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Posts posted by Vastarov

  1. On 25/3/2017 at 11:09 AM, MattM01 said:

    So much I could respond to in that remark that could get me banned for life when it comes to giving newbies incentives for starting Warframe. Promise...(make your own suggestions in your mind)LOL HA HA HA!!!!

    I have no idea what you actually meant with that - but yay! :D

  2. Well yeah, Derelict feels aamof a bit odd, compared to chart 3.0... I guess I'd like it to be addressed in the not-so-distant future, in order to make it more 3.0-like.

    Raids are instead a completely different thing, imo. You CAN'T do raids randomly with pubs, not ever - not really. You need a bit of "schooling" before raiding, and the fault is not even in how the raids are explained/presented in-game: it's a community problem, the bang bang pew pew derive that warframe took -oh!- about 2 years ago, just rushing in from room to room obliterating everything... but that doesn't work in a raid, of course, where you need to absolve tasks and shizzle...

    Tl;dr: Derelict needs changing; raids instead can't be played randomly.

  3. 13 minutes ago, (PS4)ArgusTheMan said:

    [...] due to wanting to deviate from meta weapons and experiment with stuff like the opticor and make it atleast 60% as good as a dread or rakta cernos (didn't even get close because problems lie with the weapons base stats of crit and charge time which mods can't fix without heavy sacrifice of damage which is all it has going for it)

    Dude, the Opticor's fine... in some occasions it outperforms Dread and R.Cernos - and don't forget that ammo pool, nothing even near the bow ammo pool.

    The Opticor is not meta, okay - but it's still the top damage dealing non-meta weapon, I can assure you.

    On topic: I was kinda okay with the rhythm at which forma is built - until I decided I wanted to FORMA ALL TEH WEAPANZZ!! or at least most of them, just for the heck of it.
    I needed to start buying the bundles, just couldn't keep up :I

  4. BSers. I ALWAYS bring weapons to level up in sorties, but since I'm high in MR and usually said weapons are at their 3rd/4th forma, I kinda still end up at the top.
    Sortie 3 is a defense today? Perfect! I'll bring only freshly forma'ed weapons, rank 0, and bring them to 30 in just one run - still, I'm gonna be a good asset to the team, 'cause I know how to use my warframe and I know how to properly mod my weapons.

    Forget about those people - you do you.

  5. Well, top 24 best sellers (plats, Tennogen etc) but top 3 f2p, just after DotA2 and TF!
    Kinda surprising :I


    1 hour ago, TheKurtiStryke said:


    1 hour ago, Blacksonfive said:


    Well, NoMan'sSky DID SELL, at the beginning - a lot - just based on hype.
    Gotta go check the playing time to see DA TRUFor the refunds...

  6. 13 hours ago, (PS4)WiiConquered said:

    If you want the grind to stop appearing, you have to take the step yourself to stop it, and refuse to buy anything designed to annoy you into purchasing.

    I don't want the grind to stop, I'd like it to be a bit more reasonable - that's all.
    If not: hey, I've already said it, I will just give up on playing some specific parts of the game. No harm done.

    13 hours ago, SkadiNyx said:

    I also bought the pack, because my boyfriend told me I would love Nidus and I wasn't able to get it normally because The War Within was crashing all the time when I was entering the Kuva Fortress, and after a week I had no answer from the support to fix my issue. I spent no real money for it, only plats I earned by selling Prime stuff, because I don't want to give DE money anymore. 
    So I had the Hema in the pack, but we still need to do the research in the Dojo for the rest of the members. We need 15K samples, we barely have 2K. We only have one really active member who had around 1K samples, 3 ( Including me ) who used to play a lot then came back after a pause to see the new content with less than 500 samples each, and a bunch of inactive/new players ( Mostly IRL friends who wanted to try the game ) who can't contribute. So we need to make 13K samples with 4 people, implying everyone wants and has the time to farm for only one research... This is insane

    Yeah I have problems with the Kuva Fortess too. Turns out the tileset itself was clogging my GPU, so I had to shut down some stuff in the graphics compartment... Still works though - even if at half the FPS as normal.

