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Posts posted by nakatotaiyou

  1. As you mentioned in your first post, you believe Cells aren't not a metagame. Here's why they are, and why level restrictions are critical.

    Right now, when a new frame/weapon comes out, most high Mastery players are going to slap it on other level 30 gear and take it to Xini/Terminus to power level it in only a few hours. We are burning through content. Even if they designed a new frame and weapon every week, we'd PL it and then be bored, as we're doing the exact same thing with a slightly different model.

    Most players however, don't have every frame and weapon. Thus, they still have huge opportunities to utilize low level content - they don't have to de-level.

    What motivation do I have to create an Ember and a Burston? Currently, none. I know Ember and Burston aren't great(I have ~20 items at 30). But Cells give me a reason to start again. I won't de-level - I'll use, learn and enjoy more of Warframe's already existent content. And, I won't be burning through it.

    Then, sure, go back to grinding Xini for a few levels if you like. But remember there will be a level 8 Agent Difficulty Cell you've missed, and a LV 9 Easy that's specific to Latron that you never leveled up, and your buddy needs help with a level 10 and.....well you get the point.

    Cells aren't just about doing a bunch of missions in a row. They are the element Warframe needs to get it's players to 'stop and smell the roses' - to enjoy the journey, not just rush to the top.

    ehhh so you're saying the point is to give motive to use new weapons/frames? i much prefer the current motive which is im using what i enjoy most using, this way it feels ill either have to use some weapon i dont like or delevel my favourites ones, in both cases something i wouldnt want to do... my point is that the problem isnt people burning through content by power leveling them, its that we need to give more motive as to their actual usage, not force players to delevel or use stuff they dont like. how are story missions a metagame? just because you are forced to use new content? i want to use new content because i like it, not so i could just have access to a mission. actually what you wrote at the end, you said:

    Cells aren't just about doing a bunch of missions in a row. They are the element Warframe needs to get it's players to 'stop and smell the roses' - to enjoy the journey, not just rush to the top.

    what warframe needs is something that they can do when they reach the top, the journey is already enjoyable. i think cells are a nice idea as missions, but as far as metagame goes they do nothing but force players to use more equipment. i instead think we should be using weapons/frames that suit our playstyles and we enjoy using . i think thats why mastery rank doesnt unlock too much equipment, if it did players like me would be forced to use equipment they dont like, then throw it away, just in order to reach a mastery rank. your cells work exactly the same way in that aspect.

  2. this is already possible by the wallrun melee attack or by doing a slide after you jump backwards from the wall but its a good idea, more freedom in movement is never bad

  3. also i dont think level restrictions are a good idea, just make lower level cells give worse rewards, forcing you to delevel will just lead to uneccesary grinding, there is enough motive to use formas already and that is to mod and perfect your weapon exactly the way you want it.

  4. To the OP:


    Worst idea ever.


    Talk about LAZY LAZY LAZY content creation! My God.


    Don;t let the developers get off this easy  - they should create NEW content, not just recycle existing content and throw enemies with more hitpoints and aimbot accuracy at us.


    My God.


    This generation of gamers is just a sorry mess. Sometimes I think we actually deserve the crap games being thrown at us when we ask for things like the OP's idea.





    what lazy content creation? he just asked for the option to make the existing content more difficult with greater reward, he wrote about the game's difficulty not doing this in place of new content...

    my god, this generation of idiots simply cant read.

  5. still, more before recycle. there would be literally nothing to get the player excited if all they did was just copy paste game then increase difficulty, why bother playing the higher tiered stuff when there is NO DIFFERENCE. itll be the same grind, itll just take alot more effort. this thread should have ended 2 pages ago. instead its just the same idea being recycled without any of the readers actually thinking about this idea at all.

    he didnt say do this instead of new content, this takes too little time and no effort to implement, ofc we want new content, this is is something different.
  6. "This game has 219 levels... and you guys think you want more. Well, you don't."



