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  1. Hello, i was wondering if someone knew how to get sub 5 on effervo steel path to farm? my friend said that, along with 3 revenants, managed to get a record of 4:37 (which i didn't even think it was possible). The best record i ever got along an organized squad constiting of A [Titania Prime] [Volt Prime] [Revenant Prime] [Wisp Prime] with all around 300% strenght (the only exception being me, wisp, as i had 370% base strenght with [Archon Intensify] [Molt Augmented] [Growing Power] [Energy Conversion]) was 6:10. we used the strat of killing inside the yellow circle Asap and then doing abc/ab-abc to get to the boss asap. titania mainly collected everything while we grabbed 1 or 2 eyes. the boss usually took around 45 seconds, with my torid incarnon and my gotva and the pix and.. whaterever revenant weapon was. does anyone know how further i can push this? and how can i get a sub 6, or god forbid, a sub 5?
  2. i would need 2 more people to join me in opening volt prime relics. the relics needs to be axi L4 and V8 radiant, preferably 2 of them.
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