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Posts posted by Vastarov

  1. [...] strega translated from Italian old is witch, later means orange flavored liqueur  [...]

    It STILL means "witch" in modern Italian XD

    The liqueur is called like that because of the witch's silhouette drawn on the etiquette.

    - TRIVIA -

    And "malefica" actually means "Maleficent" - and that is in both istances the name of a favored DIznez villain!

  2. Remember when Vay Hek had a body?

    Oh yes! And he actually USED the shotgun named after him!


    5. The Disapproving Ash Glitch

    Arms folded and completely immune to bullsnozz (and damage, but mostly he was just done with your S#&$)

    Sometimes I still giggle when I look at my Ash in noble stance thinking of the Immortal Moralizator glitch XD

  3. [...] And a construction tileset for pluto, since they're rebuilding terminus [...]

    Pluto construction tileset absolutely, I was thinking the same thing.

    And ruins of the human civilization around the Origin System - I guess there would still be some, even after the Orokin era, the Sentient invasion and the post-humans expansion.

    Then I guess

    separating the Moon from Earth would be nice too... it feels weird like that, mixed with Earth's nodes.

    But I guess that would have to wait for the Star Chart revamp to be viable.


    For Tau, there's still time. If it's really a thing (and not -insert various theories about Tau non being a thing-) then it will play a big-big part in the story, but... Well, the cap is still MR21, so the content before Tau will be almost doubled, that's my guess. XD

    But yeah. Tau.

  4. [...] I mean look at the history. In all that time the humans never built any craft? No weapons? [...]

    They didn't, because they all died in the last war, exterminated by the Sentients.

    There are only post-humans: the cloned Grineer, the engineered Corpus and the Tenno - the latter being most of the time unactive in cryosleep.

    And the Tenno are NOT warmongers and assault troops, they are NINJAS, stealth intruders, special forces. They are a VERY selected few, numbering few tens of thousands, while Grineer and Corpus number in the millions (billions??).

    If the Tenno ever got the insane idea of attacking either Corpus or Grineer, the sheer numbers of both would just obliterate them.

    How many Tenno died since the live Beta of the game? And how many Grineer/Corpus?

    It might just be a game, but I still think numbers are important and CAN be validated tu support a theory.

    And if you don't accept this explanation, you're one of three:

    1) too young

    2) too slow

    3) troll

    and I don't like any of them.

  5. [..] I have never heard the devs say that the Primes are upgraded versions of the warframes... [...]

    Actually it should already be somewhere in the lore, I distinctly remember reading about it.


    ... ... ...

    Unless it was cut out at some point and I never realized?? ( ° -°)

    I'll have to check all the codex again just to be sure, but it's there.

  6. [...] my clan requires a 20 wave run by the end of the event or you get kicked. [...]

    Oh! What a good occasion to find another clan...

    If they're an elitist clan that strives for excellence, but they're not able to grasp the concept of "mishap" - or "hiccup" or whatever else you may call it if you don't finish the 20 waves requested - then your clan leaders have some serious social problem.

    I'm sure that if you explain that you had no chance of getting to 20 waves - all problems considered - they will "close an eye" on it.

    If not: screw 'em. They must be S#&$ty people IRL too, anyways.

  7. @Player.G
    Ehmm... How to say it... You missed the whole point. And twisted every single thing I said.
    Aaaand kept whining. "Not fair, not fair".

    TBH i didn't use a FE build to get to 15 waves. It took me three tries and I didn't get farther than 15 - I'm not that good, I have no problem admitting it.
    Aaaand I was using Banshee. Is Banshee considered broken or something, these days?... Honestly don't know.

    You want to be right? Go ahead. You're right.

    Still a really good event in my opinion. Maybe not everything was in everyone's reach, but the biggest parts were playable and enjoyable by any player - as well as the biggest rewards, which were veeeery easily obtained even by low MRs.

    And... What is it that I should finish?... Or maybe your English is just as broken as your perception of fairness?