    And yeah: insane is the correct word, there. Plus, they're kinda being condescending pringles about the whole thing atm. Me don't like.

  7. 4 minutes ago, AtroSpiker said:

    It's really not worth it and I agree. They did 100 waves or something and got like 85 mutagen samples.

    Well, something was wrong, come on... they have to drop a bit more often in other missions/tilesets/planet configurations...
    Right?... RIGHT???

  8. 15 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

    It's simply untenable for players.


    Seriously though, I bought the whole package (Nidus, Hema, strictly-illegal-sparring-equipment and all) and it was the first time that I actually felt encouraged no, nonono, wrong word... pushed? prompted? advised? - annoyed into outright buying normal equipment from the market.

    Of course, I could have just had patience and farmed everything slowly and inesorably. I just thought this was the tallest, longest, most boring grind-wall I had ever seen since I decided to stop playing korean MMOs.
    Again, if it's just for once, forget about it - no harm done, I can pay.
    If this does become a trend though, I think I'll just watch video reviews and give up playing particular parts of the game hidden behind boring and repetitive mechanics and/or design choices.

    Still a good game, fair enough. Carry on :I

  9. 6 hours ago, Greenshockclaw said:

    Don't forget: the entirety of the relic system, Ivara, atlas, the sibear, limbo, kela 2.0, etc. 

    Except the Sibear, they were all still reasonable grind-walls -fences.
    500 mutagen samples from every single clanmate just to start a research... hmm nah, that's a bit over the top :I

  10. 3 minutes ago, Endorphinz said:

    Well if you have the mindset that everything must fall into your grasp right away on the very first day, then, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. 

    It's not a matter of time, it's a matter of repetitivity.
    I remember when I was playing Grand Chase and I would need to repeat the same mission about 200-400 times (give or take, depending on luck - actual data, not exaggerating) just to unlock a single character or job advancement. Of course WF is NOT at that level of grind, but the mindset has always been replayability and variety - and this kind of things kinda drift away a little from that idea.

  11. Just saying: bad move, DE.
    Always supported both popular and unpopular design choices, fixes, reworks... they always fit the big picture more or less.

    The resources grind-wall though seems taken from a korean MMO that desperately needs premium subscribers.
    Mind me: my remark is actually much more savage than it may sound at first.

    You won't get new resources boosters sales, you won't get more people outright buying the weapons with platinum - bottomline, you won't sell more platinum than normal.
    Partly because in the Tenno mindset platinum is mostly for cosmetics and/or limited offers.
    Only thing you'll get is a pissed-off playerbase, that will play like mad to farm the required resources, then burn out on the game and create those really funny holes in the sales during the year that are so difficult to explain and sometimes cope with.

    Just saying. I don't mind the grind (been playing korean MMOs for a long time), it just doesn't fit your award-winning strategy.
    Sorry :I

  12. That's the problem, having to do the same mission, the same map, the same objective over and over again.
    Of course, one could just farm the new things a bit at a time, maybe doing something else between the many runs - but if there's something new on the horizon naturally you would want to get there as soon as possible.
    Bad idea, yes. if it was on different mission types, at least...

  13. Am I the only one to find it so easy not to care?...

    Why all the mumbo jumbo... You wanna keep your elite equips for yourself? It makes you feel better if you have them and most others don't?
    Vote no and we'll see what DE actually decides to do.


    P.s.: not trying to be condescending or antagonizing, just saying: keep things in their own scale and proportions, people. It hurts in the long run to magnify things so little.

  14. 5 hours ago, (XB1)B2T PichuFrenzy said:

    Yes, but there is still an issue if your explosive weapon is modded to do toxin damage to bypass enemy shields. 

    Well, you're kinda asking for it, in that case... I mean, c'mon... XD

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