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Posts posted by artistredmdlee

  1. 4 minutes ago, Th3bl4cksm1th said:

    did anyone actually consult the playerbase first before doing this nerf? oh i wish this is just a test run and not a permanent thing. Nerf the frame a bit, sure, but not like this. Theres got to be something better than this crap.


    1 minute ago, nicolajtheking2 said:

    Simple answer: NO

    Wasn't it that this entire situation happen because the "playerbase" was calling for a nerf xD

  2. For the LoS changes, the conversation has seemed to had devolved into whether there should be LoS in Warframe or not.
    Instead of arguing for one side or the other, lets just look at how this conversation has been approached in the past and DE's POV on this topic.

    A good sample of that is Khora's Whip Claw LoS changes
    The rational back then was that  "The change was made to encourage a more active play style with Whipclaw." this fits into the criteria that it AUTOMATES PLAY
    The Goal of this change was "Moving away from whipping at walls to damage enemies on the other side with more incentive to 'seek and snipe."

    The fix that was implemented was "Khora's Whipclaw line of sight checks are now a little more generous", "No longer with small rocks and detailed floor geometry block Whipclaw's explosion! Enemies behind that cover will not be hit by Whipclaw if you hit the front of the object that enemies are hunkering down behind. However if you strategically hit beside them, you will vanquish your foes."

    BTW this LoS "Nerf" didn't wreck Khora or their play rates, they're still strong and is among the top 5 played frames
    From this we can say that DE doesn't intend to make the ability entirely useless but to make it less lazy/braindead to play.
    I expect the same treatment on Dante and based from the title of this thread, that seems to be the goal.

    People had been acting as if the goal was to make the ability entirely useless when they're actually aiming for an in between which is reasonable if you're gonna base your expectations on what has already been done or had been communicated instead of what "I" want.

    12 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    One of the clearest pain points from the community is the inconsistencies in Tragedy’s Line of Sight (LOS) checks, and we can confirm that the following changes are already on deck for an upcoming hotfix: 

    • Tragedy not hitting ragdolled enemies that are within LOS

    • Increasing the number of LOS checks per enemy to improve the reliability of marginal hits 


  3. 45 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    Well then isn't this something to wake up to (And there are 3 threads about this, maybe we should merge them into one?)

    Well here is my take on this:

    I fully agree with Zaghyr here, while I admit I am a little bit disappointed that Dante is getting a "Nerf" (so to speak) I'm all in favour of giving him small or big adjustments to ensure not only he doesn't become dominant but also make it easier for other non-dante players to enjoy having him around. Even if he gets somewhat of a hit to his meta, that still won't change the fact that he'll always remain in my "Main" slot.

    Also, I don't know if Players just somehow skim over this but Reb said exactly this: 


    All DE is doing is as exactly as Zaghyr said: They are reviewing him and tweaking down some areas so he's not stupidly OP, Reb has made it clear that they want to keep Dante awesome, no matter what. (Sure this could all be just hot-air and a PR move) but I still think even after the adjustments Dante will still be a strong Frame.

    The only people who will be dropping Dante IMO are the AFK-Wukong Players and Rev/Mesa Players, who realize they can't let the game play it for them and that's fine by me, Dante will still remain as my favourite frame and I will adjust my build to whatever adjustment he gets.

    Even tho the only thing I can see changing is a Cap or two on his powers and a way for players to opt out of getting Overgaurd, we're not DE, all we can do is speculate


     So we'll have to wait and see but since players do want to speculate, here are what the adjustments will be:


    • Overgaurd is capped
    • LoS is added to his kit so he cannot nuke rooms as easily
    • Negative Efficiency will be looked at & adjusted (or Efficiency in general) < This one worries me only a little
    • Can no longer passively generate Overgaurd 
    • Either an Augment is made or Players can opt-out of Overgaurd
    • Adjust the Fire/Toxin & Slash detonation damage multiplier


    That's all I can see getting changed

    These are pretty much the changes I can see happening which is a good thing cause it doesn't really make Dante bad per say but just puts them inline with the rest

    Although I'm a bit wary of two these which are the Negative Efficiency and the Augment

    I've seen the Augment suggestion being thrown around to make sharing Overguard less "disruptive" on specific play styles but I don't like this as an answer simply cause its still doing the same thing but with extra steps which doesn't really solve it from being disruptive at all.
    I would prefer a review/change of Abilities and Mods that conflict with Overguard since it seems Overguard is here to stay as a mechanic and we'll just keep encountering the same issue down the line as more Frames get introduced with this on their Kit.

  4. I feel like people are being too sensitive to the word "Nerf" if anything

    I love Dante and at this point I can confidently say they're my favorite frame since I've always been a fan of Wizards and Magic and their whole kit reflects that accurately but even so I'd understand if DE decides to tweak them a bit. DE seems to had been very fair towards the changes they put in the game, at least fair enough to the extent that I have confidence in what they do.


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  5. Kullervo getting slow effects whenever they're near a Vauban's vortex (slow like impaired movement, floating in the air after you jump, slowmo casting speeds)
    Unique funny bug interaction😆

    Haven't tested this any further but if you're going to look into it, this happened to me while in Hydron on two separate instances
    Second instance was with another Kullervo in the party and they seemed to be getting slowed as well.

    Another thing I notice was some few troubles with Kullervo's teleport/1st
    While airborne it seems to have trouble teleporting to heavy attack enemies, could just be my aim though so need further testing on this. (this is for the heavy attack teleport)

    Next is if Kullervo has no headroom they can't teleport forward; The skill triggers but you don't move anywhere. I feel this is less of a bug but more a design of the skill, Kullervo hops first before appearing to the chosen location which is fine in most circumstances except if you don't have headroom, in which case you just bang your head onto the ceiling  (this is for the hold cast)

    Enjoying Kullervo otherwise, Thanks team 🥰

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