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  1. hey! we did try that but sadly didn't work, scroll up a little bit in the post
  2. update, I logged into warframe and it randomly works temporarily, comodo kill switch has the same results as when it doesn't work, incase that helps anyone P.S: NOT SOLVED, it randomly works then stops working again
  3. Update, still cannot identify what the issue is, support has not responded in 4 days Does anyone know a way I can reach support faster? Since it seems I am not the only person experiencing this issue Also, if someone here is into networking could you please take a look? Maybe it's just a lack of system network understanding
  4. So after using the COMODO app this is what I got as for my firewall, I believe it is authorized I'm guessing you're wondering what warf tcp and udp is, I basically made rules for the specific ports incase that was the issue - again truly thank you for responding quickly and providing these solutions, really appreciate it Edit: I did notice that for UDP ports 4960 & 4965 there is no "established" nor "close wait" status
  5. I tried using my phone's mobile hotspot (I believe that's what you meant), but still got the same error of check your firewall etc....
  6. as for step 1, how exactly do I do that? Can't manage to find it inside the firewall section step 2, UPnP is authorized step 3, UPnP is activated, but there are no values at all (Image Below) I tried the UPnP tester, didn't get any errors P.S: to make things clear, the issue isn't that there are 2 computers, even when there is just 1 computer it still gives the error - thank you a lot btw for the timely responses, really appreciate it
  7. tried this, it worked for the first 2 attempts then it just stopped working again
  8. I know this might not be the correct category, but I thought maybe someone here has managed to fix it. Me and my brother just returned to warframe after a long break, we used to play just fine with no problems regarding multiplayer but now we're surprised to both get the UDP 4950 and 4955 error, we tried multiple solutions including: - virtual servers (port-forwarding) - selecting different ports - using a vpn - disabling all firewalls - enabling upnp - installing the cloudflare WARP program but nothing seems to work, randomly we'd find it working but then it'd stop working again many people on my other forum post are also having the same issue, we really need help as the game is not much fun like this I've heard that people managed to fix this before, would anyone be able to assist us please? thank you!
  9. aha alright thank you both, it may have been longer than I remember, I'll search if I can find any screenshots of my MR or something. Really appreciate you responding, thanks!
  10. Me and my brother just returned to warframe after a long break, we used to play just fine with no problems regarding multiplayer but now we're surprised to both get the UDP 4950 and 4955 error, we tried multiple solutions including: - virtual servers (port-forwarding) - selecting different ports - using a vpn - disabling all firewalls - enabling upnp - installing the cloudflare WARP program but nothing seems to work, randomly we'd find it working but then it'd stop working again I've heard that people managed to fix this before, would anyone be able to assist us please? thank you!
  11. I stopped playing warframe some time ago, at which point I had obtained the weapon "broken war" which has a minimum mastery level of 10 (keep in mind, this is important for context) Today I started playing again and couldn't help but notice I am at mastery level 7? If I recall correctly I was at mastery level 11-13 if not above, and the broken war weapon proves my claim could someone assist me with what I should do, and does inactivity just remove mastery from your account? Turns out I also have another weapon that is min mastery level 11
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