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Posts posted by Vastarov

  1. On 9/7/2016 at 5:50 PM, BlackCoMerc said:

    -snip- Unlike you, however, we don't find this enemy either fun or engaging.

    Then it's a matter of taste.
    Should we eliminate or drastically change the Nullifiers because you don't like them?
    Should you be pushing your own taste onto the whole community?

    That's preposterous. It happens so that the vast majority of players have no problem whatsoever with the nullifiers. And until the voices against these enemies raise up to a big percentage of the playerbase (let's say more than 3/4), the change is not gonna happen.

  2. Just now, Gunstray said:

    Stop playing in jupiter for once mate? How about trying that shiny new void tears where it rains healers, bombards, and more nullfiers?

    You're assuming I just play on Jupiter-tier levels. But I actually enjoy endless-type missions against Corpus - so your assumption is wrong, MATE (don't be buddy-buddy, i eat sarcasm for breakfast).
    And I did try the new Tears - it was a bit more challenging than normal, I was unprepared the first time I went in, but it was still manageable.

  3. Why?

    Streamlined experience of the game world, quests and gaming possibilities unlocked in a progressive fashion, getting the community back on the starchart and not only on a single node for power-grinding (and that gives you the possibility of enjoying fully the entirety of the game) and all in all better chances of actually playing with other people anywhere in the map, no matter when/why.

    I'm pretty sure future updates on the Void Tears system will solve the newly-found repetitivity of prime-farming.

  4. 43 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    Luna is not from Sci-Fi, it's literally the Latin name for the moon. Or the Greek, can't remember exactly right now.

    Latin (and Italian -Edit: and Spanish, and probably Romanian).
    In Ancient Greek it (she :3) is called "Selìnis" (the two "i"s are ìtas/étas). But there should be also another name in Modern Greek...

  5. It's a really nice design! It's called "Aleph: the first Promethean".
    It wasn't meant for Warframe, though. The artist made it combining ideas from different franchises.

    It's the design that introduced him to DE, though, since after "Aleph" he went on designing a couple of deluxe skins already in the Market at the moment ;)

  6. 1 hour ago, Trichouette said:


    Why ? Because they don't try their own game before releasing updates to the public


    How? Test servers.
    You're just not included in the testing process, I guess.
    But it's just common sense to know these things as a gamer... :/


    11 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    [...]I know bugs can be tricky to spot, but when it's something that is there ALL THE TIME you can't tell me a single dev testing it wouldn't have noticed.

    Anyway I won't say anything anymore because otherwise a moderator will (again) ban me for saying the truth.

    ... aaaaand from this I'm pretty much sure that you know nothing of programming and testing and you're just a kid (maybe just at mind, still the same).

  7. Well...
    Eris is completely covered in methane ice on the surface, so it would just be an endless expanse of white - no hills, ho mountains, no nothing, just white forever and starry sky above.

    It would be easy enough to compile though, that for sure XD

    Edit: OMG! 
            The Mastery "Rank Up" map's location is ACTUALLY ERIS! :O

  8. 1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

    [...] Look at what happened to Gojira.  :D

    Oh GAWD! my eyes had just stopped bleeding! T.T

    I was actually born into both! Easy win! :D
    This kind of word-play is pretty "common" in Jap (you know the western horoscope-thing? Multiply ten-folds and apply it to every single name D: )

  9. 23 hours ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Ninja is actually another way of pronouncing Shinobi, which itself translates directly into something similar to Stealer In (as in sneak inside).  Not sure where you got the carrot thing from.  

    Sure. Thanks.
    It's a very old pun on "人参" (or "ニンジン" if you can read it better... ... urgh... ಠ_ಠ )
    Go study! (Both Jap and English, damit! "Stealer in"... just kill me...)

    Back on topic: I still find WF very much ninja-like... why do so many people have such a narrow conception of "ninja"? I'm baffled...

  10. @Hybridon
    Hmmm I believe they're already working towards dedicated servers (like for the relays).
    I think for now they're testing the Generous Bandwidth DonorTM program, which makes use of the better machines to host for the neighboring matches - but I think it's still alpha.

  11. "Ninja" doesn's always mean "stealth", kiddo.
    It actually means "carrot".
    But I'm digressing...

    A ninja, according to historical descriptions, is a warrior who "overpowers its foes with technique, power and speed".
    Stealth skills are the hardest to train (since we humans are born loud, clumsy and distracted), so they were the most applauded abilities of the shinobi - but not the only ones.

    Paradoxically, a ninja could have also been a bear-sized grunt, with herculean strenght and slow as a donkey (no offense to donkeys) - but as long as he could overpower his foes and belonged to a shinobi clan, damit! he was a ninja.

  12. Hmmm I don't know... it looks a bit crooky and deformed to me... :/

    The pelt though - it's almost completely metallic and playing around with colours Chrome looks like a proper metallic half-dragon from D&D! ( * o*)

    Edit: AH! I like Excalibur's skin a lot, since it's basically an "HD port" of Aiden's armor from Dark Sector - I get a bit nostalgic at times... (sic!)
    But I have to confess, I fell for the Sentient Slayer skin from the Workshop - and lately I've only been using that one.

