said plugsuit.

    This way it is hard to combine the old and new prime suit as their parts would basically be coloured the other way around. The reason I started this thread is the request to switch the primary and secondary colour of the Commodore Prime suit in order to give the possibility to add other armour sets without encountering major colour scheme issues.

    Thank you for paying attention to my plea.


    Kind regards


  4. Good evening!

    After patching I noticed that something had changed with Excalibur Prime's helmet. The "horn" used to be Secondary or Tertiary, but after the update it became part of the Primary colour setting. It would be great if that could be changed back to how it was before as it blends in too much this way.

    Thanks for paying attention.








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