    1. You guys don't even realize what you're asking for... you want the devs to create more levels and don't realize they would use the same tile sets, that the tile sets organize themselves for the levels at random each time. There. Is. Literally. No. Flippin. Difference. Don't you get this or am I using another language (maybe grineer?) This idea is 100% inflation of levels. I.N.F.L.A.T.I.O.N. (Imagine I pour water into your cereal, your milk will dilute.) Tasty isn't it?;D More levels into the game! :| no. Choose any level in the game and its organized differently every time... there are your endless levels for you.


    2. lol Yeah. So is removing your mods. You want more difficulty but still the flash and sparkles, remove critical mods and keep low level fire/ice/electricity... the effect is the same of what you're asking for and the devs don't have to change anything.


    3. It is lacking something, you're right. But you're also wrong if you think it's levels. This game has 219 levels... and you guys think you want more. Well, you don't. What you really want is some distinction between the levels. Because 100% of the tiles are reused over and over and over and over again... and you're idea is to create more levels and use the tiles over and over and over again. This, is inflation. It dilutes the game. This game would be 99% the same if there were only 9 levels, maybe 20 realistically. They failed in their goal which was to create a randomly generating game-world of levels... because they didn't dig deep enough into procedural mapping. You can't reuse tiles like this and expect it not to get boring, it works for Terraria and Minecraft because the tiles are small and the user interacts with the levels differently every time only when the world is created procedurally on a micro scale. Warframe isn't created procedurally on a micro scale. To do this they would have had to not build the levels and let code build the levels from assets in their asset packages. It would be a lot more programming and less work from artists in dragging stuff around in their world editor for their tiles/rooms etc. This game would have succeeded in their so-called procedural levels had they attempted to create levels out of the asset packages directly... but that level of procedural development is insanely difficult which is why no one has even attempted it, I think it can be done but they haven't done it.


    Just to give you an idea of what I mean: imagine the entire game world (for the level) would procedurally be put together with all the objects, not the rooms (the rooms wouldn't exist and you would never ever see the same room again even playing this level 1000 times over), but the objects, platforms, boxes, wall, stones etc. they would all be put together procedurally based upon a complex set of rules... and it would do this every time you played a level. FIrst-off, the levels would take about a few minutes to process before you even start, not the few seconds it takes to load now.


    This game has 219 levels and you're going to sit their and tell me it's lacking levels... you have no idea what you're talking about.

    from what i can see you just do not want to read what mindlessframe has wrote and just go on and on about irrelevant issues, he talked about increasing challenge/difficulty you're talking about level design.

    also how is removing mods better than what mindlessframe suggested? what you said takes away weapon/frame customization while giving no reward for the challenge... and the devs dont change anything with this other than the level of the enemies which im sure is nowhere near hard or time consuming to do.

  7. Be nice to create some kind of motive to upgrade your items/mods instead of removing them for a challenge.. And how is playing the same levels over and over again as it is not diluting? 


    This is not something you have to do and is optional for people looking for something more.  Because this game is seriously lacking something more... And by more I don't mean more weapons and warframes.  This more is not time consuming or hard to do.

    couldnt have said it better
  8. Not sure.


    Would be cool to unlock an new solar system for sure, but NOT THE SAME ONE.

    I mean, after doing all of the current planets there is just nothing less to discover and i feel that, that is, boring.


    Increasing on how much damage the enemies will do and how much bullets they can take, will NOT make the came more enjoyable, not even a bit.


    But that ladies and tennos, is my opinion.

    i would agree with you about increasing enemy stats does not make the game more enjoyable, but not in this case, the game even at pluto is simply too easy, and yes having a new solar system and more stuff to discover would be nice, however that takes time. mindlessframe has already replied about a similar argument in the first page, his suggestion does not take time, is too easy to implement and is optional.
  9. This is so pointless it's beyond pointless (I don't mean this as an insult, I literally mean there is no point. It's inflation.)... do I have to remind you all the levels use the same tiles? Which means the only thing that is changing is the difficulty. Which means the only thing you have to do is choose a higher difficulty planet... because those same tiles are used on lower level planets... sry but this idea is quite literally pointless. On those higher difficulty planets you also get higher drop rates of mods etc. So literally all you're saying here can be remedied with a response that you should just start playing harder planets. To satisfy your points you are making all you have to do is farm harder levels. Maybe stop farming Kiliken and go to Pluto :P It seems as though you just get satisfaction from unlocking UI markers on your screen. Where is the value in that?