  13. I'll start! :]

    It would be cool to have a click'n'drag dynamic for curve balls (I got the idea from a bunch of old timey golf games).
    Curve throws would practically work only with charged shots, having at the "click" the initial direction and towards the "drag" the curved trajectory.
    It might make curve shots maybe too easy to execute, but I think the gameplay would benefit overall.

    Another idea of mine was to create courts with two rings on each side instead of one.
    They wouldn't be too far apart from each other - just at a single ring-unit distance in order to create the "penalty shot" type tension.
    Honestly, I'm specializing as a "goalkeeper" (basically, if I don't do it, no one else even tries), and I haven't let a single shot past me since day two... Maybe with two rings the challenge would increase accordingly.
    Also, I think a single bigger ring wouldn't work - too big a target - that's why two twin rings could be a nice upgrade.
    It would perhaps work better in bigger stadiums, maybe specifically for 4 players... but that links into the next idea.

    BIGGER COURTS! Or maybe just a bit convoluted, with pits, platforms and multiple layers!
    And a horde of Clem clones as audience.

    Warfames specializing in certain skills!
    For example, Zephyr is already the Queen of Air Battles - for obvious oxium-related facilitations.
    What if Rhino and Atlas were the best "checking-machines" of the bunch? With longer slides and more powerful unstable shots?
    And a couple other frames could be better at throwing curves, or faster at charging shots, or more resistant to checking...

    These are my 2pennies for now.

    Edit: AH! Of course a ranking system would be awesome, with averages and stuff.
    Also Tournaments, with proper teams (maybe organized as events? but I guess the related schedule would be problematic...)

  14. I know that Lunaro is super-fresh and new and we're still in the primordial phase of fixing and balancing and finding out what is what - BUT! we ain't happy until we haz moar!
    So i think the time has already come to start spitting out some cool additions and evolutions for this wonderful Conclave mode.

    I'll update every list with all the reasonable ideas that will come up along the thread (and maybe a couple silly ones).


    - "click'n'drag" mechanics for throwing curve balls
    - different key bindings for passing (or a smarter passing AI)


    Match types/settings:

    - Tournaments, Championships, Cups (maybe organized as events, with proper teams)
    - Ranking system (highest goals/saves/assists average, most time spent inside own area per match, etc etc)


    - convoluted courts, with pits, platforms and multiple layers
    - two twin rings instead of one, to create the goalkeeping tension

    Warframes' specialities:

    - "Queen of Air Battles" Zephyr
    - "Checking Kings" Rhino and Atlas (longer thrusts and more powerful unstable shots)
    - "Quickdraw" *someone (faster charged shots)
    - "BALLISTIC BANANA" *someone (better curve throws/shots)


    Ye olde Silly Corner:

    - HATS! There's never enough hats, in any given game/workplace/social gathering


  15. Yeeeeeh- the title is kind of a spoiler.
    Maybe even bigger than Second Dream's, since it's linked to a big chunk o'lore.

    I agree with point 1 and 2.
    Concerning Hunhow though: he's a Sentient, and Sentients don't give two *DOODELEEDOOS* about humans and post-humans.
    So my guess is: Hunhow calls Salad an "Orokin" 'cause he considers humans and post-humans the same thing - basically "non-synthetic lifeforms".
    <<HEY YOU! OROKIN VERMIN! *What? you're a Grin-what? Bah... squishy beings and their auto-determination compulsive obsession...>>

    And btw, I don't think there's much difference biologically between Orokin and Corpus - it's mostly a cultural thing.

  16. To the PROS that keep saying that Formas are easy to get:

    they're not. At least, not if you use them constantly.

    For example, I always need Formas, and there's always some dumb TUZZIFRUZZI in my clan saying <<How is it possible?? I have at least thirtysixteenthousand Formas and just as many BPs!!11!>>
    It's possible for me because I possess 150ish weapons, all stored up in my inventory, and most of them have 4-5 Formas squeezed between trigger and barrel.
    And all my frames too...

    So yeah, keep saying Formas are easy to get and amass in large quantities - to me, that just says you're not hardcore enuff brah!

    Regarding the main topic: I sure hope that Formas will still be available in the Towers and NOT through the new Void Tears. If the Void Tears are the hip-est answer to bad RNG that DE could come up with, they'd better not put those dam golden jigsaws back into the equation (I can't even...)

  17. On 24/6/2016 at 0:26 PM, (PS4)JaviOnTheRocks said:

    It's bad enough already that the corrupted faction is just a reskin of the other factions.

    Well... they ARE enemies of other factions corrupted by the Towers' mind-controlling technology/space magic/thingamajig...
    So I guess it's kind of natural that they are a "reskin" of other factions, since they DO come from other factions :/

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