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Posts posted by The_Ellimist

  1. so i skipped everything and dont know if this has been said but w/e.  I dont see the problem for difficulty. all you need is a irradiated disarm loki and duration build bastille vauban,  couple of duration build volts to spam shield every where and instant map lock down. That's only with four. A limbo just banishing every enemy he sees  and done oh and a max strength nova. " Take your time ppl they aren't going anywhere."

  2. Losing? Were just BSing around. If 4 tenno could defeat thousands of Grenier and corpus. Then the current 14 million... Well let's just say when we're ready we would all turn into excal and press 4. 14 million radial javelins across the solar system.

  3. Volt+shocking speed mod + galatine+ maxed prime reach= melee god. Add freezing arua mod ( forgot actual name, y'all know what it is) for sentinal. And you have guys shocked and frozen while my massive damage 13meter galatine breaks the world at insane speed with cleaving whirlwind to turn the room into a frezzing electric tornado of blades.

  4. In my head i see something like buzlock with its relative low ROF but instead of homing bullets, the bullets that miss become 20sec timed / proximity mines. Also  instead of blast we get implosion , acting like a burst vortex(s) for each bullet/mine lasting 2 secs. 

  5. I would love to see I rifle that has a large clip and shoot mini castanas that if they hit a body will do predetermined (strong) damage,but if it hits anything else they stick and act as land mines with blast or electric lesser damage but with great crowd control. What you guys think.

  6. Limbo for banish and cataclysm, mirage WITH total eclipse augment mod, mesa for peace maker, and nekros with soul survivor mod just in case . 


    Limbo keeps everyone safe, nekros desecrates, and mirage boost everyone's damage by 200%...including mesa's peacemaker thats 20-25k a shot. Energy refills by banish  and mesa and mirage with opticor for that 80k face palm like a couple of bad *@##$es.

  7. Yeah. The balance issue is a the hurdle I tried to tackle by giving weaker frames stronger abilities that are usually weak and strong OP abilities like molecular prime a 65% range Nerf for use on a tank like rhino or ash with his massive health. Lol 30 meter MP then blade storm

  8. So I was thinking of possibilities for a new frame and I thought, what if a lore of tenno armor came out where fabled (in my head) limitors or lock codes were removed. What does this mean? Well it means you build a frame to your specific needs. Choose a frame from ur inventory and dependthen are able to choose it's "squishyness" from tank, balanced and wet tissue. Now you can choose ANY power from a frame you have and augment mod too. However only 3 as the fourth was used as a binding agent for the other three. Your frame stats WILL effect ability stats. E.g a squishy Vauban may have a large radial disarm with weak vortex and strong but small radius globe/ volt shield. I don't expect this to be I thing, but I'm bored at work. Entertain me. Thoughts? Go. What are your choices.

  9. He is working with Vor. We give him (and Vor) a literal army of weapons and tenno armor for some etra stuff in their inventory that were usless on their own. we're gonna get slaughtered. Vor was just letting us farm the parts for him all along. this was his plan. He even made an show of comeing to T4 so we would put in more effort to farm the harder stuff for him. Those sneaky bastads played to our greed.

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