    The problem isn't the levels, that they're aren't enough or they are too easy. The problem is that they are all the same and there are too many. You can't select any one level in this game and know you will get the same thing every time. This very feature is the core premise to their level design. Nor with high odds of it being the same. The problem is the design is focused on A to B, it being too linear is one issue. The only other type is defense which is to stay at A. Usually in more interesting games you have more story and motivation to progress the story of the game as the motivating factor. This type of game and many other like it have turned into farming games, a high-tech Farm-ville. Farm resources for weapons, items and warframes becomes the point of the game and motivating factor to continue playing. And then what? The last frontier is PvP and they put their feet in the water with Dojos. BTW Dojos should all link to a central Tenno hub which anyone can go to so that EVERYONE has the ability to fight one another... not just people in your Dojo. This limiting factor is like shooting yourself in the foot.



    The game is trying to let people create their own experience but it's like the overbearing parent that gives their kid a car and limits where they can drive. Custom warframes would be exponentially times better than power-ranger warframes which we currently have... and refined modular procedural levels would do away with the limiting tile system. Think something more refined and detailed like terraria where or mine craft where the randomness happens on a much more fine a smaller scale. The levels compensate for this with their various environmental elements which are often randomly spawned. This game is an experiment ahead of its time in many ways, it doesn't really know what it is. Adding inflation of more levels is a leap backwards imo.



    Imo this is the type of mess that comes about when the devs never finalized a GDD. The game is unfolding in front of our eyes so it is quite literally an experiment in game design in many aspects.

    only there arent hard levels, yes pluto is harder than freaking venus, but even pluto is a joke to a good equipped warframe. i really dont see anything bad with this suggestion, easily implemented, is optional, doesnt force anything on players and adresses the game's easiness to some extent. the stuff you mentioned are important too but have nothing to do with fixing the game's difficulty, this is just too easy to implement and doesnt take away anything.

    however i can see some problems, for example when you get a new weapon/frame and you want to level it it will be too time consuming if you had to do it on level 40 enemies, i suggest being able to switch to lower/higher tiers for the solar system whenever you want, however higher tier only being unlocked when you complete every mission on the previous tier.

  10. :O some neat tricks you got there with the teleport!

     i still think it would be cool if you got a small melle damage buff for the next attack, which i don´t think would op the spell.


    You might be right about Shuriken, 2k damage is too much. But i think the Shurikens should just not be able to home in to the same target, unless Bullet Attractor is applied. This way the skill would be very usefull for small groups, and only deal really high damage if used in conjunction with a teammate.


    Bladestorm is completely broken right now(due to a bug) and is up for a rework anyway so i think on that front it´s best to wait with what the devs come up.

    as i said i love your suggestion to give the next melee attack damage buff after teleport. still cant decide if firing 3 shurikens will be OP, it may not be... they only home to a single target if its the only thing left, like an ancient in infested defense but thats rarely the case so you cant really abuse it... maybe if you walk up to a target and use shuriken at point blank range, and even then it will be just for one enemy so its not anything important, and ash could use some more effectiveness vs groups

    im afraid we will have to wait for several updates or even update 9 to see such changes... well ash is my favourite even as he is right now so no big deal

  11. yup fixing the bugged crowd dispersion is what needs to be done first to make wyrm useful again. the shotgun idea seems okay too, although not really necessary for me, dethcube has better dps with his machine gun but that is reasonably so considering he is more useful than wyrm against single targets, while wyrm is better for groups, cube having higher dps is fine by me, since wyrm has an aoe stun ability.

