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Posts posted by MotherCorpus

  1. The helmet probably scramble coms to avoid the Tenno from understanding their strategies. You can see that without it they speak pretty normally, just go and do a capture mission that you will notice it when they are screaming for their lives.

    lol When you make them talk, they'll TALK!!! Bwahahaha! >:3

  2. In short, its just some tenno that seeks revenge of the bosses u killed and will come poofing into yr dungeon runs to keel u(which either will or maybe if yr strong enough to fight back to show him yr strength).

    but ultimately he will still come back to seek revenge even if u managed to send him back to his realm. (he prolly uses fb to stalk u and see if yr online then poof into yr dungeon and keel u!)

    LOL Send him back to the Shadow Realm. haha XD

  3. a comic book would be great, I know Hawken (another F2P game) uses eComics to help estbalish their game's lore.

    I play Hawken too, kinda new to it, but I didn't know they had a comic! That's cool! I do know that Blacklight Retribution (F2P soon to be on PS4) has a comic on youtube aswell.

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