  8. Wow. Do you even read? What about who has no access to syndicate weapon? That's problem Since they also contributed to the event by killing other acolytes. My point stand. 50 cap is pathetic design for a community event.

    By what standard is it pathetic?

    You cannot survive without your nukes? Or without constant blessing from a Trinnie?

    May I remind you of a thing called "efficiency"? It works wonders! Even with a 50 energy cap!

    But wait... oh really? You don't have Fleeting Expertise? Nor do you have any syndicate weapon???

    You're right, it's not fair. Maybe we should just ask DE to give all the top-tier mods and weapons to all players for free.

    Also, go to your boss and ask him to double your salary and reduce your working hours. Might as well ask him to let you go to town on his wife too.

    OR MAYBE we humans have something called "achievement": it's when you're granted a bonus of some sort after reaching a particular goal.

    There are things in life that you have to earn, and sometimes - as petty as it might sound - even in games.

    So stop whining like a spoiled child and:

    1) learn how to mod properly

    2) spend a bit more time into the game before going off about how "unfair" it is that you can't have end-game equipment right off the bat.

    If after these two easy steps you still can't cope with the unfairness of this particular game, try playing something else.

    It's detrimental to fret about something you don't even like - is it not?

  9. Honestly I'm still puzzled by some players here and there that think the Prime frames were the original ones.

    They were not.
    They were shiny, upgraded variations on the original armors/skins/flesh-containers built by the Orokins (most probably for the high-ranking warriors in the war against the sentients) and if I may add (Warning: Second Dream spoilers - well they're kind of everywhere now...)

    quite some time after Transference was adopted and Warframes were mass-produced.

    The Mirage we use now is a copy of the original Mirage, the one who died laughing while ripping heads off of sentients' bodies.
    The Limbo we use now is a copy of the original Limbo, whose pieces were floating around in space or buried deep in the soil of some lesser habited planet.

    But I'm digressing... I just cancelled 30 or so other lines about the Orokin Age... Not the right topic.

    Following the same line of thought, the Prime version of Valkyr will have nothing to do with the post-Corpus survivor, since that was the original one and not a


    shiny upgraded one.
    The original Valkyr was most probably captured and tortured still during the war with the Sentients, so Valkyr Prime will be based off the pre-Corpus model since the Orokins did have access to the old, untainted one. Instead we don't.

    The blueprints we have are post-Corpus because that's what we were left with, and now after a long research we were able to trace back to the original projects - thus the Gersemi Skin. She's NOT the original Valkyr, but she's a copy with the same physical appearance. Just a PBR-galore for Valkyr aficionados, but it can still fit in the lore.

    Concerning the abilities, Valkyr Prime's will be THE EXACT SAME as the ones we already know (and love?), since Alad V's tampering had no effect whatsoever on the extent of her skills - it just shifted her focum from "feral hunter" to "I'm f***ing pissed".

    I think I went long on this one. But I like Valkyr. And Warframe's lore. And trains.

  10. Speaking on my part i don't even know what mods i got from the event,i'm just enjoying it, a lot. Those acolyte fights, awesome, awesome pve fights. Nowi would like to know who they really are and where they came from or what made them turn to stalker xD whatever mods dropped are a bonus,i got a new weapon .new skin, 2 potatoes that came in handy and more stuff for the lore, i'm a happy man

    This. Sir, you're a true player.

    About the drop rates, I may feel a bit disappointed but still can't complain.

    If you really want to attach some kind of "meaning" to the bad luck you experienced, think of it as Karma: do you remember that time you found that ultra-rare mod even though you weren't even looking for it? Good, now you're paying for it.

    Me? I went into a couple medium-grind sessions, got a bunch of interesting mods and went on with other things. If there's something I missed and really can't do without, I'll get it from other players - HEY! we can trade stuff! How convenient!

    I have kind of mixed feelings about the acolytes "dying" fast... I guess for me it was more a sort of adrenaline rush - "I'm gonna get this &@£%&*! LEMME AT IT!!"

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