  12. i think just increasing damage of the the next melee strike after teleport will be great i think, as suggested here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/62019-ash-overhaul/. doing that stealth kill animation would make ash gameplay less fluid, slower and more stationary i think. you can do some various things to deal with enemies hitting you just as you teleport to them. use smoke screen before teleporting so you arrive invislbe, crowd dispersion(if it worked)/vaporize help as well since they activate just right after the teleport and a very cool trick i found today, do the flying kick(sprint>jump>crouch) and teleport while in the air, after the teleport you will do the flip as usual but you will knock the enemy you teleported to down because of the flying kick and often any enemies around it, allowing you to follow up with a ground finisher or whatever you want to do.

  13. firing off 3 shurikens maybe is too strong, as much as id like it, especially when there is one target left that would result in 1500 damage, 1950 with a maxed focus... shuriken is already very useful with 2 firing off, up to the devs to decide if it will be OP when firing 3 at once i guess. also what do you mean more range? it homes to targets, as far as i know it has infinite range, the only problem is when enemies are behind cover with their head sticking out shurikens will just hit the cover... which is not important anyway since ash has great mobility to deal with that.

    about smoke screen, duration and stun is fine, duration can be increased with continuity and im fine without even that anyway, why would you need more stun when you are invisible? plus it would make excalibur's radial blind pretty redundant... although the melee bonus damage could use some increase i agree, maybe make focus affect it.

    teleport is pretty amazing already, you can do some neat tricks with it. when facing groups you can activate smoke screen beforehand so when you teleport inside them you are invisible and in prime position to slash everything. if wyrm's crowd dispersion worked you could easily use that to your advantage to teleport into a group and stun them with crowd dispersion then kill them. also something i found today, you can jump and do the flying kick( jump>crouch) then teleport to some enemy while you are still in the air and doing the flying kick, after the teleport you will do the flip as usual but you will knock the enemy you teleported to down because of the flying kick and often any enemies around it, allowing you to follow up with a ground finisher or whatever you want to do., which is very useful when you have a weapon without a knockdown like dual heat swords. teleport is pretty amazing and fun right now. your idea of increasing damage of the next melee strike is amazing i think, it will have great synergy with the flying kick>teleport trick and the melee channel mod.

    finally bladestorm... it simply kills groups too slow, most of the time you can kill groups faster using smoke screen/shuriken/weapons which is interesting since it makes ash more effective vs groups when he doesnt spam ubers like other frames. the advantages is you can cast it from any range and sometimes handles groups that are too spread out better than the rest of his abilities. i just hope they polish the animation but not make it even slower. and make it so the clones it leaves behind do not look like the default ash but like the one you are using!

  14. Nothing wrong with it, If it is Optional.


    Force the difficulty on people and you end up with a game like Dark Souls that only a few people play (IE, DE would go out of business).


    OPTIONAL difficulty in a game is awesome. However, the game should also be casual too, for those who like the game, but don't like nail-biting gameplay. Some of us like to relax while gaming.

    dark souls did extremely well as far as profit goes to my knowledge.
  15. How does it create problems with movement? your camera angle is stuck at the same place all the time and you can still see your cursor, I can't understand how you can complain about this. If they make it like Loki's Invisibillity, making him visible in a transparent way, also known was very ugly, I would have nothing to do in the game anymore, I have everything I want in the game, I have no more goals, I only play for the satisfaction I get from using Ash's Smokescreen and see the the slice markings on my screen tear up enemies while I'm totally invisible. Not transparent which is disgusting looking.

    are you blind? i already said something like loki's invi would be a bad choice... it can make you fail some of the harder wallruns, though you rarely do those after smokescreen,or mess up slashing toxic ancients at max range so you dont get poisoned, however these are minor problems... i dont mind if it stays the way it is now, i kinda like it to be honest, but objectively it does have some practical issues, although small.
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